As usual you deflect from the real issue..... that is Donald Trump's own voice talking and admitting to purposely misleading the American public about the severity and danger of Covid-19.... a threat he knew about right from the start and afterward for months he politicized mask wearing and made a mockery of social distancing and still does with his rallies. Thanks for your relevant article from the Examiner from a year ago.... and I noticed ABC News did offer an apology on the media outlet twitter. Meanwhile the Examiner is a "great" place for factual reporting I see: Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.
OpEd from Sandmann in response to the Left shift of the ACLU: Nick Sandmann: I’m a pro-life conservative Republican college student who won’t let cancel culture silence me
"As usual you deflect from the real issue..... that is Donald Trump's own voice talking and admitting to purposely misleading the American public about the severity and danger of Covid-19." Yesterday Brain Dead Biden announced that there had been 6,107 deaths in the military as a result of Covid-19. In fact there have been 7. You would think that that clown would have some idea of how few deaths there have been in those of military age. But maybe he's taking his cue from the media and over blowing the pandemic. Another Biden lie that happens daily and is completely ignored by the TDS zombies.
I'm with him. The idea that there can be "Hate speech" laws is repugnant and totally against the Constitution. Short of inciting violence... ANYTHING should be allowed.
" Thanks for your relevant article from the Examiner from a year ago.... and I noticed ABC News did offer an apology on the media outlet twitter. Meanwhile the Examiner is a "great" place for factual reporting I see: Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks." WTF is the difference? ABC apologized because they in fact ran a fake story. You just can't help rating the source when it's obviously true. CNN had a similar story but citing them makes my stomach ready to vomit.
"As usual you deflect from the real issue" No the real issue is that Trump gave this information to Woodward and the Wash. Post months ago but instead of telling the public immediately (after all this is supposed to be vital information) they sat on it for months until less than 2 mos. before the election and in conjunction with the release of his book. If it's "a blockbuster" why withhold this information from the public for months?
Good question.... but maybe it's because of the same reason I never told my teen age boys I was able to look at their MySpace account no matter how disturbing some things might have been..... it would blow my cover and they would clam up. Woodward had 18 recorded conversations with Trump over time and probably learned additional alarming things from Trump as they went along. ":News is flying out of the pages of "Rage" in a torrent. And almost none of it can be dismissed by the Trump administration on the grounds of anonymous sourcing. Many people went on the record for Woodward's book. But the biggest source of on-the-record information was the President of the United States himself who acknowledged that he tried to downplay the coronavirus threat, that he knew it was far more dangerous to younger people than he was admitting and that it was much more deadly than the regular flu, despite constant declarations that it was only a flu and would go away with the "warm weather."
"The event in Nevada -- his second rally in the state in as many days -- did not only risk the health of those present, thousands of whom were packed together inside a manufacturing facility in defiance of the state's ban on local gatherings of 50 people or more. It also has the potential to turn into a super spreader event that could seed Covid-19 outbreaks in the wider community. Trump hadn't held an indoor rally in nearly three months, since his last one, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after which the city saw a surge in cases and multiple campaign staffers along with Secret Service agents tested positive for the virus. The jarring scenes of the indoor event clashed with footage from the first weekend of NFL games that went ahead in cavernous empty stadiums, reflecting how almost alone the President, who might be expected to set an example, is responsible for the most dangerous breaches of his own government's coronavirus recommendations."
The Democrats May Not Be Able to Concede Racist? HOAX Callous and without empathy? More demonizing of a leader making adult decisions the Left doesn't agree with. The Left Coalition has put EVERY CONSERVATIVE at risk of bodily harm with their continued anti-humanity of anyone that doesn't agree with their deranged hallucinations. Manipulated and deceived? Uh...CNN? Russians had interfered? HOAX Fake news? Uh...CNN? Collusion with the Trump campaign? HOAX
Meanwhile as I just heard Trump himself say on TV he is "not worried about catching the coronavirus" at his political rallys where people are crowded together with no masks because "I'm far away from the crowd".... etc etc. So the people that do spread it at those rallys can take solace in the fact that while others around them may possibly get sick and die at least they did not infect their president. See.... Trump does care.... about himself anyway.... as usual.... and about no one else.... such as the poor Latino suckers attending his indoor rally in Phoenix today.
Kes, if you go on Hamid’s twitter page, you will see he is getting flamed by the left for suggesting that the Democrats created a problem by not accepting the 2016 election as a legitimate result. Here is one fever swamp response I think the author did not anticipate that his pointing out that the stability of a democracy is threatened when voters view the result as illegitimate would cause Resistance Twitter to flip out on him.
What do me and OUR President have in common? I ain't worried about that friggin virus either. Gotta be the Swedish blood.
Well AJ should you ever have the misfortune to get the virus or knowingly be exposed to it I hope you have more common decency and care about other people more than he does. I would have a lot more respect for the asshole if he went out into the mask less crowd that he has assembled to worship his sorry ass and kissed babies and shook hands and hugged people showing how he himself wasn't afraid of the virus..... like "it's no big deal".... "under control".... "going away"..... etc.... lie... etc.... lie. Instead he assembles them knowing full well they could get sick and die from being there ( Herman Cain ) and he keeps his own hide safe on the stage " far away from the crowd".
