Sick and disgusting: Last week, when a 17-year-old allegedly killed two protesters in Kenosha, the far-right propaganda machine rushed to support the accused. Tucker Carlson seemed to justify him on his show saying, "How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?" Ann Coulter, in a deleted tweet, said she'd back the teen for president. On Monday, Trump refused to condemn the killings, instead seeming to try to defend the 17-year-old, saying he was being "very violently attacked." On CNN, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) also refused to outright condemn the killing. "It's a tragedy," he told Dana Bash. She insisted, "It is a tragedy, but do you condemn it?" A morally bereft Johnson squirmed, repeating that the situation was a "tragedy" before saying that he "condemn it all." Maybe he was scared of being insulted by Trump. When a caravan of armed Trump supporters headed to Portland this weekend, undoubtedly emboldened by praise for the Kenosha murder suspect, more death was in the cards. Videos showed the extremists driving their trucks into pedestrian protesters, spraying mace into their faces. Trump encouraged them on Twitter, "Great Patriots!"
President Trump on Sunday amplified his call for federal forces to help subdue protests in American cities, denouncing local Democratic leaders and fanning partisan tensions a day after a deadly clash between his supporters and social justice protesters in Portland, Ore., underscored the threat of rising politically motivated violence. Scenes of Trump faithful firing paint and pellet guns at protesters during a “Trump cruise rally” caravan through downtown Portland — For Donald Trump's America-on-fire campaign strategy to work, he needs violence to boil in cities right up until Election Day, or at least for enough voters to believe the nation is spiraling into an abyss of chaos and savagery.That brought the extraordinary spectacle Monday of a president -- who would by tradition call for calm at a time of civic unrest -- justifying violence by his supporters and all but excusing a pro-Trump vigilante who allegedly killed two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. At the same time, in the White House briefing room, he minimized police brutality against African Americans that sparked a summer of protest and agony. In a Fox News interview, the President callously compared police officers who shoot Black men in the back to professional golfers who "choke" over a three-foot putt.
Heard a dr. say yesterday that the main reason for the death rate in the US is that Americans are more obese than other countries. Oh, oh, now they're going to blame Trump for obesity.
The violence has to stop. Reasonable people have to work together to stop this thing...I don't care which side you're on. America should not have two groups of armed citizens killing each other. We should have enough law enforcement unhindered by politicians so that shop owners don't need to defend their property and so that people should have the right to peacefully protest and be protected from counter protesters. As far as the kid goes...he is probably in trouble...for one thing he was illegally carrying because he was under age. But I have heard him described as a wanna-be militia cop who grabbed his AR-15 at the first opportunity and crossed a state line with it...and went out "looking to kill people of color." (Yes, I actually read that in an editorial). There is always another is the defense put out by his attorneys...I don't know how much of it is true...but it does explain some confusing things. It does paint a different picture. Please do not accuse us of defending a "crazed teen taking a weapon to a hot spot and killing two people in cold blood"...that isn't the deal. We (at least speaking for myself) are trying to understand how this **** can happen...and not try to mold the facts into any preconceived agenda. Teen's Attorneys Claim Self-Defense in Kenosha Shootings
Well here's one FACT for you: The kid works in Kenosha. He has reason to be there OFTEN and an interest in the well being of the town.
The story the defense tells matches pretty well with the video I've seen. Not going to say he's off the hook, but evidence SO FAR does not support the "he's here to kill protesters" angle. Heck if he wanted that, he sure could have taken down a lot more once he started shooting.
Not nearly as much main stream media coverage of the Trump supporter killed in Portland. The reaction by that BLM bitch afterward saying that she was happy that they'd killed a fascist wasn't covered much either. Oh wait, I forgot, the narrative is that Trump supporters killed the Trump supporter to blame the rioters. Yeah, that's the story that they want the morons to believe. Patriot Prayer founder: Dead man in Portland was a supporter
Even the BBC recognizes that Biden/Harris are basing their campaign on a LIE perpetuated by the Left "news": Vice-presidential debate: Pence and Harris claims fact-checked Interesting how much the Left hates Trump "because" of how much he lies, yet give a free pass to the nation-destroying lies passed around by the Left, all the while ignoring the 47 years of lies by Biden.
