and now we have victim blaming/targeting. God help any of you if you had to go through something like this. This guy has done this in the past, as the article mentions. I really hope they all go down in flames. This is ********.
I happen to agree with some of what Fletch says, maybe he should have been standing up with righteous indignation before we got to this point? Maybe the Tallahassee PD should have actually investigated this like they would if he was Jameis the fry guy at McDonald's? If he doesn't understand the anonymity angle for the alleged victim, I have full confidence in saying he has jack **** for experience with rape cases. I've seen some real ugly stuff in court, and worse outside of the court.
I was thinking the same thing. The defense lawyers I've known over the years would not speak like he did. If he's speaking the truth, then I question his ability as a defense lawyer. In my book, Competent (key word) lawyers don't express bitterness and anger while whining to an invisible audience.
I'll throw this link in for another view point ..this one from a liberal feminist activist, at least she claims to be...regarding Title IX investigation of her son.
Now that article has substantive credibility for me. Her writing style is dispassionate and organized. Plus, she has skin in the game in the person of her son as the accused. Her description of the process is similar to that of the prior writer, but she maintains objectivity and doesn't show bitterness or anger. If this is how the hearings normally go, there is a huge problem with the process IMO.
I've been saying for decades that Title IX is screwed up and unfair. It goes far beyond athletics. With that being said, it's the law. Al Capone was busted for tax evasion. Many people who have committed racists acts have not been found guilty of murder, attempted murder, or assault, they were nabbed on Civil Rights violations. When the US Department of Education's Civil Rights Office became involved in the investigation, one has to wonder if there weren't numerous other opportunities to remedy these locally. However, as numerous other investigations have found, the local PD, AG and the University seem totally unwilling to compromise the athletic quality of their football program. As a general rule of thumb, you never want to mess with the Fed and that's precisely where they are right now.
You guys really don't know me at all. Right is right and wrong is wrong. No imaginary friends guiding me. No blind party loyalty. You do right, because you do right. It keeps the social order of life and makes the world a better place. If the alternative is acceptable, then I've got some making up to do but was born with all the right tools to accomplish this task. It's like finding a wallet with cash on the curb. -Some people open it up, pocket the cash and throw the wallet in the gutter. -Some people open it up, pocket the cash, then check the ID before calling the person and telling them that they found their wallet. -Some people open up the wallet, check the ID and return it as is.. because it is simply the right thing to do. I'm the latter. I will never be a fan of title IX. It's bad legislation that came from a good place, and it was necessary to buck the old boy system. At the same time, it's cruel and unjust. It places an increased value set on one over the other based on gender, which is precisely what it's supposed to prevent. Everyone sees what it is. Everyone sees what it does.. but it's either 'not their business' (which is chickenshit imho) or they are benefiting from it (which is both chickenshit and stealing imho). Title IX is most certainly one of those 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' items.
Interesting conversation and links. I am not sure in this case that the hearing will actually take place. Winston only needs to stay eligible though the football season and playoffs. Then he is gone and the university has no hold over him. I however am not the least bit sorry to see FSU and the Tallahassee PD and Campus PD take the heat for their coverup. I hope FSU does not win the playoffs but what will be will be.
It's interesting to me to see the media coverage. Before the ND game, the word was that FSU pushed the hearing back after the ND game. That's fine, but where's the hearing? Now, I've heard they pushed it back again. Well, when is the date? If they stall this out until the end of the semester/season, the NCAA should crawl right up FSU's backside and set up shop if they want to retain any credibility. Anyway, the media before this (namely ESPN) was right about to turn on Famous Jameis, but I watched a pregame show Saturday morning in which they were actually talking about the strategic approach of stalling until the end of the season so he could declare for the NFL draft.
So now they are investigating Winston for point shaving against Louisville. Of course, his boy toy Jimbo Fisher is running interference for him again.