Preach It: Romney Says Obama’s Economic Policies a “Moral Failure of Tragic Proportions”… Romney is doing exactly what he should be doing, hammering Obama on the economy every day from now until November. Via The Hill: Mitt Romney delivered a passionate indictment of President Obama’s economic philosophy Thursday in St. Louis, accusing the president of attacking “the cornerstone of American prosperity — our economic freedom.” In one of the Republican presidential nominee’s liveliest campaign stops of the general election, Romney rallied supporters with a prolonged defense of free market economics. Breaking from his traditional stump speech, Romney decried the president’s economic policies as a “moral failure.” “Sadly, it has become clear that this president simply doesn’t understand or appreciate these fundamental truths of our system. Over the last three and a half years, record numbers of Americans have lost their jobs or just disappeared from the workforce or can only find part time jobs,” Romney said. “This is not just a failure of policy; it is a moral failure of tragic proportions. Our government has an absolute moral commitment to help every American help himself, him or herself, and that commitment has been broken.”
Panic in Detroit: Mitt 46%, Preezy Obama 45% Planets continue to align against the man who publicly admits that his wife won’t go all the way down. (Detroit Free Press) — President Barack Obama’s popularity in Michigan has slipped in recent months, leaving him in a dead heat with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new poll of state voters by EPIC-MRA of Lansing. The poll, released this morning to the Free Press and four TV stations, shows Romney leading Obama 46%–45%, a reversal from the last EPIC poll in April which showed Obama ahead 47%–43%. Obama’s personal and job approval numbers also have slipped, with 46% of Michiganders saying they have a favorable opinion of the president, and 41% approving of the job he’s doing. EPIC co-founder John Cavanagh said the softening in support for Obama is likely related to a robust TV advertising campaign by pro-Romney PACs which have been critical of his handling of the economy. Perhaps most troubling for the Democratic president is a decline in support from independent voters, Cavanagh said. The EPIC results are in sharp contrast to a poll by North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling late last month which showed Obama leading Romney in Michigan 53%–39%, prompting PPP Director Tom Jensen to suggest the president “won’t have to worry too much about holding Michigan for Democrats” in the fall.
Romney Seizes on Obama’s “The Private Sector is Doing Fine” comment Home - by BigFurHat - June 8, 2012 - 14:23 America/New_York - Be first to Comment! The Hill Mitt Romney blasted President Obama for comments during a press conference Friday in which the president suggested the private sector was “doing fine.” “He said the private sector is doing fine. Is he really that out of touch?” Romney said at an event in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “I think he’s defining what it means to be out of touch with the American people.” In the president’s remarks Friday morning, Obama repeatedly said hiring at private industries was “fine” and occurring at “a solid pace,” arguing instead for additional funds for state and local governments to hire teachers and emergency personnel. But Republicans quickly pounced on his remarks in light of May’s disappointing job numbers, and Romney said the comments could have historic implications. “For the president of the United States to stand up and say the private sector is doing fine is going to go down in history as an extraordinary miscalculation,” Romney told the crowd.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> Subtitle: Obama Blows
New RNC Vid: “Doing Fine” <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> Somebody dial 911 because the RNC is on fire.
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Poll: Obama Tanking Among Jews Looks like the beginning of an answer to that prayer against pride. (Arutz Sheva) — U.S. President Barack Obama currently has the support of 64% of Jewish registered voters, according to the Gallup polling agency. This is 10% less than the percentage of Jews who voted for Obama in 2008, and is similar to the percentage of Jews who voted for Michael Dukakis when he contended for the presidency against George Bush in 1988. Republican Mitt Romney enjoys 29% support among Jews. Gallup notes the 10-point drop is “five points worse than his decline among all registered voters compared with 2008.” A recent poll by the liberal Jewish Workman’s Circle has shown even worse numbers for Obama, yet how the numbers are to interpreted depends on the interpreters. Some Democrats see the latest Gallup poll as a sign Obama’s support among Jews is now rising.
