Scott I just can't see what's in it for Texas and/or A&M. I would think all the extra travel for minor sports would be a huge negative for joining either the Pac10 or Big10.
Sorry man I missed it. You can't use the shotgun method. Space that stuff out so my old eyes can catch it!
Terry, My point on conference expansion was that more than one university would be involved. We easily could increase the number to fourteen, splitting into two divisions. Rumors are rampant now with Tenn, Kentucky and Missouri being mentioned on SEC boards. Tom, have you heard or read anything like that? Don
Don, I haven't heard anything about that but I will check into it this weekend. I sincerely doubt it but anything is possible. Does that mean that Tennessee would start experiencing Big Ten weather? :wink:
Terry, Your avatar has me thinking about expansion. Even so, I don't like the idea of the Pac-10 expanding, primarily because I don't want to see the round robin format in football go away.
Here is more commentary on this topic from Sporting News Today relating to the Pac10. Note #1: when the link comes up, you will need to delete the printer dialogue box before reading the page. The only way I can link the page is to bring up the printable web page from the .pdf-formatted document. Note #2: You can make the page bigger and more easily readable by left-clicking on the page. More Commentary on Pac10 Expansion Possibilities