Thanks again Kes. Have always been and I guess will always be exaggerations in political elections. However it seems to me the Democrats are carrying it to new level these days, and aided by the so called main stream media in the good old USA. It's a shame we have rely on foreign news to be truthful. Thanks again.
I don't know much about Charlie Kirk, but this article does make me wonder about Biden's role with his son Hunter's questionable acts. Earned millions doing something that he was not the least bit knowledgable about.
Bill, I assume you meant to add a link to an article? This may be the one, although it's from a year ago: Charlie Kirk: Nothing 'Unsubstantiated' About Hunter Biden Intrigue It contained a quote from Don Jr.: This topic actually shows something interesting. The topic has been around for at least a year, and the information has been available for longer than that. If there was truly no fire to this smoke, wouldn't an honest effort have found the silver bullet to put it to rest? Yet, instead of debunking it, the Left "news" ignores and suppresses any reference to it. Wouldn't that lead a reasonable person to think that, just maybe, there's more to this than the Left Coalition would like? Now with FB and Twitter going full-on dark mode on anything mentioning actual evidence in the discussion...
Here's the article referenced by Charlie Kirk that also discusses the coverage of the Bidens. He who must not be named: How Hunter Biden became a conversation-stopper Again, this is from a year ago, and there has been no fact-finding in that time? Ooooh, I see, too potentially damaging (to the Left narrative).
Dang that it twice yesterday I posted and left off the link. Maybe age is catching up with me. But we do have some stuff going on here that keeps me a bit distracted. Here's the link. Why did Biden Meet with Soros the Day Before the Burisma Email to Hunter?
After this "blockbuster" report was published in the NY Post the three Networks ABC, NBC and CBS dedicated ZERO minutes of coverage on the story last night. They are American Pravda, an enemy of the People.
HOLY SH** Now, Twitter has locked the accounts of Trump and McEnany (not sure who else) as well as claiming a post is unsafe by the House Judiciary Committee Republicans in reference to the Hunter Biden New York Post story. Are you EFFING KIDDING ME?!?!? How do you not shut down Twitter at this point?? Silencing a story because you don't like the results, then silencing the President of the United States all while letting Biden and Harris tell damaging lies to the public at the same time? This is unconscionable.
I know that story on Biden and his son should be more thoroughly investigated, but it's not going to happen this close to the election. The story just doesn't matter, even though it should matter. Just as the stories on Trump's Taxes, and other things about Trump's business stuff. The die is cast, I doubt if there are any undecided voters out there at this point. I'm not sure what could be found out about Biden that would deter those who are inclined to vote for him to change their vote. He's going to win solidly. The key for this election is to hold on to the Senate.
I think Covid-19 did Trump in to tell you the truth. That and the unfortunate racial situation that exploded after George Floyd. If 2020 had been the logical follow up year to 2019, there would be no doubt in my mind that Trump is the likely winner. But it's all changed and I can't see that Trump has expanded his base, and the record numbers of new voters and likely record turnout for the election is IMHO most due to people who oppose Trump and want to make sure he is not re-elected. It will be interesting to see the numbers for the election once it's all counted. I fully expect as I said a record turnout, and the differences in the totals for each party are going to be very telling. I expect Biden to exceed HRC's total and Trump to have about the same or less as he did in 2016.
"would deter those who are inclined to vote for him to change their vote." I think you are right Terry in that most Biden voters would vote for the devil over Trump if that's what it came down to. In 2016 Trump surprised ( although not winning the popular vote ) because he energized that base you mentioned and in 2020 it's probably the same base numbers wise except for a few middle of the road exceptions. Suffice to say Trump has won zero votes left of middle and probably lost quite a few from the middle.