For all your hatred of USC, there is an undercurrent of admiration that leaks through your posts that never shows in your posts about the Gators. Maybe it's just your PAC10 loyalty showing or something like that.
Oh no, it is what it is. You can't deny the facts on-field despite what gets reported in the media and what this BCS system tries to cram down your throat. I just refuse to swallow the yellow happy pill that this BCS system produces the results that it claims, especially with such conviction. If you can't stand up to something that is wrong when it happens to your enemy, you don't have a leg to stand on when it happens to you. Florida, and the SEC as a whole, has reaped massive reward from this system that was created by their own commissioner. That isn't a coincidence.
One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all Go ask Alice When she’s ten feet tall
Sounds EXPERIENCED to me.... 8) Corey, never going to convince you it seems that the BCS system at least is better than anything before it. At least it pairs up matches at the end of the season like FSU-OK, USC-OK, Miami-OSU, Fla-OSU, USC-Texas, Alabama-Texas, etc etc. In the old system those teams would have played and both beaten also rans in their conference tie-in bowls and we could all sit and wonder how great it would be if we didn't have a split title by the voters and how great it would be if those teams could play each other. The SEC didn't force the rest of college football to go along with "their" plan. The rest of college football saw the plan and the money and said...hey.....might be better than what we have had. With the tweaks and improvements over the years it still ain't perfect....never will be.....but it beats the old AP/UPI poll championships hands down.
Dave, define "better".. The only way this system is better is that (most) everyone makes more money in this system. You are absolutely correct the SEC didn't 'force' the rest of college football to go along with the plan. However, you are ignoring the fact that: 1. I have openly and repeatedly ripped the Pac10 for joining this farce and 2. This system isn't 'the rest of the college football world. In fact, by design almost one-half of the entire Division 1 (FBS) members are excluded from competing for the title without ever playing a game. Now you mix in the human element that virtually eliminates the remaining half of the competition by allowing the other half to play by a different set of rules to qualify for the title and you're left with a small fraction. You act like in the days of the old system the conference champs were all playing also-ran teams. That simply is not the case. It happened SOME years but in many years (just as we have now) there were multiple unbeaten or once beaten teams come bowl time. This system was suppose to provide us with a 1 vs 2 by eliminating the bowl tie-ins. What we get is a BCS 1 vs 2, with more bowl tie-ins than ever existed before. On top of that, we still have once beaten or unbeaten teams who are simply just put out of the NC picture because 'the BCS said so.' Under the old system, a TCU/Boise could have possibly played their way into a share of a title.. Now, the system excludes them to the point that you'd almost have to have a season in which all the chips fall perfectly for them. The statistical equivalent of tossing 10 dimes in the air and all 10 landing on their side rather than heads or tails. Under the old system, Utah's stomping of Alabama would have meant something to the polls and might possibly have led to a shared title... Instead, it diminishes the game. It's funny really.. Those who don't want a playoff say that a playoff with diminish the importance of the regular season without ever realizing that the bulk of games are already diminished... Like the conferences, they are blinded by the money coming in.. and that's all this system is about.. Making money. The title is a farce.
....and yet many years conference tie-ins kept the unbeatens from playing each other in bowls. The only year any non-major team was voted #1 was in 1984 when BYU took the honor for lack of better candidates and Fla. being put on probation. They struggled mightily with a bad 6-6 Michigan team in the Holiday Bowl and most people list them as the most questionable champion ever. This year the voters couldn't even vote Boise #2 over a once beaten Fla and this is the day and age of respect for the mid-majors. All things being somewhat equal you wouldn't find many unbeaten Utahs getting the nod over a once beaten Florida by the voters......and the AP could have done just that last year. does the BCS system have exclusivity for excluding these mid-major teams.
The voters were all paid off with free trips to DisneyWorld if they voted the Gators #2. Boise tried to counter with spuds and fries but it was no contest!
Unless I remember something wrong, and I don't, voting Boise State over Florida would not have put them in second place. Texas was second.
Oh yeah, Texazz was #2! I forgot about that. One thing that will be interesting is that next year Boise will likely start the year in the top 10 someplace and they have a ton of starters comming back including their QB. They have non-conf games with Oregon State at Boise and Va.Tech at FedEx Field (Redskins). So if they win those 2 games and have an undefeated season they could get to #1 in the polls given that they will start in the top 10.