Not a rumour, it's the truth. Right now Weis is facing tremendous negative recruiting tactics by our rivals, all the recruits are being told that he's going to be fired and that they are stupid/fools to go to ND this year. It's working on Martin, he supposedly feels like he needs to get out there and see some other programs just in case Weis is fired. Only way Weis can combat it is to get a fast start out of the gate so the Weis is going to get fired sounds pretty hollow. Terry
Well Charlie better keep his foot on the pedal and not let up. No feeling sorry and just getting a win. Let the fireworks go off from start to finish. I bought the Phil Steele mag, he really likes ND this year, and he is pretty good at his predictions. I love the summer and being at the beach but....I can't wait for September!!!!
ND <r>Well I can't say I didn't think somethnig like this would happen. He commited so early and it just gave every sleezebag recrruiter LOTS of time to work on him. <br/> <br/> Like everthing else this season, this recruting class will be made or broken by the win loss record just like CW's job. Win 9 or 10 and CW keeps his job and ND ends up with a top 10 recruiting class. 8 or less wins and CW is oiut the door and ND will be lucky to end up with a top 25 class and lots of transfers. CW and the boys are backed into a corner. 10 wins and a BCS bowl will make all the problems disappear. <E>8)</E></r>
I can't believe that all this negative recruiting has any traction. After all, Charlie has great support from ND fans. I think.
Yeah everybody's got Charlies back, well at least till he loses a game or wins a game but doesn't run the ball enough! BTW Good News. According to Hendrixs HS Coach he has committed to ND. Hendrix Commits Although he hasn't had the hat switching press conference as yet!
Hendrix <r>Good news on Hendrix! As I said before, for some reason I just really like this kid. No disrespect to the Montana family but I'm glad we have this young man as a future ND QB. <E>8)</E></r>
Congrats on the Hendrix kid.....hope you hang on to him and hope he works out well and becomes a productive starter when his time comes....
Not only classy but a fan of a program that consistantly has top 5 classes. Very few programs have that security.
Yeah no doubt under Tressel the Buckeyes have been a model of success. They recruit well, they win a lot of games, and they play in Big Bowl games and are always in the picture for the NC.
ND <r>I was beginning to wonder about Leuders. Seemed like he might go elsewhere....shows what I know. Nice catch for the Irish though. <br/> <br/> We may have a couple more commits in the next 2 weeks or so too. <E></E></r>
Thinking Lo Wood? He's at ND today, I wouldn't be shocked. Priester is also supposed to annoucnce soon, it's down to ND/Vandy. I hope he goes to Vandy. We already have 2 WR recruits who are good solid players, for the 3rd guy I want Prater or Cooper or the kid from Kansas City...and we'll have to wait on those guys. A great season increases our chances. Terry
nd <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> The comments from Martin made me feel a little better about his situation.<br/> <br/> I wasn't thinking about Priester but the coaching staff must see something in him that we don't. He's listed as an ATH so maybe they are looking at another position. He is listed as having 4.4 speed but his size is a question to me. We need another 6'2", 6'3" 200LB WR with descent speed.<br/> <br/> Lo Wood would be nice as the next commit. <br/> <br/> Like you I don't see Prater, Copper and some other big names commiting until much later and if ND has a 10 win season they would probably come our way. <br/> <br/> Recruiting definitely looking up after a dormant couple of months. <E>8)</E></r>
ND <r>Irish Illustrated has has an article on Martin this morning that really clears up his situation a lot. I know I can't cut and paste it here but if you can you should really take a look at it. <br/> <br/> Says he would just really like to skip his senior HS season and be at ND NOW! <br/> <br/> Interesting kid, sounds real passionate. Can't wait to get him on the D line and let him rip some QB's head off!! <E></E></r>
ND <r>Terry,<br/> <br/> Looks like you were thinking right....Lo Wood it is as the 8th commit in the class! <E></E> <E>8)</E> <E></E><br/> <br/> Here's the link to a free article on Wood. A little eval of his performance at the South Florida 7-7. <br/> <br/> <URL url=""></URL><br/> <br/> Nice to pull this kid away from the Wolverweasels! <E>8)</E></r>
nd <r>Something is up with Priester, he has decided to delay his decision. Wonder if he is getting mixed signals from the ND staff? <E>:?</E></r>
I have a feeeling this Joseph Fauria debacle is going to come back and bit us in the butt in recruiting circles.
nd <r>George,<br/> <br/> I don't think the Fauria incident will do much if anything affecting recruiting. The only major factor this year will be wins/losses. Start off winning and end up with at least 9 or 10 wins and CW plus the current recruiting class are good.....8 or less wins...well...... <E>:cry:</E> <E>:cry:</E> <E>:cry:</E></r>