Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Gator Bill, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. Bobdawolverweasel

    Bobdawolverweasel Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    I never recommended Vox or Politifact as a source to research media bias. Here is the source I recommended after you mind numbingly claimed to Mike that the Atlantic was a right wing source.


    Do you really think the Atlantic Monthly is a conservative publication? What a skewed perception of the political spectrum you must possess if you actually believe that.
    The Atlantic - Media Bias/Fact Check

    The Media Bias site that I referenced lists Vox as having a left wing bias. Re Politifact, they rate minimal bias but also observe, “Overall, this update reveals a slight leftward shift in Politifact’s fact checking.”

    I posted this only to correct your misrepresentation of my recommendation re a source to check upon media bias as I never cited to Vox or Politifact as your statement suggests.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  2. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Hi Bill. Thank you. I'm well. I hope you and Jean (sp?) are also.
  3. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Bobda my apologies because I did confuse Vox with MediaBias Check in my post.
    However my message was the same because Politifact is on the "Least Biased List" that MediaBias Check has on their website.
  4. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Jeanne and I are doing very well Sid. Kind of going stir crazy in the house every day.
  5. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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  6. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    The Left has spent the entirety of Trump's presidency attempting a coup, starting with the Russia collusion hoax, in which bad actors in the FBI colluded with the Left media to take down a duly-elected president.

    The Left, inclusive of the Left "news" media, has shifted their efforts into looking at the future, trying to preempt Trump protecting against faulty and rigged election mechanics. Whether you believe it will or won't happen, it has been reported before this election cycle in the Left media's own reporting that mail-in voting brings with it elevated risk of accurate, reliable elections.

    Now the questions.

    1) Suppose Trump narrowly loses: How many of Trump's supporters will believe that the Left coalition made up of the silicon valley social media giants, Left "news" media, and political leaders didn't pull a fast one and rig the outcome? Either directly, or indirectly through their lies and hoaxes, "erasing" news stories and corrections that are damaging to their narrative, and silencing of Conservative voices and messages. How vocal will Conservatives be? Will they view the election as legitimate?

    2) Suppose Trump narrowly wins: How many of the Left coalition will believe that the election was legitimate? How vocal will the Left be? Will they be more or less restrained than last time? Will they be more or less caustic, hateful, violent? Will they view the election as legitimate? We've seen how they have acted for the last going on four years so it seems pretty easy to imagine what this scenario looks like.

    Luckily, I happen to think this election is going to be a landslide victory for Trump. Unfortunately, that still won't stop the Left coalition from further attacks, lawsuits, hate, violence, and attempts at impeachment, but it will have staved off persecution of Conservatives at large for the time being. Once the Left is rid of Trump, whether four years from now or mid-term, I fully anticipate the focus of the Left coalition to be aimed squarely on all Conservatives, deleting and silencing as many as they possibly can.

    The Left coalition has created a dangerous situation in the US, (primarily for Conservatives to begin with, but it won't stop there) by their universal shift toward identify politics, condoning (through their silence) of the woke mob violence, support for revolutionary groups, attacks on free speech/opinions/ideals, and creating the environment in which the radicals feel free to be open about their attacks.

    The Left argues "but Trump". The image of Trump has been created by the Left coalition. The dehumanized/demonized version of Trump was created by the Left, starting from Day 1 when they were thrust into TDS, and has continued to devolve from there. From Day 1, there was no respect for the office, much less the man, yet the Left wants us to believe that Trump is solely at fault "because he is evil". The hypocritical arguments from the Left prove the cognitive dissonance/TDS. How? Because everything they say they "hate" about Trump, is something they themselves have done or supported.

    They claim they hate him because he's a pathological liar? Yet, they're trying to elect one of the biggest liars in government. Do they live-fact-check him? Nope, but there are plenty of videos showing his fabrications, plagiarism, and outright lies. If you are in the Left "news" media silo, you would never know.

