i think <r>that the moderators should try some tough love to help him thru these times<br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z180/keys357/beavisandbutthead.gif"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> Bobda,<br/> <br/> you're funny</r>
:lol: 8) Hey, I got one positive.......I'm more intelligent than MCG !!!!! 1-7 The Gonz......I'm good
Well I want to thank all of you that replied to this topic. I think I need to thank Gonzo as well. What I have gathered here is that the membership agrees with what the moderators are doing as far as locking a few more topics than we have in the past and not allowing flames as much as in the past. Sometimes it's hard to understand exactly what the membership expects but I think the message has come through to the moderators loud and clear in this topic. To which I say thanks!
8) Bill...its nice that you come to a self-serving summation that I certainly don't agree with. My take is that because you have colleagues in high places who are Notre Dame fans you have taken the role of the placator at my expense of free expression. To characterize my posts as "flaming" is a convenient way to carry out the mission I have posted ND stuff since way back in Prodigy days and ...while its true those "P" posts were extreme......the ones here at SK are lame.....are based on actualities, stats and facts.....and are by far not needy of heavy handed editing. If you even read some of the posts in this very thread that are meant to be flaming.....you seem to turn a blind eye. Now, if you guys as Moderators feel that I will not continue to be critical of a colllege program in disarray with a logical and historical approach with slight flips of the lip....then I believe you are singling me out and that is an unfair application of policy. Please mull this answer of mine before you re-post a repeat of whats been said......I find that sometimes people can have slight blips in judgement and still be wonderful human beings as I am sure you and all others here are. You can dice my team anytime and say anything you like.....I can take it and I wont mute you. Take a deep breath.....sleep on it.....you got bigger issues with Gators-Kentucky.....it'll be a great game. We are flying to Tally this weekend to see Noles-Canes....we'll probably lose but we'll spend some time with elder son Victor....the lacrosse superstar.....a freshman living in a dorm with 75% females.....we don't hear much from him since he got there.
Gonz, You are free to post any FACT you wish. Anyone here is free to do that. However, pick your words carefully. As I stated above: Do you see the difference in these two topic titles? When you post a topic, ask yourself, would what I type make the average person go :shock: or would they simply be interested in reading what I have to say? If you are going for the shock factor, expect us to help you tone it down a notch or two.
And as happens many times Gonzo your take on me is wrong. But that's par for the course. Enjoy your trip and I stand by everything in my last post.
:lol: Hum MCG and Gonzo I don't think you know joco very well I dont think that was meant to be a compliment.... both of you have opened a flood gate .. What ever happpened to playing nice on the playground .. I think you both need a time out....... You know when you love your school (like I know both of you do) you like to see them do well but sometimes that doesnt happen that doesnt mean you love them any less... like anything thing else in life you always stand behind the ones you love even when things are bad...... Maybe you both should go back to the Announcements and RE-read Georges post about the members of this board or maybe you havent taken the time to read it in the first place then I think you should read it NOW before its to late. Maybe your priorities are a little screwed up right now ......D
Excuse me Mrs. Jo'Co but you will have to show me where I have been unfair and denigrating to Jo'Co but on the other hand there are several posts from him that do just that to me. I think it is he and your son who should read the announcements. :shock:
MCG, there may not be a single post where you denigrated JO'Co. Unfair, however, can’t be denied. You have a history of driving issues into the ground posting fact after fact virtually kicking people when they are down. Can you not understand this? You have started to turn this around. Continue on that path by understanding how you have affected people... understand how they view your actions... give them time to forget.
Tom, I will continue to utilize restraint but it appears to me that I intimidate some on this board as they are unable to deal with my responses to their attacks, innuendo and otherwise disingenuous posts about me or my team. This place will no longer be worthwhile if I am rendered defenseless while a double-standard is allowed for others to take whatever shot at me they choose. I don't think anyone here would stick around under those circumstances. What compounds the problem is because of that insipid "MCG history" thing that keeps getting tossed about there are some here who in reality are just as much if not more ornery and inflammatory than I am who just relish feeling slighted at the drop of a hat but who are given miles of slack and tolerance. It's absolutely laughable how some of these guys are the first to get in line to dish it out but they can't take the heat that comes flying back once they do. Personally I think you guys make way...way too much of this and need to lighten up or at least be even handed in your moderation of the board.
Let's all lighten up a little...MCG hasn't posted anything bad here...and Gonzo is just being Gonzo...relax and dish it back at him...it's what we've had fun with for all these years. Everybody is getting way too defensive and worried about just who said what...must be an internet thing.
Stu Ryckman for President HuskerObject for Park Director Bill Vaughters aka Gator Bill....for Water and Sewer Superintendent JOCO and COCO for Special Ops Terry O' and Vol Tom for Chiefs of Civil Enforcement MCG for Press Director Sid and Krebs for Medicare Adjustment Board Malloy aka Gipper for Personal Fitness Awards Jif for Loyalty Change Dept. Buckeye T for something Post Edit.....pls delete the word "Water"
Naw...Gator Bill for Law Director Gonzo for Dept. of Recreation As for me...I will not run, and if elected I will not serve.
Re: Gipper for Personal Fitness Awards I got news for ya Gonz, that Big Guy would whip yer arse for 36 holes straight...and that's giving you 5 a side.