8 teams enter, one team leaves! 8 teams enter, one team leaves! 8 teams enter, one team leaves! You'll have to forgive my use of bad Apocalypse movie lines, but here it fits. Like Brittney and Corey said, 8 makes too much sense to get it right at first. I truly believe the networks want it this way... lots of drama so when THEY come up with the brilliant idea of going to 8 teams they can dislocate their shoulders again patting themselves on the back. I see them as the guy in the Dr Pepper commercials... "It was my idea..." Whatever... as long as we get there, it will be worth it. BTW, having Ole Miss in the top 4 right now is silly. I guess they didn't know when Bad Bo shows up, he likes to hang around for a while!
I too like the 8 team playoff. I think it goes deep enough to get all of the top contenders. I also agree with Saban, because frankly if Alabama doesn't win out, it doesn't matter (we'll be out) and if Alabama does win out, it doesn't matter (we will have beaten Miss St and Auburn) and we'll be in. It's a single elimination tournament for us right now. 8)