4 more sign up today. Left to sign up from last year: Return of Lloyd Bryanspicks Gipicks BuckeyeT IrishPickedMoreWinners Treefrog RoGator Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 FL Bucks Tim Gentry
FL Bucks signs up. Still MIA: Return of Lloyd Bryanspicks Gipicks BuckeyeT IrishPickedMoreWinners Treefrog RoGator Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry
Treefrog and RoGator sign up... I could make a Tebow/scoobie-do joke here... TreeRo shows up... No, haven't been drinking... just drunk on vacation coming up! :wink: Return of Lloyd Bryanspicks Gipicks BuckeyeT IrishPickedMoreWinners Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry
Mike's vacatio must be over... He's in! Still MIA: Return of Lloyd Bryanspicks BuckeyeT IrishPickedMoreWinners Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
Got it Corey! Still MIA: Return of Lloyd Bryanspicks BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
The real 2011 3rd place member chimes in, Bryanspicks. Still MIA: Return of Lloyd BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
No new sign-ups since 2-Aug Still MIA: Return of Lloyd BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp NOTYOURDADSBIG10 Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
The CORNHUSKER, whoever the heck that is 8) , has joined the mix. Only two more weeks to get in! Still MIA: Return of Lloyd BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
Site is showing that picks will be available on or after 31-Aug. That leads me to believe that week one will start with the games on Saturday 8-Sept unless there are any early games in the contest that week. Check in every day starting 31-August to make sure you have your picks in. A few times last year people missed weeks due to either not saving their picks or some glitch in the system. Always check your picks before the first game. The settings are the same. If something does happen, you can still make picks or change picks for any game that has not yet started. Deadline is 5 minutes before each game. No weeks are dropped, just like last year.
No more sign ups since the Husker guy showed up... Still MIA: Return of Lloyd BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
2011 second place Return of Lloyd checks in... Still MIA: BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp Tim Gentry MIA from two years ago: GORT
Still missing 5 guys... BuckeyeT Bear Down Rick Patrick333 kp Tim Gentry Picks may be made available as early as 9 days from now.
BT Signs in. Still missing 4 guys... Bear Down Rick - last year's 18th place Patrick333 - last year's 21st place kp - last year's 22nd place Tim Gentry - last year's 27th place Come on guys. Get in and show us how many spots you can move up!