Looks like JoePa isn't #1 on the all-time wins list anymore. Good. What goes around, comes around... - Void all wins for the past 14 years. - Fine of $60 million bucks. - No bowl games for 4 years. - Scholarships reduced to 15 per year from 25. Maybe they can schedule Lehigh... http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/23/us-usa-pennstate-idUSBRE86L07F20120723?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
Ha! The Big Ten makes me sick! I never want to hear them criticize the SEC again! They fined Penn State $13 million and they will allow Penn State players to transfer WITHIN THE CONFERENCE! Hooooo Haaaaa! What a pantload! http://sports.yahoo.com/news/big-ten-donate-penn-states-150011470--ncaaf.html Players who transfer to another Big Ten school will NOT be affected by that schools scholarship limits! Really? Has the NCAA been notified about this?
Penn State football student-athletes allowed easier transfers The NCAA understands that the Penn State sanctions announced today will impact both current and incoming football student-athletes. As a result, the NCAA will provide appropriate and immediate relief of some NCAA rules for all eligible football student-athletes. If football student-athletes elect to consider transferring from Penn State, several provisions of NCAA legislation will be set aside to allow those students both a simpler transfer process and the opportunity to participate immediately wherever they choose to go: Football student-athletes who transfer will not have to sit out a year of competition. Any incoming or currently enrolled football student-athlete will be immediately eligible upon transfer or initial enrollment at an NCAA institution, provided they are admitted and otherwise eligible per NCAA regulations. Penn State will release any incoming student-athletes from the National Letter of Intent. Permission-to-contact rules will be suspended. Penn State cannot restrict in any way a student-athlete from pursuing a possible transfer. Student-athletes must simply inform Penn State of their interest in discussing transfer options with other schools. Interested schools also must inform Penn State of their intention to open discussions with the student-athlete. Official and unofficial visit rules will be loosened. Any incoming or currently enrolled football student-athletes interested in taking an official or unofficial visit will be permitted to do so during the 2012-13 academic year, no matter how many visits they took during their recruitment. Institutions seeking to provide an official visit to a student who already visited the school as many times as NCAA legislation allows can seek relief from the NCAA on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the NCAA is considering waiving scholarship limits for programs to which these football student-athletes transfer, provided they reduce proportionately in the next year. For example, the limit is 25 new scholarships per year to a total of 85 scholarships. If the limits are waived in 2012-13 to accommodate one Penn State student-athlete who wishes to transfer to a particular school already at the limits, in 2013-14 the school will be limited to 24 new scholarships and 84 total scholarships. The NCAA acknowledges that a large number of transfers away from Penn State could have a negative impact on the team's Academic Progress Rate. This impact will be addressed in the future as part of an overall academic review of the program. http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/...20723/21207234
Now that makes more sense..., but I still want to know about the $13 million that the Big Ten members are going to divy up among themselves. Shouldn't that money go to children's charities?
This isn't enough. It won't change the culture of corruption in State College. I am very disappointed by this, but it's little more than grand standing. The most severe of the penalties is the scholarship reduction. The bowl ban sucks. There's no TV ban. The $60 million penalty is set up in a payment plan by the NCAA. Penn State will make enough in 2 home games to pay their penalty each year. Does it hurt? Yes.. Is it crippling? No... The immediate transfer/loss of players will be interesting. If they are being cut back from 25 to 15 each year for 4 years, they can do some first year jockeying ala USC to jumble the numbers, but that will eventually catch up to them harshly. Still, watching the media coverage.. the martyrdom of Penn State has already started. That's the last god damned thing that should have happened. I watched every talking head on ESPN take their shot and only Desmond Howard had the ball to talk about the victims. If it were up to me, I'd shut down the program for 5 years. I'd leave the statue up as a reminder of why they aren't playing games in there anymore.. Instead, this will eventually turn into a 'blue collar come back story' and that's a GD shame.
Corey they won't be able to do what USC did because they won't appeal, can't appeal. At USC the appeal stayed the penalities while Kiffin and his sawed off QB AD purged the roster to create room for a monster class and USC also, as you well know, is a recruiting monster. Basically all the talented kids on the West Coast/SoCal want to go there and while they have reduced class sizes last year and this year, they are full of 4* and 5* studs. Basically they didn't get to play in a couple of bowls, but other than that they have ended up with a downsized roster full of studs. BTW do you think USC alumns/boosters/fans learned anything from the sanctions?
A PSU alum supposedly posted this on his facebook page...I got it from somebody who knows him but I didn't see it myself.
Somehow I can't help but feel that the anti-football members of the PSU BOT won out and decided to punish themselves. However, voluntarily imposing harsh sanctions of the football program would result in some very hard feelings among the PSU diehard faithful. So PSU used the NCAA to spank its football program while seeming to be just a bystander to the event. I've felt that there is a serious jurisdictional problem with the NCAA taking this action but the tip off is that the school entered into a consent agreement. It's a win win scenerio. The school gets to spank itself and the NCAA seems to have balls and power that it has seemed lacking in for a long time. And with the agreement there probably is no appeal.
Terry, Of course they didn't, but are you putting rogue boosters on the same level as pedophilia? I know you're not. That's my entire point and one that seems to escape everyone. BTW, USC didn't 'purge their roster', I believe at least one of those transfers started for Tennessee and was drafted this year. The USC/PSU punishments are different, but he can use similar tactics. I don't think he'll get away with it because he's not as strong of a recruiter as Kiff.. You asked me if USC's boosters learned their lesson.. and I'll repeat, they did not. You know who learned their lesson? SMU
If that Facebook post was real, I hope someone told that pole smoker to STFU. Listen to what he's saying and remember what I've said all along. This is about putting an acceptable price tag on the sexual abuse of children. Just remember that whenever someone says anything about today's players (who can leave).. This won't teach Penn State anything except a bit of humility and eventually martyrdom. They deserved the Death Penalty more than any school in the history of NCAA sports...and they didn't get it. The NCAA should just take that out of the books, honestly. Other than actually harboring child murderers, it doesn't get any worse than this. As for any idiot who would tell you this isn't an NCAA matter (it's an NCAA, Civil and Criminal matter.. the f*cking trifecta).. Any quick glance at the NCAA rule book would show you that Penn State didn't just violate.. Jesus... at least a half dozen major rules.. they shat on them. When you think of Penn State (prior to this) I believe most people would say Penn State is: -Integrity -Honor -Defense -Linebacker U They marketed that.. it's all over the campus. They hung their hat on that. You tell me which of those 4 things wouldn't have been destroyed by the Linebacker Coach/Defensive coordinator being outed as a pedophile? I'm sorry, this isn't enough.. Penn State is now the new black mark of college athletics. They are worse than Oklahoma, Miami, Texas, SMU (oh hell, the whole old SWC), USC, Alabama, FSU combined all rolled into one. The only honorable thing here would be to pay the penalties to the victims and fall on their own sword. Anything less goes against everything they allegedly stood for all these years.. clearly, they did not and do that represent those things.
:idea: Thx to Bobda and Big Ten folks for correcting me on where the penalty money was going. I missed that on the first announcement.
Wow...can't believe they would let Sandusky with in 100 miles of the stadium much less let him sit in their box.
what JOCO said.. but they won't... add this to the 'shocked and horrified faces of the Penn State family' when the NCAA sanctions were announced.. The culture of corruption is alive and well. I would wear a Gonzo Sanabria Miami Hurricanes jersey autographed by Ted Bundy before I'd ever hope Penn State wins another game.
I think you will find a lot of teams who JoePa used to run it up on taking some revenge against the rag-tag outfit they run out on the field for the next five years.