the above post was suppose to be made last night but didn't stick for some reason... it was probably the drugs I'm on.
Yes, she was going to "re-occupy" the Iron Islands in case the good guys needed a place to retreat from the undead horde. No need for that now... and unfortunately, 3 ships would be enough to move what's left of the combined Targareyen forces.
She doesn't even know Theon is dead yet. This next episode should be a 'loading up' kinda episode, but I may be wrong. Those are usually filled with developing story lines and Cersei doing some underhanded ****. BTW, you said you were watching the reaction videos, so I started checking those out. Thanks for the heads up there. There's a comedian, Trae Crowder, known as 'The Liberal Redneck.' Forget his politics, have you seen his weekly breakdowns of GoT?? It's good stuff.
I wasn't so sure she still had Rhaegal but apparently both dragons appear in the trailer for episode 4. The same goes for Ghost...didn't see him after the Dothraki charge; but also didn't see him as a resurrected wight and he apparently shows briefly in the trailer so I guess he is alive and well.
HA! Just watched Crowder's review of Ep 3. Pretty funny! "Who knew Sam was a Raider's fan?" RE: Cersei and the underhanded ****. I've never hoped to be more wrong than my prediction that's she's going to kill Tyrion, but I could really see that going down. Yeah Stu, Rhaegal and Ghost are both in the trailer, but one of the two dragon's shown has some pretty torn up wings - not sure which it is. No explanation why Ghost didn't have more action in the battle... guessing he ended on the cutting floor for some reason.
"Theon out there 360, no scoping it!" That line made me laugh pretty hard on Trae Crowder's video. I'll be interested to see how these last episodes play out. If this were the 'real world', then they'd rest the dragons until they are healed. They'd take their sweet time getting down to King's Landing. That money Cersei is paying for that army isn't a 'forever' type of deal, I'm betting. They'd lay siege to King's Landing and draw the Golden Army out into a conflict.... or let the city turn on Cersei.. But it's not, there's 2 episodes left and we still have so many beloved characters alive.. someone's gonna do something truly despicable or truly stupid, maybe both.
LOL...hasn't that been done like 50 times already in this series? Latest being the execution of Gray Worms girl friend, Missandei....One swing of the sword. Then there was the burning of Shireen Baratheon at the Pyre to satisfy the Lord of that was truly despicable.
Good points Terry. Two things really got me about the Jon Snow situation: 1. Why would you tell 'sisters' of all things? Sisters carry no secrets, only ammunition. 2. STFU SANSA!
So what do you guys think of the theory that the good captain Greyjoy looked up in the E05 trailer and saw more than one dragon? That seems a little out there... and would take some explaining. Personally I think it would be WAY cooler for it to be Drogon swooping down in battle armor! HOLY SNIKES!
And can we talk about the redemption of the character Theon? He went from being the of the most vile people to one of the great heroes in the story.
I've been wondering that since 3 seasons ago. Like, is there no one who knows the origins of the eggs? Why not ask Bran? He won't shut up about everything else in the past, why does he not know this?
Sansa is going to end up on the Iron Throne, Arya will the Hand, and Jon will return to being the King of the North...Dany is going down tragically with her dragon. You heard it first here!