All likely scenarios. You know, the thing that gets me about 'protecting the people of King's landing' is that those were the same people who cheered while Eddard Stark's head was being chopped off. I say to hell with them.
Terry, Assuming Jon survives, I think he'll either be King of the 7 (per his birthright), or just go north of the wall and live with the Free folk as a man. Can't see him wanting to be a middling king. All or nothing. I could see Sansa "winning", she's the only one who's really advanced in her thinking.
I am trolling twitter and can't stop laughing at people losing their minds over the Dani character arc. It's not like you couldn't see it coming. If this show has taught you anything, it's to be careful what you wish for followed closely by the duality of man. could see it coming through her comments, facial expressions, and overall sulking. Though I was still surprised she took that turn and last night I was going to come here and post "Well...THAT was interesting!" Gotta wonder what George RR Martin thinks about last night's episode, and the apparent change in attitude of the character he originally created, though.
If you think about it though, she's been torching stuff/people/cities etc since Season 2. He go to response to everything has always been about destroying her enemies with blood and fire. I dunno, I just thought it was a rather obvious 'turn' for the character that has been a long time coming.
Let me start by saying... this episode made MUCH more sense than the rest of this season combined. No tactical 3-stooges, no idiotic decisions... I agree with Corey, they set it up for her to hit the crossroads sitting on that wall. Earlier versions of her perhaps would have flown out of the city to let the army assert control. But she took the path of her father. She's now literally the ruler over the ashes... just as she said she didn't want to be. Only question left: Who takes her out, and 1b: what happens to Drogon?
I was thrilled to see the Spider get toasted. He put the game in the Game of Thrones, but the time for maneuvering had long since passed. He no longer had a role to play and like his pal Littlefinger, his death was long overdue...
Yeah, the Spider had to go. I've got 5:2 odds on Arya No one wants a piece of Drogon right now... maybe it's best to just let him fly off somewhere, maybe sit a few plays out.
BTW, if you think about it, for all the bitching there was about Robert Baratheon and Ed Stark, they were both right and both men of much more honor than anyone left playing the Game of Thrones.
possible spoiler here. It's a fan theory but a lot of fan theories have proven true over the course of these years. It's possible, but I don't know how they'd explain it all sufficiently unless they dedicated a massive episode to Bran recalling stuff. Game of Thrones Theorycrafting: Is Tyrion Lannister actually a Targaryen?
Robert Baratheon? Please make a case for his honor. Everybody can be a least in fan theories; 'Game of Thrones' Hinted Sansa Stark Is a Targaryen Theory
Here's a theory on who gets to kill Dany; Tyrion Literally Stabbing Dany in the Back Is the Only Acceptable 'Game of Thrones' Ending. Change My Mind.
Here's another BOLD prediction (go to the very end of the summary); 'Game of Thrones' Season 8, Episode 5 recap: Just one long 80-minute 'AAAAHHH!!!' - CNN
I was disappointed in ep 5. To me it was just killing a bunch of people, main characters being tidied up. Dresden like bombing of Kings Landing, I guess that showed Dany's true nature and all but I'm not sure what is left now. Jon, Arya, Sansa,Bran and Tyrion. The Stark kids and the last Lannister. They have to kill or get rid of Dany somehow I guess and then somebody has to end up on the Iron Throne.
The case for Robert lies more in the fact that he wasn't wrong about anything except for Lyanna being in love with him. His predictions of what would happen if they let Dani live have been spot on. Really, the only honorable character seems to have been Eddard Stark.. I liked last episode because it was suppose to be a grotesque and perverted act by Dani. The writers gave you, the audience, what they had coming and asking for all these years. I think anything less than the sheer holocaust unleashed by Dani would have been selling it short. I can't see Sansa being a Targaryen. I think it more likely that Tyrion is one.
Totally missed it on the first run through! I would have preferred Dani bypass the city, and hit the Red Keep first with understandable rage at Cersei. Once she got going... it would be easy show her slipping into mad queen mode and spreading the destruction to the rest of King's Landing.
I thought this episode was Martin-esque in that we didn't get what we want, but we couldn't look away.