I've said all I can about the Photoshop picture and the Phantom Kneel, but was Gipper seriously questioning the officials in the UCLA-Nebraska game? I watched that whole contest and it was a Titanic blow-out of the Huskers in their own stadium. In fact, the 28 points that the Bruins scored in the third quarter alone is a record for any team against Nebraska. The Bruins had a popular player killed in traffic during the week and the team dedicated the game to his family. They were crying as they scored again and again according to today's LA Times. The Huskers mothers could have refereed that game and the score wouldn't have been any different...
Gipper questioned one "call" that occurred in that game. I don't think that I've ever seen a request for a measurement denied before. This was in the second quarter with no clock issue. It's usually a matter of courtesy. Following the denial, Neb. ran on 4th down and passed the line to gain. It had absolutely no impact on the outcome of the game. Maybe the ball wasn't as close to the yellow line as it looked. Maybe someone photoshoped it on the TV. Geeez.
I guess in effect the whole yellow line thing is like a photoshop. Imposing something that isn't really there. The wife did ask me one time why the player didn't look for the yellow line so he would know it was a first down.
Is this the last word? http://espn.go.com/college-football...imands-officials-arizona-state-wisconsin-game A huge black eye for Pac12 refs, but I'll bet they're not losing any sleep over it.
Well the Pac12 has reprimanded the officals who worked that game...good for them. I hate it when leagues cover up for bad officals. Baseball is the worst.
No mention of a "phantom genuflection" in the commish's statement. He writes that the knee touched the ground. Must have seen the Zepruder film of the end of the game.
I'm sure these will be the Pac12 refs that ASU brings to Cowboy Stadium for the ND game and to South Bend for the USC game. They already know how to screw a midwestern team with a straight face! :shock:
So wait a minute.. No one is shedding any tears over Wiscy and ASU a few years ago when ASU went to Madison. This is what I find funny.. P12 team has bad calls/horrible calls/blatant homerism with other team's officials and it's treated with a 'sack up that's college football'... which is actually fair. But P12 officials **** the bed, and we're just shy of a Congressional investigation (kidding) with the B1G issuing statements throwing the P12 refs under the bus. You guys outta rename your divisions Kotex and Playtex.. Back on point, watching that game in real time, you can make 4 or 5 different deductions about what is going on because NO ONE is doing what they are supposed to do.. and that includes the refs. I'd have an easier time blaming them if Wisconsin looked like they were going to down the ball, or really show any sign at all that they knew what to do with those last few seconds. The reality is that it appears their QB thought they had a time out. You can blame it on the ASU kid laying on the ball, but the QB and awfully calm and walking around talking to the ref/looking to the sideline. They didn't act with any real tempo until they realized they were almost out of time. When ASU played an ugly game in Madison in 2010, they wound up losing on a blocked PAT that somehow seemed to erase all of the crap that had taken place before that... These 2 teams have a history of ugly, poorly played games. It's kinda like watching an Auburn scrimmage... Who is to say the kid would have made the kick? That's what gets me and it has always been that way. Oh well, it's gone now.
My it seems like only yesterday when Oregon beat Oklahom on a ******** review by a PAC official. If it happened once, maybe, but this crap goes back at least from 1964 and the ND-USC robbery. How many phantom TD's has USC scored in the Rose Bowl? No one said that the kid would have made the kick. The bitch is that Whisky should have had the chance to win.
Don't forget the bull crap call on the ND reciever who laid out and made the catch of the year in the Stanford game only to have the pac replay refs screw him over.
It's funny because if I do that for P12 games with other conference refs, it's hanging on the past. Gotta move on.. blah blah blah.. You midwestern guys hold a grudge We could sit here and revisit B1G refs over and over again (and that's just the Michigan series).. Mike I know it's a pet peeve of yours.. Still, I'd take either the P12 or B1G refs over the SECs just because I like consistent idiocy. Speaking of that, we were blessed with Ron Cherry this past weekend. That guy is amazing. He only had a few 'huh' calls, but nothing truly 'Cherry-esque'
FWIW: I found out there is now a rule in college football that if there are 3 seconds or less on the clock you can not spike the football. I mean you can but offically the clock runs out.
Sid, basketball has rules about end of games...where there has to be x tenths of a second on the clock before you can offically take a shot. If it's less you bring the ball in but no matter what the clock runs out and your shot doesn't count.