What crap...Rollins is getting senile. There is no Republican debate raging about Michael Steele except for idiots like him. This whole thing is Emmanuel, Carville, and Begala doing the same damn thing they did during the Clinton administration... Instead of talking about their man's policies...they want to demonize somebody from the right...Gingrich, Bush...whoever...right now they're picking on Limbaugh because of a speech he made...BFD. It'd be nice if the White House Press Sec'y would forget about trying to criticize news commentators and get about the business the White House is supposed to be doing. New agenda...new politics...change...phooey... Same guys...same strategy...same BS.
Reminds me of the post Nixion political world. It only took the incompetent Carter 4 yrs. to torpedo the Democratic leadership. The new administration is well on its way. So now you are going to not only pay for sick banks and sick auto companies but now we're going to have to pay for everyone who gets sick. Honestly, these assholes can't come up with something for the banks, their job creation stimulus plan is a joke, now they think that they can run our health care system?
Can we get one thing straight....these two industries were not only sick but dying well before Obama took office.
No doubt, but does he have a plan? He said he would have a plan, he said a lot of things, but right now he doesn't seem to have a clue.
Dave, You're missing what Stu is saying, and you must have missed the Politico article that quite clearly states this 'confrontation' has nothing to do with a struggle between Republicans... Its a media creation by Rahm, Carville and Begala... There is no struggle. The current Republican leadership DOES NOT represent the fiscal conservatives sentiment that is out there. You are buying too much into the media hype that this was a ringing endorsement for change BECAUSE of what Obama was selling. This past election was as much about the GOP losing its base as it was Obama generating his. If the GOP can find a true fiscal conservative that is socially moderate to liberal, Obama is in for a fight regardless of what he does for the next 3 years. If he continues down this path, all the GOP has to do is find a fiscal conservative that pretends to be socially moderate... That won't be hard to do. Rollins is proving to be nothing more than an idiot being tugged around by the media and hype.
Well if you listened to Obama's campaign speeches, he is going to stop earmarks and get the lobbyists out of influence in Washington. Now if we just overlook the present budget bill with over 8,000 EARMARKS and the lobbyists who were cabinet appointees we can say he was doing what he was elected to do. The White House did do some jobs creation this week. They ordered and had installed a swing set for the kids which should have "created" a half day job for one or two installers.