    They claim they hate him because he's corrupt, and just haven't found any evidence of it after four straight years of digging? (Has any one person been so fully vetted and investigated, with NO evidence to be shown for it???) On the other hand, they then want us to believe all of the smoke around the Bidens and foreign influence is nothing. Where is the investigative journalism? Where is the curiosity to get to the bottom of the story, or even verify there is no there, there? Further, where is the curiosity to see how involved in the Flynn and FBI coup attempt was Biden and the rest of the inner circle? Oh, the Left argues it was their duty to look into Trump's campaign, but now that the hoax has been revealed, it's considered old news and evil to see who was behind the curtain trying to pull the strings.

    They claim they hate him because he's racist. Yet, they have to misinterpret and edit his words to show the opposite of what he said is really what he meant. All this while Biden's exact words are exactly racist! They are forgiven and excused because he is so obviously not racist by their estimation. As well as the entire woke mob message of a specific race's lives being worth more than all the other races. That the opinions of one sex is worth more than the opinions of another sex. THAT is identify politics, which in application has been the definition of racist and sexist.

    They claim they hate him because he has mishandled the Coronavirus emergency. Yet, what better plan have they had? "Mandate that everyone wear masks" and "believe the experts" has been the most recent "plan" the Left has used to "prove" they know better. Except, those two ideas are in opposition. First there is not universal agreement OF THE EXPERTS on the effectiveness of masks. There is not even consensus. Although, if you only watch CNN or MSNBC you may THINK there is, but there are as many doctors and scientists that refute it as support it. Second, even Biden admitted that the decision to mandate masks should be left up to the states, which is the same thing Trump has stated. Third, even those areas that have mandated masks can't force universal mask usage. I understand that everyone is worried, stressed, and cared and humans require an outlet and villain in those times, and the Left coalition has created that villain in Trump. A truly independent thinker would be looking at all these countries around the world, some of whom have done better, some of whom have done worse, and realize that NOBODY knew, and NOBODY KNOWS, the best way to handle this situation EVEN NOW. The whole goal from the day it was apparent the virus was going to spread throughout the world, wasn't to STOP the spread of the virus, but to extend the spread out and reduce the volume of the spike. Even countries that look like they have it under control at the moment, may end up with years of fighting pockets. Countries that look harder hit may end up being better off in the long run. Hell, look at the differences between New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, etc. There is no consistent parallel between anything the government has done and the results of the infections (with the exception of forcing nursing homes to take in infected patients). The point is NOBODY CAN KNOW until it is all said and done, yet Trump is the only villain. I would also point out that the entire response by the Left "news" media has been to solely concentrate on the number of infected (and when convenient, the number of deaths) all the while KNOWING how faulty every piece of data. However, to understand the true measure of success you MUST also consider the economy, which also has a direct impact on a country's ability to function, survive, and fight the pandemic, both current and future. I would argue that the combination of acute virus response AND economic strength is the only way to measure a country's short-term success in this pandemic, and Trump has done a fantastic job so far of balancing those two OPPOSING requirements. Some countries so far have done better and worse on the virus. A few countries may have done better on the economy. A very few MAY have done better while juggling both. Consider the job Trump has done while at the same time having to fight constant attacks from the entire Left coalition of hate misconstruing every action and word, if not completely misrepresenting what he actually says. (The mind-readers in the Left "news" media tell you they know his inner thoughts, and those mind-reader inner thoughts are more accurate and representative than the actual words that come out of Trump's mouth. Consider that for one moment!)

    Every single reason they hate Trump is a self-reflection of their mindset, platform, and intent, not a referendum on Trump's ACTUAL mindset and morality. But, cognitive dissonance by definition won't let people internalize their self-image errors, so they externalize hallucinations to allow them to maintain their superior self-image, even when it looks preposterous from outside observers not sharing in those hallucinations. TDS has created an entire shared world view hallucination, and as we've seen with our very own MCG, it seems impossible to break that hallucination.

