Well this release by RR seems like they just decided to fire him no matter what. She refused to cooperate with the University investigation and is going her own way with a law suit seeking $$$. He does admit to an affair with another woman who wasn't assoc with the University. http://www.insidetexas.com/forums/attachments/d2400d83-c250-4dd0-9e20-b70394e52d39-jpeg.21179/
Sid, in the Navy, the butter servers on the mess decks had the latest scuttlebutt and the butter server on the starboard side had best scuttlebutt. :wink:
It's been awhile, but seems like when he went to UM there were a lot of pictures of Mrs. RR and she was hot stuff...am I misremembering that?
The Arizona sun is not kind to everyone. Interesting now that Zona opens up, I'd imagine they'd be chasing a high profile coordinator or someone from the NFL.
45 EsPn analysts vote on the top candidates for NFL jobs. Harbaugh is #1. I would be shocked if he went back to the NFL now, maybe in the future, but I imagine he's consumed with trying to figure out a way to beat the juggernaut in South Bend next fall! I have to wonder if the Colts in an effort to reunite him with Andrew Luck even have enough money to outbid Michigan. 1. Jim Harbaugh 2. David Shaw 3. Josh McDaniel 4. Nick Saban. 5. Jon Gruden http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/21947511/nfl-head-coaching-candidates-hire-45-espn-analysts-rank-their-choices-jim-harbaugh-leads-way
Crap....I'm seeing reports that Dave Aranda is headed to Texas A&M for a freakin' 2 million dollar a year salary. Of course his defense couldn't hold off the Irish led by the 2nd team QB and their 3rd string WR's!
One of the scoop sites said Arizona is talking to the Mad Hatter. For Rick's sake I hope not. Les would be miserably outclassed in the PAC without the Cajun Mafia to make sure all that Louisiana talent was there to man his defense... And offense... gads the anti-QB whisperer out west? DISASTER. Terry, that's because he spent all the extra practices getting ready for the 1st string guys! :wink:
If this is correct, you have to wonder about those folks in Louisiana, considering the state is swimming in red ink. Texas schools are not allowed to use any state funds for athletics - not so in the Cajun state: Yikes, he's not too far down the head coaching pay list!
Double crap, this means that A&M might throw a ton of money at Mike Elko. .. I think they should go after Mich DCoord Don Brown, that's what A&M needs! Mike Elko, pfft...gave up 41 points to Miami!!
1. Jim Harbaugh 2. David Shaw 3. Josh McDaniel 4. Nick Saban. 5. Jon Gruden Jim's a great coach... but Urban Meyer is greater.... both at recruiting and in game prep. If big NFL money comes along Harbaugh may just say fugg it and take it.
I mean this in the nicest way, but I'm kinda glad it's Elko and not Aranda. I like that Elko created a good defense out of what he had on hand when he arrived. Shows he's flexible. Apologies to you ND guys...
Well ****. I'd say promote the LB coach to DC, but if he's gone too then it looks like we got ourselves a coaching search. Kelly has hired well, and disastrously, before. All we can do is see what shakes out here.