The problem is, that isn't a current player. That is a former player who is now a member of the NFLPA. What happens while they are 'under contract' with the school and NCAA is one thing. This nonsense that they own and continue to make money off these guys in perpetuity is a joke and you know it.
They make money off of a video game. They make money off of their technical ability to create the game. The damn players do NOTHING. But then again, why am I not surprised that the players want to make money off of other peoples effort? What the hell is the difference between making money off of a war game that tries to incorporate Eisenhowers efforts and a theoretical football game? Cry me a river.
If the game is so popular because of their technical ability, then why did they need the player's names and images at all? Why did they need the NCAA? That's because, they did do things that way for several years. The game(s) made some good money, but it was the use of the players names and images that took the game into the incredible realm of sales that it sees today. This genre of game has grown so much, just in the past 13 years of my son's life. Had the parameters of the game stayed where they were back in the late 90s or early 00s, then I'd say they have zero claim. As it is, the current players have zero claim. The issue is when they continue to cash in specifically on individuals forever. That's the problem. What if ND and Texas decided that the profits of your law practice and Terry's dental practice was theirs to keep forever? Ya know, because you owe them for the privilege of having been a student there?
Well then Texas and ND would be just like the players in the lawsuit. They'd want to get paid for someone else's efforts.
Well EA Sports has settled out of the lawsuit. So far mission accomplished. The players will probably get hundreds of dollars, the attorneys millions and EA is discontinuing the game so that kids can't enjoy playing. Now that the party that got the most out of selling the games, EA, has bailed, the NCAA is left in the case to sweeten the pot. I suspect what the plaintiffs want is for that body to allow current players to get the money and not lose eligibility.
We'll see how this plays out. I'm hoping for the best. I'm angry that it came to this point, but we'll see.