Of course the biggest redistribution of wealth committed by Obama is the stealing of the wealth of future generations to fund his massive current spending. It's these kids who someday are going to see a large percentage of the gross national product of their generation go to servicing the debt being accumulated today. Aw who cares as long as the polar bears are happy?
Stu - a couple of the local candidates. Their opposition's platform talked about their church affiliation and not their fiscal policy so they were right out. If the first the things on a candidate's profile are church, where they were born, and where they grew up, without taking about their vision our policy or accomplishments, then there's nothing there for me.
I believe a practicing Catholic can vote for a pro-choice candidate. You're not in church. Saviors are not one size fits all, no matter what people try to tell you.
.... and that may be the feather that tips the sacles in favor of Obama. As a Tennessee fan, this guy has to go, not only is he bad for our future, he has "Bama" as part of his name... Oh Bama! :?
I am in a fight with my car club in Austin. They had the nerve to post a picture like the one below. I made the comment: "Post post a picture of an empty chair and say it's me... it's McCord, not O'Bama! :wink: "
I Can Hear the Tubas Warming Up For the Obama Funeral Dirge Home - by BigFurHat - October 30, 2012 - 14:05 America/New_York - 21 Comments Obama is in DEEEEEEEEEP Doo Doo. 15% of all voters have already cast their ballots in America. Early voting is supposed to favor Obama. Here are the current numbers- Breitbart GALLUP: Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters Breitbart- Very early on, before this campaign started in earnest, live or die, I publicly cast my lot with Gallup and Rasmussen. As a poll addict going back to 2000, these are the outlets that have always played it straight. It’s got nothing to do with politics and everything to do with credibility and not wanting to kid myself. So when an outlet like Gallup tells me Romney is up seven-points, 52-45%, among those who have already voted, that’s very big news. Just as Gallup did with their bombshell survey showing that 2012 is looking like a year where Republicans will enjoy a record three-point turnout advantage over Democrats (a ten-point shift from 2008), for whatever reason, they buried the lede with this latest bombshell, as well. When you consider the fact that the CorruptMedia’s been talking for weeks about how Obama’s crushing Romney in early voting, you would think Gallup proving that Narrative a big fat phony lie would be news. Instead, though, they bury this explosive news at the bottom of a piece headlined: “In U.S., 15% of Registered Voters Have Already Cast Ballots“. Sounds like a nothing story, right? Except waaaaay at the bottom we learn this: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/10/29/Gallup-Shock-Romney-Up-7-with-early-voters
Tom, I'm firm in my opinion that if the GOP were to ever drop the abortion/birth control/immigration subjects and just run on fiscal policy plans... you'd see an electoral college map like that again.. But so long as we're talking about abortion, birth control and illegal aliens.. we won't. It drives me nuts.
Obama Final Media Blitz... Romney’s offering solutions, Obama offers self-absorbed ego-maniac celebrities. The choice is clear. MILWAUKEE (ABC News) – After thousands of ads, hundreds of stump speeches and a record war chest of campaign cash, President Obama is banking on a final burst of star power to boost his get-out-the-vote effort in the final 72 hours of the 2012 presidential campaign. As Obama and his top surrogates – Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and former President Clinton – barnstorm the battlegrounds this weekend, they will have a cast of Hollywood stars and music icons at their sides. The pairings are aimed at driving turnout, particularly among young and minority voters, while bolstering enthusiasm in a handful of key states where polls show the presidential race very close. Here in Wisconsin, Obama will be joined by multi-platinum singer Katy Perry, who appeared with the president at a midnight rally in Las Vegas last week wearing a white “ballot” dress. Later in Dubuque, Iowa, rocker John Mellencamp will perform, and actress Kate Walsh of ABC’s “Private Practice” and “Grey’s Anatomy” will address the crowd. Dave Matthews will open for Obama at a late-night rally in Bristow, Va., where the president will also unite for the first time on the 2012 campaign trail with Bill Clinton. The celebrity tour continues Sunday with Latino rapper Pitbull joining Obama in Hollywood, Fla.; soul legend Stevie Wonder performing at a rally in Cincinnati; and Dave Matthews making a second appearance with the president in Aurora, Colo. Biden will tour Ohio on Sunday with pop singer Jason Mraz, stopping in Lakewood, Fremont and Lancaster. Michelle Obama will stump in Orlando, Fla., Monday with Ricky Martin.
Friday in Ohio Romney drew 30,000 folks. Meanwhile Obama and his rock star tour drew 2,800. Ryan is making a stop here in Mansfield today. I'm not going but my Dad and stepmother are.
Eleven newspapers switch to Romney... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/04/new-york-daily-paper-with-long-democratic-history-switches-endorsement-to/