one of the critiques of Charlie's approach, and I think this is fair if true (which I believe it to be) is that he had a very NFL-esque approach to preparation for the game. Their SnC guy was a believer in bulk. Kids were responsible for their preparation for the most part. I understand that they are, but you need someone to kick them in the arse and show them the way. Rumors are the new SnC guy is very much that kinda guy. Also, the addition of the training table (I still can't believe we didn't have one) for the team will greatly help. I believe our AD said that our defensive players lost an average of 13 pounds per man over the course of the season... The fact that we started strong and faded in each of Charlie's seasons seems to play right into the fact that conditioning, direction and nutrition were not adequately addressed by the previous staff. Unlike others, I still think Charlie is a good coach. I just don't think he is truly cut out for the college game. The only way he would the continued level of success that would be expected of him at a high profile program is if he had the right assistants around him to do the 'rah rah' stuff that isn't required in the NFL. I would not be shocked to see Charlie back in a Super Bowl at all. That doesn't mean he's cut out to coach college football though.
Actually Sid there is no article, but numerous reports instead that Camp Kelly is tough and that kids are puking, but ironically loving it. Ergo being a diehard and wanting to support the team, I am puking here at home in support of their efforts. I suggest you do the same at home as well. We need to be one with the team!
The Alabama S&C guy is a real cheerleader. He seems to be responsible for motivation and the workout itself.
S&C pretty important these days. Kids need to be pushed and motivated. Some say Charlie and his S&C left too much up to the kids.
I'm so fired up reading this thread that I just projectile vomited on my beagle. Carlo's training partner is Teo and they have really been pushing each other hard. They are both 6'2 and both currently weigh in the neighborhood of 244. They expect to be side by side in the middle in Kelly's 3-4 defense this season. Carlo has some work to do because he has Polusny and McDonald in front of him but he is confident he can move around them this spring. He is bigger, stronger and faster than either of them. The puking stories are true; they are keeping the janitors busy. Now excuse me while I blow chunks.
What you are talking about with Kelly and the Irish players is a lot like we heard about Meyer when he came to Florida. I won't say that under Zook it was so much that we faded toward the end of the year but that we faded in the 4th quarter a lot. Meyer changed all that and the strength and conditioning was a big reason. And from all I read at the time the kids loved it. I do know that the players like playing for Meyer even though he practices what might be called tough love. What Terry said above about in 5 years if Notre Dame still has troubles it might be permanent. First I don't think that is going to happen with Kelly, and second I think even if it did Notre Dame always has the ability to draw good players with the right coach. I am enjoying reading this thread.
Bill I think the peril that ND is in with regards to football is not so much that we can't have a good program, but that we can't have a great program. The talent and power of those teams that Ara, Devine and Lou had was amazing, those guys had more players in the NFL than anybody, even now we have a lot of guys playing in the NFL. So I think that the peril is that we become Ga. Tech (or similar) a team that can be very good, but very good being defined as 8 or 9 wins a season, not competing for Nat'l Championships. There are a lot of teams that fit that mould, Iowa would be another one. At ND in the past we started the season thinking of our chances for a Nat'l Championship, like what you Gators now do, but that is slowly slipping away and I could see in the future that if Kelly fails that we become that team like Ga. Tech.
Terry, there was a time when I thought Ga Tech would always be a strong team. Back in the 50's and 60's they were still in the SEC and the Gators only won about 20 - 30% of the times we played. Bobby Dodd was their coach. He decided they would be better off as an independent, they left the SEC and that was a big mistake, Then also there was the reduction in scholarship which spread the talent around more. Growth of states like Florida also helped change the landscape. One other big factor was integration in the south. When I attended Florida every team in the SEC was all white. Now over half the teams are typically black. However Notre Dame is far more of a National program than Ga Tech ever was and I believe the capability will always be there for Notre Dame to be back among the National powers on a consistent basis. My personal opinion as an outsider is that Notre Dame would be better off in the Big 10 than independent. However that is not my call and I sure don't have strong enough feelings about it to say that it's necessary for the Irish to prosper. Anyway I think in a day and age with less scholarships, more players that a team that wants to improve can do it with the right coach. Virgina Tech was a consistent loser until Beamer took over.
Bill, I think VaTech is another excellent example a good consistent program but also one that is in the group below UF, Bama, Texas, OU, Ohio State, USC. ND fans want to be in the 1st group. Neb fans want to be in that 1st group, Michigan fans, Tenn fans want to be in that first group. It's hard to accept not being in that first if you've been in that first group and now aren't.
Terry, the Virginia Tech example wasn't meant as a ceiling, but as an example as to what can be done with the right coach and program. Notre Dame has advantages that Virginia Tech and Georgia Tech, maybe it's the Tech thing, doesn't have. The only thing I would see holding you back is an administration that won't allow enough leeway for a coach to be successful.
Bill, Ha. that was good. You and Terry are both making good points here. I think one element that is not being discussed is the media perception of ND. Believe it or not, and I know this is hard for old timers to really buy into, but ND is losing the media war.. The media that 'favored' the Irish allegedly turned on them long ago and I don't see it coming back. I thought ND having the NBC contract would eventually lead to a NBC that was like an NDTV. Instead, they are literally rooting for the other team and constantly paying homage to the greatness of all things that are our opponents, while really not covering much about the school. NBC has effed up a lot lately, their coverage of ND football is just one of the many, many things they have botched. Just like ND football itself, I don't see improvement coming any time soon... At least they change thing up with the program though.. Nutin from nutin here..but as a ND fan who does a lot of marketing work now.. I could see the appeal of an NBC broadcast that features Steve Buerlein brings out color guys and guests spots for the great legacies and traditions.. Instead of running TV commercials on the great alumni, give em air time too.. Have them talk about what ND football has meant to them... Instead, we get more GD Gatorade ads...
Bill, I guess it would be akin to Terry, Gip and I setting up shop instead of Brando Inc on CBS and spending 4 hours a day lecturing you about how awesome ND was and how fantastic whoever you were playing that day was... All the while making back handed digs at all things SEC... We'd be lynched.