Tod, Very resoned reply,imho! Corey: Your expression of dislike for a former pres is understood here,but he does reside in NYC now and I think our sitting pres has a lot more on his mind then worring about making "soundbytes" for the newsies so he can appear on the tube all the time. Clinton ain't running for anything but x-pres. so I wouldn't get my panties all bunched up over it! GENTLEMEN THIS COUNTRY IS AT WAR! SOON OUR ARMED FORCES WILL BE GOING IN "HARMS WAY" LET US FOCUS UPON THAT AND SEEING THAT THIS COUNTRY HAS THE WILL TO SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE VERY END. WITH GOD'S GRACE I THINK WE WILL BUT IT WILL BE A "LONG HAUL" AND IT WON'T BE PRETTY! GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN IN OUR ARMED FORCES! G
Corey, I aree 100%. When the former first felon made his way for another photo-op yesterday it just sickened me and I hit the remote. I could blow this page up with remarks about Clinton but its not the time.
Corey, I aree 100%. When the former first felon made his way for another photo-op yesterday it just sickened me and I hit the remote. I could blow this page up with remarks about Clinton but its not the time.
George: Limbaugh came on the air during the Bush administration. He was a huge Reagan fan (and an Ollie North fan) and defended Reagan policies even though we were selling arms to our enemies in the middle east. Coming less than a decade after the hostages were taken I thought Reagan's actions we're not only illegal (he circumvented the law to provide illegal aid to the Contras) but bordered on being treasonous. Limbaugh did indeed make his bones bashing Clinton. He harped constantly on Clinton's sexual indescretions but ignored those of Newt Gingrich and other Republicans. Fooling around isn't a partisan issue, they all do it. He constantly trumpeted the fact that Clinton never served in the miltary but was mute when it came to W's service record. BTW..Ask Rush about his military career. The one he got out of because he had a boil on his butt (true story). Rush is a showman and a master orator. There are few with any brains that take him too seriously as an intellect. His listeners can't even think for themselves (that's why they call themselves "Dittoheads") and BUY a newsletter which is nothing more than a repeat of stuff he says on the air. PT Barnum had it right. Rush did a lot to promote genuine hatred for a sitting president and first lady. I think that's outside the bounds of responsible broadcasting. What suprises me is that you've bought into it. The hatred is clear in the tone of your post. The fact that you'd dismiss an appearance by a senator from New York to a disaster area in her state as a "photo op" was my first clue. Should a senator from New York just stay away? [This message has been edited by todj (edited 09-14-2001).]
I hate to go here but here goes...It's okay for George Bush to be on the tube but not Clinton? This isn't the type of talk we need right now!
Tod: Not that it matters much, but Limbaugh first started his national show in the summer of 1988. That was the last year of Reagan's term as Bush took over in January, 1989. He has the largest listening audience in radio history with over 600 outlets and 20,000,000 listeners. All they all mindless idiots? Just because you didn't like the message you shoot the messenger. When I bought my first home in 1980 my mortgage was a five year balloon with a 16.5% interest rate. They weren't giving out extended mortgages then because of doubts about banks long term viability. We had had odd and even day gas lines on the east coast(rationing). The prime rate was 22.0%. Inflation was double-digit. Iran was holding our hostages and flaunting them on the evening news each night. We had just barbequed an ill-fated rescue team in the Iranian desert that was poorly equipped and trained. Jimmy Carter was President. You'll have a hard time trashing Ronald Reagan to me or anyone else that has a clear memory of the years 1980-1988.