Time to discuss the President’s response to the Covid virus. We all know that he took it seriously enough to take the almost unprecedented action of closing our border with China. Of course while he was taking the threat seriously, his political opponents, especially Biden were brushing off the threat calling his action xenophobic. While the hysterical Democratic proponents now claim that he “downplayed” the virus, let’s look at what actually happened not their delusional version. In a Mar. 16, 2020 article in Life Science it was stated as follows “Efforts to completely contain the new coronavirus — the pandemic responsible for infecting hundreds of thousands of people in 130 countries with the disease, called COVID-19 — have failed. In less than a month, the global number of confirmed COVID-19 cases doubled from about 75,000 cases on Feb. 20 to more than 153,000 on March 15. That infection rate, scary as it sounds, hides just how much the out-of control virus has spread, especially in the hardest-hit communities.” Coronavirus: What is 'flattening the curve,' and will it work? | Live Science Seeing how the virus overwhelmed the Italian health care system it was decided by Drs. Fauci and Birx to adopt the FLATTEN THE CURVE approach. This approach recognizes the impossibility of completely stopping the spread of the virus but instead, seeks to prevent a large spike overwhelming the health care system. As we know, there was a critical shortage of PPEs and support hardware especially ventilators. (the supply had been used in the flu epidemic during the previous administration and there had been no replenishment of supplies.) Using, the bully pulpit of the presidency and the Defense Production Act, PPEs and ventilators were manufactured in a matter of weeks. Despite unrealistic demands by some of the state governors (Cuomo for instance cried for 40,000 ventilators and in the end needed only a small fraction of that amount) the president was able to announce that “no American who needed a ventilator did not get one.” The argument that if Americans had known in the beginning the truth about the virus things would have been different is specious. Imagine if Americans had been told that the virus is dangerously deadly and that the only way to completely avoid the possibility of getting it would be to isolate one’s self and family for months. We all know the shortages that arose with toilet paper and disinfectant wipes imagine the panic that would have ensued and the hording that would have occurred in this scenario. Supermarket shelves would have quickly emptied and essential workers such as grocery store clerks and truck drivers would have joined those in isolation. Millions would have been left with no food and no hope to obtain any. We’ve seen a so called second wave of infections this summer. By June, the risk posed by the virus was well known to Americans, but the infections continued. The argument that “if we’d only know” is complete delusion but it makes for a good campaign lie. According to an article at CNBC two weeks ago “Europe has recorded a sharp rise in the number of new Covid-19 infections in recent weeks, reflecting an alarming trend as the World Health Organization warns “no country can just pretend the pandemic is over.” Europe sees sharp rise in the number of new coronavirus cases, as Spain and Russia infections spike Did the Europeans not know about the virus? Did their efforts erase the threat? The only thing that those countries have succeeded in is ruining their economies. The Chinese reportedly managed to stem the outbreak in Wuhan in a matter of weeks. Of course, their remedy was to lock the infected in their residences and then return later to pick up and dispose of the bodies. I’m guessing that that solution would not be popular here. The bottom line is that the Trump administration has combated the virus while keeping the American economy from being destroyed. The TDS portion of our population will always blame the President for every act of God or Nature but an objective look at how the country has fared to date reveals that we came up with a plan to protect the health care system and the economy and it was as successful as could be expected.
What Trump is being blamed for is that his every statement made early on in the pandemic was to minimize it.....knowing full well he was lying ( see Woodward recordings ) and politicizing mitigation efforts and careful behavior like social distancing and mask wearing which he still mocks and politicizes unimaginably. And he mocks it by holding unsafe political rallies which he knows for a fact are unsafe and most definitely will lead to more spread of Covid-19 and possibly death for some. That continued callous, self serving lack of accepting and promoting medical advice vs. politicization is unforgivable.
The Martin family is convinced that it blew through our household starting in December. My wife was hospitalized with what was originally diagnosed as right lung pneumonia, then downgraded as "Super Bronchitis". The oldest kid was sick for a whole month straight. The Marines system treated it as simple winter crud. This all before we knew anything, or they knew how to treat it. Problem is now getting permission to get tested for the antibodies....which I find strange.
Maybe you didn't watch the press conferences or maybe you don't know what "flatten the curve" means. When you tell people that your aim is to keep the medical system from being overwhelmed, an intelligent person will know that IT'S SERIOUS. When you shut the border you're saying this IS SERIOUS. When you're sending hospital ships and the corps of engineers to build hospital beds you're saying this IS SERIOUS. We all knew what was going on in China and Italy and to say that the average American didn't know that the virus was serious is ********. Following the science we didn't wear face masks because the scientists were lying to us. They wanted the masks for health care providers. We were all told to social distance and wash our hands.....except those on the TDS Planet Dave.