25 of 31... Just trying to get my post count up! :wink: AJ, you haven't banned Child of the Corn for his 20 point mistake last week have you?
!@#$%^&*()_ I'm getting good at this. The cutoff was 11:55, I went there at 11:58 and three games were blanked out, I filled out the rest but it wouldn't let me pick the tie breaker for most points scored and least points scored and would not let me enter. My bad, but I thought I could at least do it minus those three games, which by the way had not started by the time I finished. I am getting pretty good at missing entry's. Oh well life goes on. I won't admit that age is catching up with me. Go Gators
Desert Dog pulls out a win in week three by one point over NC Gators. For not getting in the 1st three games, NC Gators makes the most of his 17 picks and takes over 1st place overall. On the other end of the spectrum, Fitz is trying to guarantee his acceptance of the French wanna be awarw. Down -- PL ---- TP ----- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 ---- 517 --- 2 --- NC Gators 09 ---- 02 ---- 508 --- 2 --- Lady Vol 12 ---- 03 ---- 505 --- 2 --- Gipicks 14 ---- 04 ---- 503 --- 2 --- Boondock Muskies 15 ---- 05 ---- 502 --- 2 --- Not KP 16 ---- 06 ---- 501 --- 1 --- Desert Dog 18 ---- 07 ---- 499 --- 2 --- FL Bucks 20 ---- 08 ---- 497 --- 1 --- Return of Lloyd 22 ---- 09 ---- 495 --- 1 --- John Deere 23 ---- 10 ---- 494 --- 0 --- TBucknuts 23 ---- 11 ---- 494 --- 1 --- Treefrog 24 ---- 12 ---- 493 --- 0 --- Dooley's Orange Machine 24 ---- 13 ---- 493 --- 1 --- LoneStarIrish 24 ---- 14 ---- 493 --- 2 --- mrsjoco 24 ---- 15 ---- 493 --- 1 --- ScottD 27 ---- 16 ---- 490 --- 1 --- Bear Down Rick 27 ---- 17 ---- 490 --- 2 --- IrishWeDidntSuck 27 ---- 18 ---- 490 --- 0 --- JO'Co 29 ---- 19 ---- 488 --- 1 --- newalbanybuckeye 32 ---- 20 ---- 485 --- 0 --- PJMIII 33 ---- 21 ---- 484 --- 1 --- Child of the Corn 34 ---- 22 ---- 483 --- 1 --- Foxchase 39 ---- 23 ---- 478 --- 0 --- Laliari 41 ---- 24 ---- 476 --- 1 --- RoGator 49 ---- 25 ---- 468 --- 0 --- THE CORNHUSKER 50 ---- 26 ---- 467 --- 0 --- bama-bo 52 ---- 27 ---- 465 --- 0 --- Stu's Cat 62 ---- 28 ---- 455 --- 1 --- Irishboy 75 ---- 29 ---- 442 --- 1 --- Bryanspicks 241 ---- 30 ---- 276 --- 1 --- Geek Tragedy 344 ---- 31 ---- 173 --- 0 --- Fitz
Someday I will quit missing some of these deadlines. I actually got there just before the first game started but just after the 11:55 deadline. I put the Gators as my 20 point choice, not because I felt that confident, but because I thought I needed to take a chance by missing those three games. I would have missed one of them and made one of them and don't remember the other. Memo to self QUIT CUTTING IT CLOSE.
Hey Bill, don't confuse the Nascar Sunday deadline with the NCAA Saturday deadline! :wink: You know, most smart phones allow you to set alarms and appointments... :wink:
I have to admit that I deserve that guys. We are leaving for the Senior Games in Raleigh for a week Friday morning. I will have to make sure I am in by that time. In fact probably a lot earlier. I will keep you informed.
15 people have made at least some of their picks. Tim, I can tell by the "-" missing on a few of your picks that you started that you have not finished your picks. Everyone, we do have a Friday night game in the contest this week. Get those picks in on time.
... and where is my Squirrel award? I feel like a squirrel for throwing away 20 points on that game! You can bet that I'll be hunting squirrels, not being one, from this opoint forward!
Tom, you were awarded the weekly award. After the first week's award notification(s), it's then an automatic award when an individual puts 20 points on HIS/HER team. In Bill's case however... Chap 4, Sec 3, par. 2, line 1 of the Squirrel Award Program (SAP) S.O.P. clearly states that the individual must feel confident, cocky, arogant, or just have complete blind faith in their team (See Doc O'Keefe section for dual citizenship regulations) to qualify for the award. Self disclosure comments such as "I was just taking a Chance" are not accepted fanmanship mindsets when in consideration for the award. In case you were unaware, there's also an end of season award (The Super Squirrel Nuts Award) that goes to the individual that shows supreme loyalty to his/her team by committing to putting 20 points on their team each and every time. In the history of the SSNA, there has only been one (1) recipient of this prestigious award.
I wonder who the Knucklehead...er Jarhead who would blindly put 20 points on his team each week! :roll: :roll:
I ain't trying for that award. As long as I am in contention I'm going to put my team in an area I think they belong. I probably won't pick against the Gators, but if I am still in competition then when we play LSU I am not putting 20 points on the Gators. I took the chance this week because I had already lost three games by being stupid and not getting my picks in on time. However I also thought we had a pretty good chance and needed a way to stay in the hunt. Fortunately it worked out for me last week. And we are not on the list this week or I would again put us at 20. So I won't win your award but hope to stay in the hunt in our contest. I also have my entries in this week.
Nine people without picks. Remember, deadline for first game is less than 25 hours from now. Frifay night game!