MCG - I think Florida has a top 10, if not top 5, defense this year. That is what it takes to do to Oregon what Stanford did. The Florida offense is horrible, so overall, I agree Florida wouldn't stand a chance. kp - this weekend so far includes the quantity of great matchups of the year and really is what we needed in order to learn what each team really is. If Alabama does against LSU what they've done to everyone else except A&M, then they definitely are on track for their threepeat. If LSU picks apart their defense like A&M did, then their defense likely would have been able to be taken advantage of by Oregon as well. We learned something about Baylor, OU, Stanford and Oregon last night. We will learn something about LSU and Alabama tomorrow. To be fair, we had a bit of a book on Stanford already based on their #12 SOS. We didn't really know much about the others, except the good ol' eye tests. Go COUGS!! For the second time in three weeks, we won't lose! (Except maybe for injuries.)
kp, LSU is better on offense, but I suspect their performance has been waning due to folks figuring out what Cam is doing... and Metz being too rigid to be coached up any more. Your guys will squeeze them just like everyone else.
Scott, I hope you are right. I will be here Sunday morning no matter what to discuss this. Saturday night, I will be talking to Senor Corona, so I will be occupied elsewhere either celebrating or commiserating.
Kes, the Gator defense took a major hit when we lost Easley and are not what they were early in the year. And they seem to start slow every game. But the real killer was when Georgia got the ball back late in the game and methodically drove the ball down the Gators throat and we could do nothing about it. Our defense is much better than our offense but I don't think they are any longer a top 5-10 defense. We will see as we play Vandy, S. Carolina and FSU. But I am not optimistic.
From what I saw, I still think the Florida d is very good. The destruction by Vandy had nothing to do with your d. When 24 pts come off four drives that start inside your own 25 yard line, there's no defense out there that could hold them. Your offense is the problem as far as I can see. I thought you had a good chance against Vandy, but I didn't foresee the complete blowup of your offense tonight, either. You're right, I don't see a bowl game for you this year, either.
The wheels came completely off yesterday..... Only 187 total yards by Vandy and yet I was at the game and it felt like the UF defense was not doing it's job..... weird.
When I looked at the stats I couldn't believe that you lost in fact the stats are such that I would have thought you won 34-17 not lost.