I think it's new for this season. They also have one that allows a 10 second run off in certain situations, but I can't remember what they are...
What are we talking about here? As I've always known it, if the ball leaves the shooter's hand before the clock hits zero, the shot is good. How has this changed? (I know it's off-topic, but I'm pretty sure we've exhausted the WI-ASU issue)
Last Shot Rule In high school and college basketball, if there is three-tenths of a second or less left on the clock, players are not permitted to catch and shoot the ball for a successful field goal. A player may only tap or deflect the ball into the basket for the goal to be counted. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/389245-basketball-game-clock-rules/#ixzz2fCtWj5TK
Sid, we're talking about a ball that goes out of bounds and a team throwing it back into play. By rule, if there is .3 sec. or less there is no time for a player to catch and then shoot the ball before time runs out. Only a tip of the pass will count.
Ah. Understood. I see clearly the intent, especially at the HS level, where they don't have shot clocks or replay. Thanks, guys.