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Gallup: Third of Union Voters Support Romney Over Obama… You’d never know it by the way the union bosses spend members’ dues. PRINCETON, NJ — A majority of union members say they would vote for Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race, although their support is by no means monolithic. While 57% of union workers who are registered to vote would support Obama, 35% would vote for Mitt Romney. Workers who are not union members tilt toward Romney over Obama, 48% to 44%. The tilt toward support for Obama among union members is not surprising. Not only have unions been strong and vocal supporters of Democratic presidential candidates historically, but previous Gallup analyses have shown that union members are significantly more likely than nonunion members to be Democrats; this is particularly true for state government employees. [...] All in all, union workers provide a substantial bloc of support for Obama’s re-election efforts, although their impact on the presidential race will be limited by their size — just about 12% of employed voters are union members — and the fact that a sizable minority support Romney. Still, in crucial battleground states this fall, the vote and efforts of even small groups may end up making a difference.
Democrats desert Obama
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You're dating yourself there George. Haven't heard that one in quite a while. :wink:
Not kidding... The first thought I had when I saw that was: Does Obama have a fat girl fettish??? Or with his gay marriage stance, a fat boy fettish??? Then it hit me... OHHHHHH, that's what he meant. :wink:
Poll: Obama Leading Romney 76% – 20% Among Black Voters In NC … Wait, Did That Say Black Voters?… To put this in context, Obama received 95% of North Carolina’s black vote in 2008, McCain only 5%. Looks like Obama’s gay marriage “evolution” is having some serious repercussions. Via Business Insider: President Barack Obama is rapidly losing support among African-American voters in North Carolina, a new poll out today from the Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling shows. The poll finds that Mitt Romney would get 20 percent of the African-American vote if the election were held today, compared with 76 percent for Obama. Overall, Romney has a 48 percent to 46 percent lead on Obama in the crucial swing state. Obama received 95 percent of the support from African-Americans in North Carolina in the 2008 election, compared with just 5 percent for Republican nominee John McCain. In PPP’s May poll, Obama received 87 percent of the African-American vote to Romney’s 11 percent. All of Obama’s numbers with African-Americans are sliding. His approval rating is down from 86 percent to 77 percent. Romney’s favorability, meanwhile, has doubled from 9 percent to 18 percent.
Obama’s Jewish Support Drops 22 Points In Deep-Blue New York… - Note from JO'Co: if Obama only gets half the Jewish vote and less than 85% of the black vote, Romney will carry New York and the election will be over before the counting even reaches California. There is NO scenario where the Democrats can lose New York and win the election. Via Weekly Standard: President Obama’s support among Jewish voters in the state of New York has dropped 22 percentage points in only a month, according to the results of a just released poll. The poll, conducted by Siena College, finds that currently President Obama has the support of 51 percent of Jewish voters, while 43 percent are opposed to him. Five percent are undecided. That means, Obama’s lead among Jewish voters is at 8 percentage points. Previously, in Siena’s May poll, Obama had the support 62 percent of Jewish New Yorkers, while 32 percent opposed him. That means, last month, Obama’s lead among this group of voters was at a strong 30 percentage points.
Well, he's treated the Jews like the red-headed stepchild. And his overt courting of the gay faction has offended his core base, namely Blacks. Now unions doubt he has anything to offer. And he has decided to take on the Catholic Church. He is an idiot and an amateur. Add to those traits a complete lack of leadership qualities and why are any of us surprised?
Wisconsin: Mitt 47%, Preezy Obama 44% On the count of three, let’s all drop our pants and fire a rocket. (Rasmussen Reports) — Mitt Romney now leads President Obama for the first time in Wisconsin where the president’s support has fallen to its lowest level to date. The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) Prior to this survey, Obama’s support in the state has ranged from 45% to 52%, while Romney has earned 41% to 45%. Last month, the numbers were Obama 49%, Romney 45%. The president led his likely Republican challenger by 11 points in March — 52% to 41%.
It's hard to imagine Romney winning New York, I think polls show Obama still with a huge lead overall in New York.
:idea: re: NY The key is the turnout. I know several teachers who used to fly Obama bumperstickers on their cars who have told me that they can't vote for him again. They say that they will vote, but leave that slot blank. These people gave money to him last time, but now they're sitting this one out. It's still early in the process, but Obama's base is crumbling and he's having trouble keeping up with Romney in fund raising. These are all classic signs of a campaign that's floundering at the worst possible time. Sixty days from now will be too late, as local Democrats cover their own butts and pay Obama back for not helping them. They won't go down the drain for him again like 2010...IMHO.