Yesterday: Obama Hits Colorado For Photo Op While En Route To California Fundraising Tour – Today: Obama Demands Romney Prove His Latest Trip Isn’t “Photo Op And Fundraising Tour”… Chutzpah. Via The Hill: President Obama’s campaign team argued Monday that Mitt Romney will need to prove that his overseas trip isn’t “one long photo op and fundraising tour” by offering a substantive foreign policy platform during his travels to the United Kingdom, Israel, and Poland. “He’ll need to prove to the American people that he sees foreign policy issues as worthy of substantive discussion rather than just generality and soundbites in this campaign,” said campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs. “It’s widely accepted that President Obama has an exceptionally strong record on national security issues, and I think quite frankly Mitt Romney is having a tough time making an argument against the president of the United States on these issues.” Gibbs went on to detail the itinerary of President Obama’s foreign trip as a candidate in 2008, pointing out that then-Sen. Obama met with troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait and gave a number of extensive speeches and interviews to demonstrate his foreign policy bona fides. Romney does not currently have any plans to meet with American service members while abroad, and the Romney campaign has not advised whether they, like Obama did in 2008, will hold interviews with network news outlets. Yesterday Obama was in Colorado for a photo op with the victims of the Batman movie theatre shooting, this was a stop over on his way to California for a fundraising tour. Obama Schedule || Monday, July 23, 2012 11:25 am || Departs San Francisco 12:10 pm || Arrives Reno, Nevada 12:35 pm || Delivers remarks at the 113th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Reno Sparks Convention Center 2:00 pm || Departs Reno 2:50 pm || Arrives Oakland, California 3:20 pm || Attends a fundraiser; The Scottish Rite Center 5:35 pm || Delivers remarks at a second fundraiser; private residence 7:55 pm || Speaks at a campaign event; The Fox Theater, Oakland All times Pacific
The Bad: NBC/WSJ Poll Finds Obama Up 6 Points Over Romney – The Good: They Had To Oversample Democrats By 11 Points To Get It… You read the headline correctly, D+11. That’s borderline criminal. Via Big Government: Serious question: Does NBC just think we are all idiots? Have they been under a rock for the last decade and not realize that they no longer can control the information we hear? Do they think they can breathlessly report that their latest poll has Barack Obama leading Romney by 9-points and not mention that they are using a D+11 sample? Its only July. What games will they play in October? Use polls that only sample French adults? Today, NBC/WSJ released their latest poll on the presidential contest. They “find” that Obama is leading Romney by 6-points, 49%-43%. They use this finding to opine a great deal about the current state of the presidential campaign. What they don’t report, however, is that their poll sample is way overweighted for Democrats. Their sample is D+11, 46% Democrat, 35% Republican–a level we haven’t seen in the electorate since the post-Watergate GOP meltdown. Will the MSM stop at anything to prop this guy up? Note from JO'Co: I've seen worse. In an election here for governor a few years back, an LA Times poll showed Democrat Cruz Bustamonte beating Arnold Schwarzenegger by 26 points. They achieved this by over sampling Mexican-Americans whom they claimed were "under-represented" in traditional polls. The Terminator won in a landslide...
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As the economy continues to struggle all as the result of the Bush administration that ended 3 1/2 years ago, here's what the proposed new Obama taxes will do: Here's the article It appears that the President of the United States, in order to get reelected would seriously further damage the economy and cost another nearly 3 quarters of a million Americans to lose their jobs in order to give that feel good experience to his base.
Democrats Offering “Golden Ticket” Access To Top Party Officials, Lavish Perks To Big Donors At DNC… Courtesy of the party that brought us 24/7 class warfare rhetoric. Via ABC News: Those seeking invites to the most lavish receptions at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, “gold ticket” access to “dialogues,” and private breakfast briefings with party luminaries, can expect a hefty price of admission. A list of high-end convention packages circulated by the Charlotte in 2012 Convention Host Committee, and obtained by ABC News, shows that those and other perks are being offered to donors who raise $1 million or donate $100,000 to the convention’s nonprofit planning arm. The cash-for-access formula has been a longtime staple of national political conventions, and though Democrats told ABC News they have tried to shift the focus to access for grassroots supporters this year, critics say the menu of perks for donors is a reminder that those giving big dollars can still expect special treatment. “We pride ourselves on being a country of equality, and this kind of arrangement subverts that,” said Kathy Kiely, managing editor of the Sunlight Foundation reporting group. “If you have big money to give, you get a lot more access.” The packages for the Democratic Convention in Charlotte are tiered. Top fundraisers and donors are given “premier credentials” that access luxury suites and the convention floor. They also grant donors hotel locations with close proximity to party leadership events, and special access to a special hospitality house near the convention floor. Someone who raises $1 million tops the list, while top flight packages are also spelled out for those who donate $100,000 directly, or raise more than $650,000 (Trustee Package), $500,000 (Piedmont Package), $250,000 (Dogwood Package) and on down.
Poll: Romney Crushing Obama Among Small Business Owners By 20 Points, 56% To 36%… Via Rasmussen: Ever since President Obama’s “You didn’t build that” comment, the Obama campaign has fought back against the perception that he values government workers more than small business owners. Regardless of whether the comments were taken out of context or reflect his true beliefs, the president trails badly among the nation’s entrepreneurs. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that among those who are self-employed or own their own business, Mitt Romney enjoys a 20-point lead. Fifty-six percent (56%) favor Romney, and 36% prefer the president.
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Only if they watched the DNC; these aren't man on the street interviews. These are Delegates to the Demacratic National Convention, and this is what they think; <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I'm very worried about this election. Right now it just doesn't seem like Romney is gaining any traction. He's really going to have to show in the debates to get some buzz going and turn on the electorate.
You only feel that way because the media, with FOX being the exception, is part of the Obama re-election campaign. Yesterday I was fishing with 7 guys off of Chatham, Cape Cod. We started talking politics and to a man they hate Obama. Three of them I did not know until yesterday. One of them is a Democrat who voted for Obama last time. So the vote on our boat was 7-0 Romney. I think Romney wins comfortably Obama gets 96% of the black vote last election but only 12% of blacks vote. Do you think 75% of Jews will vote for him again. Last election MTV hyped him for a year. Have they even mentioned him at all this time around? Can you envision one single Republican voting for him? Advancing an agenda is one thing. Tearing apart the fabric of a nation is something else. People have had enough of this thinly veiled Marxist. I think Romney wins comfortably.
Saw the Jon Stewart Show last Fri. night and it was funny as hell as it soimetimes can be. They had snippets of many different Fox correspondents gushing over certain style aspects of speeches given in Tampa at the RNC and then they had those same exact people in snippets from Fox New's coverage of the DNC from Charlotte and they were dissing and criticizing the Dem's speeches for the exact same addition of course to the substance. Pretty damned funny to see such blatant about faces.....just to fawn over "their" party. It would be just comical and comical only except it's such a sad statement about our extreme diviisiveness and the reasons for it.
re: Tingles MSNBC needs to sober Mathews up. You know, drag him out of the bar, get him off the sauce; maybe a haircut and a clean suit...
New Thermal Imaging System Could Help Detect Drunk People CBS Seattle PATRAS, Greece (CBS Seattle) – A new use for old technology could give police a hand in spotting drunks in public. In a paper that was published in the “International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics,” Greek scientists Georgia Koukiou and Vassilis Anastassopoulos are developing new algorithms that will gather data about blood-vessels on a subject’s face. The rosy red glow that alcohol gives drinkers is really blood vessels dilating on the skin’s surface, which changes the temperature of a person’s face. Thermal imaging devices can detect those changes.