    NO Conservative likes everything about Trump. Conservatives don't defend everything he says/does. Trump is not perfect, and is similar to a T-Rex in an antique shop. The reason most Conservatives support him anyway is because the alternative is annihilation of our way of life, the system, and the most fair, lawful, just country ever created. The last three months have demonstrated the situation perfectly if the politics and methods of Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC, Austin were allowed to take root throughout the country.

    Ultimately, that is probably the biggest referendum on identity politics: Conservatives can look at a whole system and decide if it is on the whole good with some flaws (the USA). Identity politics of the Left require the whole to be evil if even one part of it is in disagreement with their chosen viewpoint. Except, of course, for when it's convenient to ignore it.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  7. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    What he said! :D
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  8. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    And he said it very well.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    I'm onboard with Kesley 100%.

    TDS is real and as he said very observable on this forum.
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  10. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Wow.... can't see how I agree with anything you said WSU. And that illustrates just how far gone you guys are.
    It won't matter who is elected in this environment.... unless we get someone whose agenda is to heal this division in our nation rather than to incite it further.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    My son thinks we will be all be in bed on November 3 by 10:30-11:00 ET. He thinks Trump will absolutely steamroll Biden. His opinion is heavily influenced by his deep involvement in law enforcement and his military connections. He simply cannot envision a single LEO from a crossing guard up to the US AG voting for Biden. Ditto for the military. Personally, I believe the Democrats have seriously overplayed their hand for four years. When you have party leaders calling for the impeachment of a President BEFORE he is even sworn in it tends to invalidate everything you say after that.

    Then we had the Dem ladies all dressed on white for his first SOTU and some walking out as he was speaking. Pelosi tearing up the minutes. The embarrassing theater of the Russian hoax hearings. The Salem Witch hunt nature of the Kavanaugh Hearings. The 100% partisan nature of the impeachment hearings. The constant name calling and mocking of Trump's supporters by Congress people and Hollywood working in unison. The constant din of "racist" directed at all conservatives. The White Privilege charges now so in vogue being choreographed by limousine liberals everywhere.

    So after all the dust settles, years of angst and 27 Democratic candidates for President behind us, the best the party can produce is a 78 year lifetime bureaucrat with a singular record of pretty much nothing of note in the throes of dementia and woman who tried to mis-represent herself as African-American for political purposes with an extremely sketchy background as a prosecutor and the recent resume of being one of the first of the 27 candidates to drop out due to a total lack of support.

    I am not going to state that I don't know anyone who will vote for Biden. But if I had to estimate a Trump-Biden ratio based on my personal and professional circles I would guess 20-1. I think the real workers, producers and protectors in this nation rise up on Nov. 3 and take control.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  12. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Wow, very well thought out, written and pretty much mirrors my observations and opinions. I am just not as good as you at putting things in words.
  13. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I hope you guys are right... but mail in voting can change outcomes.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    So does the Krebs theory consider how Trump has actively disparaged blacks, hispanics, asians and women who make up a large portion of our military?
  15. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    in the last election, Quinnipiac University released a poll on election day which showed Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 7%. Internal RNC polls showed Trump winning by a landslide which he did. I assume that the DNC polls showed the same thing, because the Clinton campaign cancelled all of their victory celebrations three days before the election. Mr. Trump offered to buy her New York fireworks for 5 cents on the dollar...

    There's a couple of unknowns this time around and the law enforcement vote is one of them. Police unions have traditionally voted for their pay and pensions with the Dems, but now they see their departments defunded and their pay reduced as the money is reallocated to more politically reliable Democratic goon squads. My black neighbor who lives across the street is a detective in the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. He has a flagpole in the middle of his front yard that flies two flags: Old Glory and Blue Lives Matter. Think about it...
  16. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    I'm confused.... winning by a landslide means not winning the popular vote?
  17. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Yes. Trump took 35 of 50 states. That's a landslide in the electoral college, which is how presidents are elected.
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  18. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    And many rank and file union and retired union people voted for Trump last time and many more will this time.
  19. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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  20. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    MCG I think you need to find a hobby other than Trump hatred.

    You would probably be happier and more objective.