Well...no doubt that UF has it's share of bad teams on the schedule like many others have had including ND at times( remember SMU off the death penalty?). But UF is also 1-0-1 vs. USC in that time and 2-0 vs. PennST and in 1969 UF blasted preseason #1 ranked Houston. Throw in a ton of games annually against one of the top programs in the last 25 years (FSU...who also had great teams in the 60s) and UF has had some pretty good non-con games in there as well. UF is 0-2 vs. Nebraska in that time and the Gators tied defending national champion Pitt in 1977 and also UF has played in probably 35-40 bowl games in that span of 50 years. It hasn't been all cupcakes as you infer.
Sid, if I may be so bold as to suggest that at a minimum for entertaining such a notion, a team must have at least 1 victory north of the Mason-Dixon line durinig any 50 year period..... :lol: :lol: That truly is mind boggling to me.....are there others in the SEC that have a similar aversion to coming up north and teeing it up? I know UT and Bama have traveled, but I don't know about the rest.
Well can we at least agree that Florida has the best football team involving games played with palm trees nearby? 8) Man Law?
Krebsie, with one clarification......."east of the Mississippi"! - I'm in! :wink: oops....I've just checked the data and it appears we need one more clarification......"south of Tallahassee"! So let's review.....what Krebsie said plus "east of the Mississippi, south of Tallahassee!" - I'm in! :wink:
Actually to be serious, most teams are pretty regional. Texas doesn't leave the area very much. We've been to Notre Dame, Ohio State, North Carolina, been to Stanford and UCLA. But we pretty much stay around home for the most part. Since most teams are in a conference they by nature play the bulk of the schedule in their conference area. ND because of not being in a conference gets around a lot more. But it will be less in the future, they are going to a 7 home game/4 road games/1 neutral site game model for their schedule. So we will be traveling less in the future.
TOK, we're talkin' 50 years....hell, by comparison to the Gators, the Longhorns are world class travelers...by my count, Texas has crossed the Mason-Dixon line dozens of times....not to mention trips out west and Auburn and Miami. You folks have had the 'nads to visit South Bend, Columbus, Happy Valley, Boulder, the Carrier Dome, BC, BYU and Iowa St....good stuff. Nothing better than great intersectional matchups in college football.
Why don't I compare the record of USC (ND's top annual opponent) and Florida State over the last 25 years and see how Florida's annual non-con foe stacks up? But then of course to you "experts" playing at Auburn or Baton Rouge or Knoxville is a meaningless game because it's not up north like at East Lansing (whoopee) or East Lafayette (double-whoopee) or God forbid at the Naval Academy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Damn MCG, that one-time-in-50-year-trip up to the Carrier Dome must REALLY have shaken you guys up....for crissakes, it was indoors....and you still got spanked. I'm thinking a match-up -v- those pesky Badgers outdoors in Madison in November just might a little more than you fellers want to deal with.....c'mon MCG, there is no defending that lame a$$ travel schedule. In fact, I will challenge ANYBODY to find a school with a more laughable travel schedule over the last 50 years....I don't think it exists. I think you guys have that prize all to yourselves. Seriously, I don't get it....what's up with that?
BT...go ahead and fool yourself into thinking that it's a really big deal to travel to Purdue, Indiana, MSU, Minn as opposed to Auburn, LSU et. al.. Notice I didn't mention FSU, Tenn, Ga at Jax or Bama and a few trips to the Hurricanes when they were top notch. I have lived in Michigan since 1978....sorry...but I know better.
Re: ND and it's storied hisory... You have to wonder how the Irish would have fared over the last 50 years if some of those years they were faced with playing Bear Bryant, Shug Jordan, Vince Dooley, et. al. on a yearly basis. And geez...wouldn't you know....none of the above coached at schools north of the Mason-Dixon line... :shock: :roll: :lol: :lol:
MCG, you're missing the point....while my Buckeyes were traveling to Ann Arbor, Happy Valley, Madison, Iowa City, West Lafayette, E. Lansing, Champaign-Urbana etc, we also found time and had the BALLS to play at So Cal, at UCLA, at Stanford, at Cal, at Washington, at Oregon, at Colorado, at Arizona, at SMU. at Texas, at Oklahoma, at Missouri, at Notre Dame, at W.Va., at LSU, at Syracuse, at BC and at NC State just to name a few. And guess what....we won at every single one of those places except for a 10-10 tie in Baton Rouge and never did get by the Trogs in LA, even though we still kept coming. Any reasonable person would see that Florida's weak a$$ mess of a schedule over the years doesn't even begin to compare.....what again was your nationwide travel itinerary????? The mighty Gators would play any one, any time, any where so long as it was not more than a 3 hour drive from Gainesville. You've traveled outside the region 1 time in 50 years! Once....pitiful does not begin to describe it.
No respect, no respect. You forgot one game and I'm surprised Mo didn't bring this up. 1985 Mighty Rutgers 2-8-1 went to Gainsville and tied 9-1-1 Florida 28-28 1986 Florida comes up North and beats us 15-3 The 91 game I'm sure was scheduled in 85, but who knows how much psychological damage was caused by the Scarlet Knights of Rutgers.
Funny how strength of schedule has never been an issue for Florida. You must have missed my post where I listed the many diverse teams Florida has played over the years and by the way...I went to a Michigan-Ohio State game in 1986 and I could swear there was a Florida State flag flying over the stadium. Could that be because the Noles whipped OSU's ass in their own stadium? Yes..that same Florida State that Florida must play annually. By the way...hmmmm...did the chickensh*t Buckeyes ever return the favor and play the Noles in Tallahassee???? I don't think they had the BALLS to do that.....nope...no siree.... :lol: :lol:
mmm...maybe we're all getting a little to intense here. I understand that the Gators are locked into FSU which is a formidbable non-conference foe. I also understand why they would not want to play 2 top level programs out of conference. I don't quite understand why UF a large well funded state school can't leave the region and play home/home with a lower level BCS conference school. Texas has a similar schedule to UF in that we also play a neutral site game with OU every year, leaving us with one less home game to generate revenue, yet we are still willing to play a non-conf home/home. We've had Ohio State and Ark recently. But I think next year we have a pretty whimpy/embarassing non-conference schedule and believe me most UT alums are not happy about the quality of some of the teams we are playing out of conference. But even so the Horns will travel to Central Fla to play them and the following year we travel to El Paso to play UTEP. Terry