Thanks Stu....the tongue was firmly in cheek on that one... ....couldn't resist. I think it's a big "duh" that as a Gator I am very glad Nu'Keese decided to waver.
I have a feeling that there may be a conversation between jim'bo and Mike. It might go something like: Jim: Hey Mikey... what are we going to do about these wayward boys? Hamilton: Well Jim, you know we have to follow due process. Jim: Been a long time since anyone was forced to sleep with the fishies. Hamilton: Now Jim... Jim: Let's get this cleared up quickly... the family business doesn't need this kind of publicity. Hamilton: Yes Sir Jim... Sandy, get Lane in ... no, make it Monty. I'll go straight to the top. Jim: You do that Mikey... You do that.
One of the three released without posting bond Sounds like it is now confirmed that he was the third passenger in the car.
The last link I posted is being updated as news comes in. They just added a comment from Kiffin saying their status is on hold pending investigation. I would not expect to see any of the three of them in this next game.
John Adams (the president, not the KNS reporter) once said: In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. I wish it were congress that was arrested last night. They've been holding us at gunpoint for years! Fight Organized Crime: Re-elect nobody!
Halftime at the UCF vs Rutgers game says that Edwards has also been released. I see no confirmation on this yet.
Thank you Lane for setting a high standard and showing the team that NOBODY is getting away with this type behavior. As much as I want to see Tennessee win, I think this is the BEST WIN this program has seen in a while.
By remove does that mean they have been kicked off the team, or suspended or what? Are they eligible to come back to the team? Have they been expelled from Tenn?
I don't see how he had a choice. Armed robbery is a very serious felony crime and I can't see many if any coaches allowing a player to stay on in consideration of that. Swift action was needed and for that Lane get's cudos.
The only choice he had was to gather and digest all the information before making a irreversible decision. I do not remember the player, but in the mid to late 90's, Tennessee took the knee jerk path and booted a student athlete off campus for a rape charge. It turned out that he was innocent and the female, with ties to a rival, admitted the false allegation. That cost Tennessee dearly. This was a different situation. The evidence id there and when all the info was in, the right decision was made. Kiffin did the right thing. He suspended all three as evidenced by them not traveling with the team to Ole Miss. He permanently dismissed two when positive, conclusive evidence on them was received. He is still gathering info on Jackson and will make a permanent decision on him when that info is in.
Well Texas 5* recruit Andre Jones was from El Paso, well liked kid, certainly projected to be a top player at DE. No history of problems. Enrolls early, and before he even don's a Longhorn uniform somehow gets hooked up with a bad actor who'd been previously kicked off the team. The bad actor talks him into coming along with him while he collects some money from a dude who owes him, oh yeah says would you mind holding this loaded gun on him while I do the talking. Of course the idiots get caught, he's dismissed from the team but is allowed to stay in school. I forget what the outcome of the criminal trial was pretty sure it was probation. But he was allowed back on the team under a whole bunch of conditions. He eventually transfered to UTEP, don't know if he has ever played a down there either.
Jackson cleared and charges dropped. There is no public decision as to his future on the team. It is expected that he will rejoin the team but when is not known at this time.
I am very glad to hear that Jackson has been acquitted. It would have been such a terrible talent to waste had he been involved in this incident. He had much more to lose than the other two in my opinion and I'm glad that he didn't get pulled into the ignorant act of the other two. I still think there's much more to this case than has been revealed to this point. I'm curious to hear what comes out in the trial. I still think this was a very small scale drug deal and that Richardson and Edwards got stupid(er) for whatever reason.