Temple Owls will open the 2013 season at Notre Dame Stadium....man what will I do now. I always rip Joel on Penn State playing Temple. What next Penn State will play Navy? Oh wait they do next year, can't wait for Joel's take on that game!!
re: Michigan <object><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zPYueAc5XAE?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zPYueAc5XAE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
I just learned that Swarbrick has gotten Michigan to agree that we bring our refs to the Big House and they can bring theirs to ND Stadium. In the past Mich has not allowed any visiting teams to bring their own refs. This is a big win for ND. We will be using Big East refs, of course they can screw us as well as the best of them!!
Yeah but when Big East refs screw us it's just incompetence. BT refs can take their excessive celebration flags and shove them.
You guys should go over to und.com and watch the press conference where Christine Halfpenny is introduced as the new Irish Womens Lacrosse coach. Very impressive hire by Swarbrick.
Also it's offical now, Jordan Prestwood has been admitted to ND. He had some academics to clean up in summer school and he did it. The kid has a lot of potential, it is a little disquieting that he bailed on FSU so quickly but hopefully it was just a bad fit for him and not an indication of his work ethic or anything like that. He is a very good OL prospect, some have said only Hegarty is a better prospect than him. Welcome to ND, now it's up to you to work hard both on and off the field and realize all that potential.
:idea: re: Prestwood He's a good one and the only thing that disquiets me is what kind of an operation FSU is running. They stole a lot from the Irish, only to have kids quickly reverse course with one mother calling them a bunch of liars. Prestwood actually made an appearance there, only to discover that the rumors about their coaches being liars was true. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/567189-notre-dame-football-aaron-lynch-decommits-from-fsu I see the Jordan Prestwood switchback as being nearly identical to the Aaron Lynch here-there-and-back situation. In both cases, a player committed to Notre Dame was poached, then reversed himself when he found out that he had been fooled by con-artists. Both times the offending coaches were at Florida State. That is not a coincidence.
:idea: Jordan Prestwood http://irish.nbcsports.com/2011/06/03/prestwood-set-to-transfer-to-notre-dame/ http://notredame.247sports.com/Article/Jordan-Prestwood-leaving-Florida-State-will-be-Irish-soon-27483 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Jordan-Prestwood/100000107538936
Dan Devine will be honored this fall with a statue at ND stadium, joining Rock, Leahy,Ara, and Lou. Dan was certainly the least appreciated of all the NC coaches at ND, glad to see him get his statue.
Scratch Gunner Kiel, Columbus, IN, from the QB recruit list. He has committed to Indiana. He was rated by some services as the top pro style QB recruit in the nation. Big, big catch for the IU program. He says it was based on Coach Wilson's track record in developing players for the NFL, specifically citing Sam Bradford. His older brother, Dusty, is in line to be the starting QB at IU this fall. Kiel Commits to Indiana
Yeah you have to feel that Kevin Wilson being able to point to Heisman winner Sam Bradford and his success in the NFL last year with the Rams and the developement of Landry Jones into a top College QB with Heisman hopes this year. Good luck to him, IU is an excellent school so he'll get a great education and maybe Wilson will get the program out of the bottom of the B1G. Not to mention the family considerations.
Prestwood <t>The recruiting Class of 2011 just got better. Jordan Prestwood has been admitted and will report next week. Was at FSU for spring ball but decided ND was better choice.</t>
Everybody is pretty high on Prestwood, and in some ways this could work out well for him and ND. He won't be eligible to play this fall so he'll get to learn and get stronger in the weight room. We've had several OL's in the past be pressed too early into duty as Freshman and I think it hurts their overall developement. Obviously there are exceptions but I think of Brad Williams who Holtz played a little at OG his freshman year and I think it really hurt his developement, Sam Young could have benefited from not playing as a freshman.
:idea: Prestwood needs the extra time. He was a TE in high school and he'll need at least one year to make the transition to OL...
This is related only tangentially in a small world kind of way. On Saturday, Gip's son, Commish, sat next to my son, Brian, in St. Louis at the Cubs-Cardinals game. They were there for the bachelor weekend celebration of their mutual close friend from ND, who is getting married. No night revelry for these young family men, just golf in the morning and baseball in the afternoon.....my idea of a fun day. Reminds me of the great time we had a couple of years ago in Kansas City at the Royals game, courtesy of AJ and his wonderful family. We should think of doing something next summer.
Sat. night Mary and I were in St. Louis. Commish told me last week he was going to be there for the weekend and I told him our schedule. He surprised his mom at breakfast this morning. Fun! In Indy area tonight. Home tomorrow or Tues. 15 different beds in 20 days! Looking forward to home.
Gip, that's cool. Brian and Mike Cook drove back to Indy after the game. Wave as you go by on your way out of the Indy area.