ND <r>Nice little article on ND and Kelly.<br/> <br/> <URL url="http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/FBC-NOTREDAME-SPORTSPLUS_5694787/FBC-NOTREDAME-SPORTSPLUS_5694787/"><LINK_TEXT text="http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/F ... S_5694787/">http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/FBC-NOTREDAME-SPORTSPLUS_5694787/FBC-NOTREDAME-SPORTSPLUS_5694787/</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
ND <r>I'm starting to feel it now...practice starts Saturday! Practice? Yeah, we talkin PRACTICE! <br/> <br/> 33 days!<br/> <br/> Go Irish!!!<br/> <br/> <E></E></r>
Tim, I'm not sure what to think about that article by Brian Hamilton that you posted. Hamilton is a notorious ND hater who takes extreme joy in finding things wrong with ND and the program. He especially takes umbrage at the long held notion that ND does things differently, we take academics seriously, we take discipline seriously. I'm sure he delighted in writing that he had heard that one of our top recruits had a 17 on the ACT, and that Michael Floyd would have been dismissed from the program in the past. He's going to a length to say that ND is now just another football factory, and using Bob Davie to back up his feelings? He's implying that having modern up to date facilities is another chip that proves we're just a football factory.
ND <t>Terry,<br/> <br/> I'm not familiar with the writer. After looking at the article again I see what you mean. If that's how the guy feels then so be it I guess. I guess I'm looking at it from a different angle. If it pisses the guy off that ND can be competitive with the big boys in College football I say tuff shi*! Kelly is getting to do some things that former coaches never could and things are changing on campus for the ND football players but you and I both know ND will never be what the media defines a a "Football Factory". We will always have higher academic a moral standards than those types of teams. Kelly has just been given some realistic guidelines to work with for a change. <br/> <br/> Anyway..................I'm ready for some ND football. I see the light at the tunnel.. Come on Sept. 3!!!</t>
Looks like Davie can't except the fact that he couldn't cut it as a head coach and unlike Ty the golfer, no one gave him another chance to prove how piss poor he was. Floyd had the talent to leave for the NFL after last season but made a commitment to return and graduate. Maybe he deserved some slack because of his commitment. If ND is the same as other factories how come their graduation rate doesn't show it?
ND <t>Gipper, <br/> <br/> Yeah, I heard Davie make similar comments before. Never know if he is jealous or happy for the way things are for ND now. <br/> <br/> You are absolutely correct on the graduation rates too.</t>
An unfortunate and potentially tragic injury has taken the sight from one eye of our 6'9" basketball recruit. A positive side to this story is that the university will honor his scholarship even if he can't play BB again. I wonder if the writer Hamilton in Chicago has seen this story. ND Basketball Recruit's Career in Jeopardy
Very Sad story, I"m glad the University has stepped up and guaranteed his education. He'll recover from the eye injury and with a ND education he'll be fine in life, probably be able to play Y basketball and pickup games once he adjust to single vision. But this will test him no doubt. I'm rooting for him.
No one here has said anything about this. It's a very sad, tragic story. It's likely that time wil reveal what it is about his mental and emotional state that caused this incident. Corwin Brown Shoots Self In Standoff With Police
Sid One facet of this story is how it is being reported. Brown is a former university of Michigan player. He also played in the NFL. He coached for more than one NFL team and last season was an assistant with the Patriots. But every headline and story leadin describes him as "a former coach at Notre Dame." I wish him and his family well. He must have serious problems.