Did not like the unis... looked like the Bazooka Bubblegum team. I love the traditional Buckeye style. Celebration penalties are out of control. Hope the NCAA takes a long look at that situation over the winter.
As for our "unsportsmanlike conduct" penalties, here is a good shot of the Nike gloves the kids were wearing and the Block O made by putting the hands together....this was a penalty by the way. No doubt because Tressel and his kids are well known for their lack of discipline and over the top histrionics...... :roll:
That penalty brought back memories from the Bob Davie days when a ND WR (Bobby Brown) flashed a sign to the crowd to the crowd and was penalized after a TD in a very tight game at Mich. He held his hands together and they formed a triangle, which we later learned was a sign for a Nat'l Black Service Fraternity. BS call back then and BS call yesterday.
Speaking of penalties, the pic below shows my favorite call of the day.......penalty on the Buckeye WR :!: busting his ass blocking downfield for Herron's long run off the goal line. Obviously not a factor in the game, but a real shame in that in prevented Boom Herron from setting the all-time record for longest run from scrimmage.....penalty on Sanzenbacher???? WTF?
Yeah that was a bad call....Though even so he tied the record of a guy on the 1942 team that was being honored.