This... JoePa "WAS" Penn State football. The school quite clearly did all it could to protect the legacy and image of the program. It put the program above and beyond the well being of children. This isn't a god damned sports car here. If you want to be an institution of higher learning and NOT a football program under the guise of being an academic institution, then you drop the disgrace and move forward.
Well deserved talk is beginning to consider removing Paterno's statue outside the stadium. Bravo! After 61 years, all JoePa turned out to be was a self-centered enabler of a pedophile. A disgrace.
Seems surreal to talk of Joe Pa that way but it's becoming more apparent that is who he was. My wife says maybe he was a little gay.....and gay doesn't translate into child molesting I know that but maybe that can explain why he tolerated it....or at least didn't decide it to be of the utmost importance to stop it?
indeed, what an idiot he was.. it means little but at least he can man up.. of course, I don't think it should go without mention that he stands to gain personally from said statement and article.. but still, it was more than a lot of people have done.. And I know we all wonder what Tod would have thought and I know he said some great things about what JoePa meant to the school, but I also remember him constantly painting him as a crabby old badger of a man who was not the sweetheart portrayed in the media. I've said this before. I can't recall all he said about JoePa, but I remember that.. because honestly, at the time, he was one of the few I knew who had met JoePa but the only one to say such a thing.
I knew Tod well and we kept up a conversation about politics and football via email until the day he died. Near the end, he would get so upset in our arguments that I became alarmed and suggested that we forget about politics (because I knew that he had a heart condition) and just talk about sports; but he couldn't stop and gave himself a heart attack that killed him. Charles "Tod" Jeffers was the Penn State radio broadcaster for football, basketball, and wrestling for 11 years. For a country boy from West Virginia, (I could upset him just by saying the word "hillbilly.") it was his dream job. The only part of the job that he hated, was having to deal with Joe Paterno. He considered JoePa to be a vicious, humorless, fraud, who would do anything to win and who demanded to be worshipped. Since Tod was incapable of worshipping anything, (even God) a confrontation was inevitable. In Tod's final three years as the school's radio voice, JoePa wouldn't speak to him or even look at him. The final straw was a TV skit that Tod wrote, which poked fun at JoePa's squeeky clean image. He was fired the next day, without explanation, after JoePa demanded it. Tod never forgot and never forgave. He hated JoePa even more than he hated his ex-wife...
Nike taking Paterno’s name off child care center Home - by Cardigan - July 13, 2012 - 14:15 America/New_York - 10 Comments AP BEAVERTON, Ore. (AP) — The president of Nike Inc. said Thursday he has decided to change the name of the Joe Paterno Child Development Center, a child care facility at the company’s headquarters outside Portland. Chief executive Mark Parker said he was deeply saddened by the news coming of the Louis Freeh investigation on the child sex abuse scandal at Penn State. Freeh says Paterno and other top school officials disregarded the welfare of Jerry Sandusky’s victims as they failed to report abuse allegations against the longtime assistant coach. “It is a terrible tragedy that children were unprotected from such abhorrent crimes,” Parker said. Nike founder Phil Knight, who defended Paterno at the coach’s memorial service, said “it appears Joe made missteps that led to heartbreaking consequences. I missed that Joe missed it, and I am extremely saddened on this day.”
There is just no other article that I've read that I agree with more than this one: I'm not even sorry. Penn State football needs to die. This is an institution that is literally what it is today because they allowed children to be raped and covered it up to protect their sterling reputation which made them wealthy beyond their imagination. If you're a university, act like one..
I think it was JO'Co who predicted that there were more victims out there and that guys in their 50's don't just wake up one morning and decide they are child molesters. Three guys from the 70's and 80's have come forward as victims of Sandusky. More Victims
:idea: People begin to form their sexual interests as early as age 7-9. By the time they're 14-16 there is no changing them without a brain transplant. Sandusky was a player at Penn State before he was a coach. So he's been there since 1963. I'm sure his earliest victims are nearing 50 years of age...
This of course begs the question, when did JoePa really know he was a child molester? I mean it's a matter of record now that he knew in 1998, is it possible that he knew long before that?
:idea: Somebody knew...of that there is no doubt. I have a hard time believing that Paterno and his staff...which worked together for decades never suspected anything...or Sandusky's wife...or all the administrators, reporters, profs, alumni and donors who were hanging around the facilities...not to mention thousands of players who went through there. Even the janitors knew...but they were afraid for their jobs. I think a lot of people knew lots of things... Penn State should drop football.
If Penn State does not get the Death Penalty, no school will ever get the death penalty.. nor should ever be put on NCAA probation. In earnest, I hope Penn State does the right thing and drops football. While it is easy to get mired in the details about the atrocity, people are forgetting what is really at issue here. Penn State's top officials and the God of Pennsylvania himself put an acceptable price tag on the torture, rape and abuse of children. For Penn State's program to go on one more day is to say that price tag was acceptable.. This is so much bigger than football. Penn State football needs to die. I do not and have not ever disclosed all my Penn State ties. I will say that these are people who have buildings and schools on campus named after their family members. Joe Paterno personally attended their weddings and funerals in their family. Even they are within a hair of agreeing with me on this issue. Penn State football must go. Until they do, they are now the most villainous, evil presence to field a football team. Oklahoma, USC, Miami the whole god damned state of Texas all at their worst...combined and multiplied by a factor of a million aren't even in the same building of consideration with what Penn State did. They put a price tag on children. This ain't f*cking Bangkok... or is it?