Tom I feel your pain my friend, sorry you and the Vol fans have to go through this...It sucks... I still remember Schnellenberger going to the USFL, Jimmy going to the Cowboys, Erickson going to the Seahawks and Butch Davis going to the Browns...Hmm did I leave one out, there were so damn many of them that left us holding the bag.. RC
REC I completely understand wnd thanks for the words of support. I hope i am wrong but I see a few dark years before things turn around.
I remember when Lou Holtz "retired" back in 1994. We thought we would never recover but in a matter of no time at all...... oh hell, forget about it. FUBAR!
I can't believe she says "we're gonna send them down to Haitis. It sounds like she is saying Hades... or maybe she is. Maybe she is subconsciously meaning that she will send them to Hades to be with Lane! <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" id="embedded_player" name="embedded_player" bgcolor="#ffffff" quality="high" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="targets=embed&site=GVE&styleSheet=undefined&source=%7B%22data%22%3A%22http%3A//" height="290" width="320"></embed>
I watched some of his press conference at USC. I thought it interesting that he addressed some of his behavior at Tenn by saying that he had to do those things to get his program attention for recruiting. He said that he would not be doing those sorts of things at USC because USC didn't need to get attention for recruiting that they were an established power in recruiting and he could go anywhere in the country and recruit for USC.
Inside sources are saying that the search may very well be a formality. It appears that the person Mike Hamilton wants is already in place. It may not be who the big $$$ boosters want, but it is who the administration wants: Kippy Brown
I have read that Will Muschamp was the top target, but that he declined to be interviewed. Which is a little suprising to me, I know he has a good job and he's making 900K + Bonus and loves living in Austin, etc. But all the indications are that he's going to have to wait quite awhile for the Head Coaching position at UT. Mack's health is good. Maybe somebody needs to have him call Jerry Sandusky about waiting for the HC to retire so he can ascend to the head coaching position.
This is a good read, it's a reporters analysis of Kiffin's first press conference. In it he asked about the report that Ogeron had called UT kids. Kiffin said that it was inaccurate, bu then said he hadn't talked to Ogeron. Then it's found out that it was accurate that Ogeron had called UT kids. Not a good start for Kiffin who pronounced that USC would run a clean and above board program. Read the whole article it's pretty funny and does not reflect well on Kiffin. Tenn might have dodged a bullet here. Kiffin's Press Conf Analysis
If you watched the entire press conference, TJ really got after Kiffin. The AD Garrett had to step in once to stop his line of questioning. He ain't in Knoxville anymore. That's not to say the passion is greater in the West, it's not. The passion and fire of the South for football is amazing and something to behold. The media in Los Angeles, however, is a whole different animal.
What did your mom have to do to get JO'Co to stop laughing when Kiffen declared that USC would have a clean and above board program under him?
Looks like I may not get my first choice: Kippy Brown Troy Calhoun has called a team meeting and he is a candidate.
IMO, Troy Calhoun would be a good choice, based on what he's done at Air Force in only two years, especially on defense. Granted, he does not have the years of experience a program like Tennessee might prefer, but he's done more with less than most coaches over the past couple of years.
Troy Calhoun? He was the Houston Texans OCoord before he left to take the Air Force Job. He's done a good job at Air Force, maybe not quite as splashy as Fisher DeBerry did, but still has been one of the top Mtn West teams every year and they beat the crap out of Houston in the bowl game this year. I kind of doubt that he'll bring the Air Force offense to the SEC, but who knows. Paul Johnson is doing well at Ga. Tech with the Navy offense. I don't however think you can compete for Nat'l titles with it, win a lot of reg season games yes. But when you have time and athletes to prepare for it, stopping isn't nearly as tough as if you only have 1 week to prepare.
More and more Al Davis is starting to become more understood for his "liar" comments about Kiffin. LK does seem to have a proclivity for it such as his recruiting remarks last year at this time about Meyer.
Pulled the trigger too early. Calhoun called the meeting to let his kids know that he is loyal to the Air Force program and would be there next season. There is integrity in college athletics!