Ha,ha,ha.... You know you live in a VERY small town (3 red lights) when your son who is now moved into the metropolis of Gainesville :roll: text you and says his "hickness" is showing...Dad I didn't know you had to pull a cord to stop at the bus stop because I have never been on a city bus before...And which damn button DO you push at the crosswalk??? I have never had to use a crosswalk in 21 years.... The other comments are wow, pretty woman, pretty woman which color do I chose...He can drive 100 miles to the nearest Target store or skin any animal flopped up on the skinning rack but it seems he is a bit out of his element...I love it...
Been gone and missed some of this. Sid, I was just curious if his apartment was near my grandsons, it apparently isn't.
Bill We moved him in on Sunday with a thousand other parents (Don't know why the complex picked Sunday as move in day?) and we are feeling pretty good in the site we chose. He is well out of his comfort zone but enjoying the first couple days. Classes start tomorrow and he is pumped to be up there, I miss him terribly but am excited for the adventure he gets to enjoy... What area did your grandson decide to go to?
He is right across the street from the Administration Building and main entrance on 441. Just south of the ATO house. My Granddaughter is in a dorm but I don't remember which one.
That's where my apartment was when I was a student! Course there are more complexes on that street than there used to be back in the day, but it's a convenient area. I should have looked at this thread sooner ... we have some bedroom furniture we wanted to unload, but didn't get our ducks in a row in time to list it before the return of the students. Now we've be avoiding the 'city' as much as possible this week and last while all yous guys take over everything. No going to stores or restaurants until at least next week!
It seemed pretty convenient with quick access to the university, thanks for sharing your experience... Lol, we sure could have used some of that bedroom furniture a few weeks ago but got that chore done. Gainesville sounds like Ft. Myers during the winter season snowbird season. Don't go to town or think about going to a restaurant until the season ends in April... :wink: