Well Dave let me say this your are dead wrong. While it is obvious that most of us here have different opinions than you, what is not obvious to me, and I would guess many others, is that if you could present as you say above you would get a different reception. Sorry but it's your presentation style that gets the responses you allege to. AJ apologized to you a couple of posts above, something I don't think he had to do but he was big enough to do it. A trait I have not observed in you. Bottom line is that it is mostly you that needs to adjust. If you do it might take awhile to be believed but would pay dividends in the long run. But the not accepting contrary opinion no matter how presented is nonsense.
Maybe you should consider voluntarily reusing yourself from the political board for everybody's sanity and just post on the sports and Backroom boards. I can't imagine how you enjoy battling everyone everyday. Might make your days nicer
Yet, the Left continues with their TDS to either pretend or hallucinate that he referred to the racists as fine people. CNN and MSNBC has done more to damage this country than anything they've invented about Trump. And Joe Biden is climbing right onto their coat tails by repeating this despicable lie. Funny, the worst thing about Trump the Left for years has denounced is that he is a liar, yet they have nominated the demonstrably lyingest candidate in the race. Hypocrite much? Trend consistent. I'm done with you guys.
Dave, the only problem I have is that you insult us and belittle us and then somehow can't seem to understand the pushback. I think that differing opinions can be a strength. Yes, you are outnumbered here but that does not mean that you need to personally question our intelligence.
I don't know why you have stayed so long. I do think it's best for you to go for now, you just seem so angry that it can't be healthy for you. Since I feel that Biden is going to win handily, maybe that will bring you some peace.
Terry.... can't deal with the lopsided applications anymore. I hope to see how you feel about things in 5 or 6 weeks honestly stated on this board. I'll be looking forward to reading it.
If your boy wins Nov 3rd, I'll post what my house is worth now, what my property taxes are, and what Uncle Sam charges me on a yearly basis, as a Military Retiree. Then I'll do it a year later, just to see. Hope I'm wrong.
I continue to see some stories on the Hunter Biden situation, but I think it's all too late to have an impact on the election, even if the worst of them are true. I think the voters have made up their minds and really there is no story that will impact Bidens election. Once he's elected it's likely to die, no matter what the truth is as the democrats in Congress will not pursue it like they have with virtually every story about Trump since the day he was elected.
Biden continues to rack up endorsements from former Republican big wigs. Former RNC chairman, Michael Steele endorsed Biden the other day.
There is a realignment going on right now. A lot of union people who have always been Democrats are now voting Republican and then there are Republicans like Steele going the other direction. In two weeks we will see how it all shakes out.
Where the hell is the FBI? According to the computer store owner, he turned over Hunter's laptop back in Jan. Does the FBI confirm that they were given the computer? 10 mos. later, have the verified it's Hunter's? Why wasn't this brought to the attention in congress during an impeachment involving a request to the President of Ukraine to investigate this matter? Meanwhile that lying bastard Schiff keeps claiming it's more of Russian misinformation. The Head of US intelligence denies that it's Russian originated. Meanwhile in the mainstream media....crickets. Perhaps it's time to reconsider the media as being within the meaning of "Press" in the first amendment. What was supposed to be the watchdog for the American People has become the lapdog of a political party. If they aren't going to do their job, perhaps they shouldn't have Constitutional protection.
Someone help me here. How does someone who is supposedly a Republican endorse a candidate that aims to raise taxes, end our energy independence, open our borders, and take private health care benefits away? Our party was infested by phonies like Kasich, Romney, Fiorina et al. If you don't like a candidate don't vote for or endorse him but showing that your a socialist at heart and nothing more than a snake in the woodpile.
Trump cannot be bought. He cannot be influenced. This enrages Democrats and Republicans alike. Only the voters appreciate his independence. Fellow politicians despise him.
Anyone remember this story? Trump son met with Russian lawyer, promised info helpful to campaign As Trump junior said he spent 25 hrs. testifying before congress about a 20 min. meeting. Now compare that with Biden's son. Meeting with Chinese, Ukrainians, Russians and raking in millions. The US Intelligence Director John Ratcliff as stated that there is no information that there is any Russian misinformation regarding this story. The FBI admits it has the laptop and it has "nothing further" to add to Ratcliff's statement. Meanwhile we have Schiff claiming it's Russian misinformation and "former intel officials" claiming it is Russian misinformation. The media wants to claim that the whole scandal is "unverified." Those that know ie. Ratcliff and the FBI KNOW it's legit and not Russian misinformation and the Biden faithful continue to lie hoping to get their lame horse over the finish line. He comes out of his hole today. If he sees his shadow, it means 12 more days of untrue political ads.
Is there a more dishonest politician than Shiff? Whenever he opens his mouth and says something it's a very good bet that it's a lie.
I still believe every politician lies, bends the truth, stretches the truth, interprets things to their advantage. Where I see things with Schiff differently is that his lies appear to be intended to directly destabilize the current administration. His information is based on his access to confidential/secret information that is not verifiable by the public, thus giving the appearance of knowing more than we can/will know. However, when the information that he claims PROVES his assertions is then subsequently declassified, it proves he is outright lying about the information he claimed to have. Does that not feel like a whole level beyond what a normal, patriotic politician does?