ALL, I was hoping that I could come back to this later and find it gone, but it's not.... If we are going to perpetuate this topic, I will add... 1. I was posting not only my reflections, but rather an interesting fact (to me) that every person I ran into (or heard) who were from ALL DIFFERENT backrounds and ethnicities just happened to view that event the same exact way I did. As I told me wife, listening to the black couple talk was like listening to someone describe a picture that you are holding in your head.. 2. We are all doing and saying so much with the victims and their families in mind.. Those people on the upper floors of the WTC and a good damned many that were on the plane were mostly those "yuppie" types that BobR refers to with so much disdain... A good damned many of those people do (or did) view Clinton's policies as being wreckless and were in fact the policies that led to that plane being piled into that building.. (And NOT Reagan or Bush's policies as some have hinted at here)... There are a good number of people (who have loved ones laying in that rubble from the top several floors) who find his presence repugnant..and offensive... It's like your views of taxes.. why worry about them when you can praise everyone else and talk down about the "honkie" 3. I will be g#ddamned if "Brutha Bob" is going to lecture me about the black community... Take that crap to some other upper middle class suburb in the South and preach it to someone who might believe you. Exactly how many ghettos have you ever lived in? Please tell me the number of police officers that you have had MURDERED in your carport while you were a child. How many drug dealers have you had pressure and target you because you were the white kid that they (cops) would never bust..How many times did a rotting body turn up in the brushes of your school yard as a little boy. Have you ever been attacked because you are white? Have you ever have your best friends (who were black) stand there and watch because they didn't want to be next because they were afraid of being "whitewash"..Worse yet, how many times were you never mad because you understood what they were saying? That problem in recent year isn't racial, its socio-economic... The race card is played out by those who profiteer from racial divisions under the guise of seeking unity. In race relations, our culture has a way to go...But it's only perpetuated by posts like yours... And don't give me that "I've got a black in law or relative 5 generations ago" crap.. I believe you country music fans have a song about not "eating those beans or wearin those jeans"..... You didn't walk that mile so don't you DARE try to preach that garbage to me.. People follow the Jesse Jackson's of the world out of desperation..Sad as that is to say, one day we will have a much better leader for the black community and not a profiteer.. 4. Listening to someone make draft dodging jokes about George W, while praising Bill Clinton and Al Gore just further pisses people off... And don't tell me, or anyone, that "Al was there".. His daddy fixed it to put him "in the rear with the gear"...And at least both of the two served at some capacity... we all know about the distinguished military career of Bill.. All that said, these are topics for another time... We have a war to fight and I believe a few of us are getting a little salty in anticipation.. Still wet, still not wrong... waiting for this to go away. Corey [This message has been edited by Corey (edited 09-14-2001).]
A few observations on past posts 1. Clinton was elected twice although he took office with a much smaller percentage of the popular vote than Bush thanks to Ross Perot. His VP lost because he couldn't carry his home state and Clinton's. 2 If being elected twice is the measure than the "trecherous" Reagon was much more popular since he won by overwhelming majorities and his VP actually got elected. 3. So Bush ended up in the reserves. Clinton flat out lied to avoid the draft completely. Reservists get called up. They fought in the Gulf war. They're being called up again. Clinton never had a chance of having his ass shot at. He was too busy touring the world undermining the US effort in Viet Nam. And as for his VP, Gore used daddy's influence to be a journalist in Viet Nam instead of carrying a rifle and being in harm's way. He wanted to be there for his political career but sure as hell didn't want to be in a combat assignment. When I hear that Bush is a son of privledge I wonder what the excuse is for the Kennedy's. Give me a break.
Todj...if you are talking about "huge Reagan fans"..count me in. I think he and John Paul II were the two greatest influences in winning the cold war and crushing Communism in the Soviet Union and its satelites. In my book he is the greatest president since George Washington.
You guys go ahead and take all the shots you like at Clinton right now. At this time I refuse to pull against our Pres, even though **** like this makes me feel like throwing a cheap shot or two. I can't do it! I refuse to jump into this bipartisan BS! [This message has been edited by Tailback (edited 09-14-2001).]
Wow, I take a little time away from Skybox and look what happens . For the record, I agree with Corey but will refrain from delving into the subject at this time.
Why now? I've read this BS all day! This isn't the time to have to read this type of BS! We have more problems than having to hear the same ole whining we've heard about Bill Clinton for the last 10 years! Folks we got much bigger problems than Bill Clinton being on TV! [This message has been edited by Tailback (edited 09-14-2001).]
One more point I didn't get to make before. Not all "minority" Americans puke when they think of the president. Hispanics are a "minority" too. They don't share the same views. They are about to become the largest "minority" in the country. Sorry, but this "champion of the minority" crap ain't gonna wash anymore either. Come up with another reason to puke.
WOW..!!!! WHAT A TOPIC.. and someone accuses bush of dodging the draft!!! lol lol if that is not calling the kettle black!! lol lol.. slick willy "fleas" the country and writes a letter saying why he hates the us milatary and this guy bashes bush !! for going into the lol.. hey folks this is not over yet..the united states is "virgin" territory for this kind of terror...just think!!! and our "sport" just may be next... GOD BLESS THE USA..WILD
We'll then I guess we've got 2 draft dodging presidents, does that make you guys happy? The insults on both these guys are easy to throw, I suggest this isn't the time to do it! This is a stupid topic! [This message has been edited by Tailback (edited 09-15-2001).]
Lawd, lots of history here! Thought I'd check to see how far back our posts go... This was one of the earliest, not counting those from even earlier that were lost in a prior upgrade. And no, it wasn't off-topic at the time -- 'twas when we had just one forum for all topics. No wonder things got hairy from time to time. ; ) Ray
WOW what an incredible trip down memory lane. There are so many good people in this thread that are no longer with us. I know most of whom have passed away, but it makes me wonder about a few others.