I agree it probably won't hurt us, we've had any number of players who have been suspended like Fauria. Most of them would not be suspended for the whole semester like Fauria, but would have been given 1 or 2 game timeouts. Stonebreaker was given a season off over an incident where he was on probation for some parking issues and got caught driving a car on campus. I mean he wouldn't have missed more than a game at Texas. Brock Williams suspended for the season for parking tickets. Tony Driver suspended for the season for pareital violations that aren't even against the rules other places. Yeatman was on probation for driving a golf cart drunk, then violated that by being in possession of an adult beverage, not drunk, just got caught holding a beer. There have been more, but the bottom line has always been at ND things get you suspended that would get you sitting out a game at Texas, Florida, USC, Oklahoma, etc. Yet the success of ND recruiting has always been the record, not who was suspended last year.
Sorry, Godfather. At the risk of incurring your ire, I have to go with Terry and Tim on this one. I know, I know. Never take sides against the family. Yada, yada, ya........BOOM!
First of all, I haven't seen what was the underlying cause of the Fauria incident. All I know is that back when I was on campus, "jocks" were always getting suspended including Nick Eddy who was invited off for a spring semester before the '66 season. In some families, the parents actually find that type of campus desirable for their kids. Hey Doc, I'm not sure but wasn't it Stonebreaker who was in a terrible accident with a young lady who was very badly hurt? I think he got in trouble for that.
I don't know, you could be right; but even so you think Mack Brown is going to toss a kid who was in a car accident for a semester...unless of course he was drunk. Like you said it's always been that way at ND, no doubt there are some families/kids who want their sons coddled we see it all the time and there are some families that like a school with discipline. It could be the reason why in Charlies tenure only 6 or 7 kids have been in trouble where they get tossed while other programs have that many in a year and they frequently only miss the game vs a 1AA opponent.
The concensus version of the story seems to be that he was suspended for a semester for streaking. It's the end of the world as we know it.
Irish have another commit. Chris Badger a Safety from Utah. He was previously committed to Stanford where his brother and father played football. This is a big shock to me, I remember when he committed and I figured with the family history that it was a firm commitment Also since we have received a commit from a kid formerly committed to Stanford and done so eagerly, it would be inappropriate to make negative comments about any verbal we have now that changes his mind like Badger.
badger <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> I have to say I was surprised at the Badger commit too! As you say, we should watch what we say about other programs coming after kids that have already committed to ND. Can't have it both ways I guess. <br/> <br/> Just a couple of quick thoughts about Badger. He rated as a 3 or 4 star recruit depending upon the what particular recruiting service you look at but one of the first things I look for is who else wanted the kid. In this case no only was Stanford, Cali, Utah, and BYU offering him but Missouri Florida State and LSU had offered him as well. <br/> <br/> Secondly, this was a Coach Hart recruit. Nice to know. <br/> <br/> Like you, I also like what I'm hearing from the Shembo visit. <E>8)</E> <E></E></r>
Tim, Kendall Moore also was in and had a great visit, Irish are in good shape with both Shembo and Moore and if they both commit (and they say they will chose a school before Sept 1) then we have to be pretty much done on defense. Need some OL's to make a decision for us though!!
Mike Franks Irish Sports Daily has a Chance report where they list the recruits and what our chances with them are... The good chance list includes. David Amerson Dion Bailey Anthony Barr ..hope, hope, hope! Spencer Boyd Devon Carriongton...who has since verbaled to Stanford since the article was written Corey Cooper Kendall Moore Prince Shembo Joshua Shaw.
Utupo the Samoan Sack Machine! He did have a Nebraska offer so Pellini must have thought he could play! Also a LDS, were starting to get some mormons on the squad.
Utupo's a nice kid. Looking foward to seeing him play. When I asked him if he'd heard what A. J. Martin said about him he replied:
Tommy Rees is the 11th Irish commit. I'm ambivalent about him, he seems like a kid with a nice upside, but taking 2 QBs in the same class just doesn't seem like a good idea. I would have been happy with taking just 1 in this class and getting more OL's or DL's. Terry
I sat thru the end of the Decade of Dominance II at USC when we were without a QB sans freshman Arnez Battle. I also sat thru Brady Quinn and Clausen's freshman years... 2 QBs in the same class is not a bad thing IMHO
recruiting <r>I'm not all that crazy about taking a 2nd QB in this class either. But from the beginning Weis said he was going to take 2. I gues they know something we don't. We still have plenty of room for OL/DL etc since I think we can go a full 25 this year. <br/> <br/> Supposedly a lot of people think the Rees kid has great potential. Some even go as far as saying he is better than Hendrix.<br/> <br/> This will all make sense I guess if Clausen has a good season and leaves for the pros next year leaving just Crist and the two from this class. One injury and your up shi* creek. <br/> <br/> By the way could it be that we are only about <B><s></s>61 DAYS from ND FOOTBALL!? <e></e></B>God I can't wait!!!</r>