No matter who the coach is Bill.... or what group of players he brings in this will continually appear to be more of a problem in Gainesville than in other places because he cannot control what 19 year olds do 24-7 and at Florida they will have a high likelihood of being caught doing whatever it is. Our immature kids are no different than any other group around the country. Gainesville doesn't incite excessive criminal behavior or provoke kids to dove hunt on posted property.... :wink: I hope the prospect of having to deal with this issue and how it helped to bring down McElwain doesn't inhibit our next coaching hire. Because it will happen.... count on it.
If Will Grier doesn't take supplements whether knowingly or accidentally the story at Florida for McElwain is completely rewritten. So yeah.... you can blame Will Grier for sure.
Scott Frost to UF that will break a lot of hearts in Neb. But like Urban Meyer to Fla instead of Notre Dame was the same story. On paper the Fla job if for no other reason than the fact that the state of Fla is loaded with talent and neither Neb or Indiana are alone makes it a better job. Recruiting.
You are entitled to your opinion MCG, however in this case I agree much more with the other posters, that is pretty much my last word, continue to beat it to death if you choose.
Bill... one last question.... do you agree or disagree with this statement: " he ( the next coach ) cannot control what 19 year olds do 24-7 and at Florida they will have a high likelihood of being caught doing whatever it is. Our immature kids are no different than any other group around the country."
Kids all over the country get in trouble and end up with suspensions of varying lengths depending on what they did, some are even dismissed from the school. You seem to think it's only at UF where the Gainesville PD makes it their special purpose to screw over the hometown football teams players. You also seem to think credit card fraud is boys being boys. You seem to imply that credit card fraud is going on all over college football and in every other collge town the players are just given a slap on the wrist and nothing else happens Well I'll give you that being caught underage drinking is boys being boys, but not credit card fraud. I'll even give you that being caught with a small amount of weed in today's world is college students being college students same as being caught underage with a beer. This isn't the first time though that you've been down this road that when UF athletes are caught doing something they shouldn't do that it's the fault of the Gainesville PD.
I still think the answer is in recruiting kids with character. Maybe trade a star for a scout badge? Credit card teft and fraud are willful. Most epopel see a credit card and they turn it in to the authorities or destroy it. These guys went on a shopping spree.
dude, you got this all turned around. Getting pissed and mooning people is 'kids being kids.' Stealing credit cards is something you know is much more serious. They let themselves, their families and their teammates down. Is Gville's alleged harassment of the Gator players backed up by any statistical data at all. At ND, dudes have been tossed for a WHOOOOOOOOLE lot less that didn't even involve the PD. It's about personal responsibility and accountability. These 9 have shown none.
Might be hard to believe, but I think Dave is on to something about Gainesville. I've been back here in Gainesville 20 years now, and you might have noticed that I have less and less of a presence online here. The urge to do anything and everything that pops in my head - whether right or wrong, illegal or legal, has become so overwhelming that I've had to keep myself in the house, and severely limit my access to the internet. It started with simple things - rolling through stop signs and being sure to turn on red where it says not to - just for the rush of being contrary. Some minor shoplifting quickly turned into the need to steal laptops and scooters whenever I saw one unattended. And there's no way I can drive downtown now, and pass anyone wanting to sell any sort of drugs without partaking. I'm ashamed to admit that I also maintain my own set of stolen card numbers that I routinely use to buy things - mainly groceries online since I rarely trust myself to leave the house anymore. I can't explain it, it's all just irresistible. Maybe it took longer for the urges to get to me since I'm not a young impressionable guy, but they do eventually get to everyone here. I have been lucky, because the local cops have caught me numerous times over the years, but I simply explain that I'm not a UF athlete and they usually let me off with just a warning. I've only accrued a couple misdemeanors for things that should have been much more serious penalties. I'm glad to get this off my chest. Hopefully going public with this is the first step in turning things around.
I for one am glad this kinda hooligans has never happened at Miami, it maybe because between religious studies and volunteering at local orphanages there is no time to find trouble on South Beach...
WENDY!!! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: Post of the year! Ralph da U has always been well known for it's seminary. The players like daily prayer at 6AM and curfew at dusk, those small rooms with cots for beds make them feel I've heard!
There is so much common sense being posted here, especially by Wendy via her personal confession, which required bravery.....and a helluva sense of humor. Alas, despite the overwhelming evidence that Dave is wrong, wrong, wrong, he will continue to beat his drum until everyone goes away, and there is no one left to reply. Even then, he will beat it some more. :roll:
Last time.... stay with me here. It's not ok to break the law and I don't condone it or suggest it shouldn't have negative consequences.e But like holding and pass interference the game of college football is a better game when all penalties are equally applied and policed with the same level of competence.
Hey Dave... The College Station PD arrested one of my players because his dog wasn't licensed. Tell me Gainesville is unique ONE MORE TIME. :roll: