That's OK. I'm going to South Bend next spring for a visit and I'll stop by the Head Coach's office and ask Urban if he might consider playing Indian River. 8)
Like............ <t>Most posters on all Irish boards I dismiss the possibility of UM ever leaving Florida for the ND job next year. However ever since Bama pulled off hiring Saban nothing is going to surprise me in the next few weeks.<br/> After way to many years of doing zilch in college football Swarbick better get it right this time. <br/> IMO I still think Kelly is the right guy for the job. I just hope someone doesn't beat ND to him.</t>
I think if I was in the market for a coach I would probably be satisfied with any of the names on that list. Leaving Meyer out of the choices I think Brian Kelly, Harbaugh, Stoops and Gruden would probably be at the top of my list. I don't see Stoops as viable, he would just probably get another raise from Oklahoma.
Watch out for Michigan ejecting RR and stealing Brian Kelly out from under ND.....a la Meyer to Fla in 2004. If I were the Michigan AD I might think of doing the unpopular ( with the media anyway ) and pulling off a stunner. Can you imagine Brian Kelly at Michigan? That would be a slam dunk in my opinion. Too bad the Michigan coffers are probably suffering because of the local economy and what I suspect are fewer booster contributions because maybe they can't afford this move.
nd <t>No, Michigan AD says RR is staying.<br/> <br/> Starting to hear some encouraging voices from some of the verbal commits for ND who say they are keeping their commit to ND no matter who is coaching. latest one is Tai-Ler Jones.</t>
Just thinking about this whole deal. If it is Brian Kelly who will be the guy, he really can't take the job (publically) till after the last Cincy game which will be Dec 5th vs Pitt. So the earliest that we could have an announcement would be some time during the week of Dec 6-12. I forget, when did Urban Meyer announce he was taking the UF job? I know he coached Utah in the bowl game, and I don't think he did anything with regards to staff or recruiting till after the bowl game. So I wouldn't be suprised if Kelly stayed at UC till after their bowl game if it is a BCS bowl. If they lose one of their last 2 games, Illinois or Pitt then I would imagine the chances of him taking the ND job and not coaching UC in the bowl game would increase.
Meyer took the job in Dec. and coached Utah in the bowl game. As I remember it was done with class. Meyer's recruiting class in 2005 was however arguably his worst at Fla.
The Utah (and Bowling Green) people might take exception to your 'done with class' line.
Look at it this way.....if ND was to hire Saban, Meyer, Carroll, Stoops or Kelly, etc. there is no way there wouldn't be a lot of PO'd fans at those schools. Not much one of those guys could do and you're not going to get any of them to come out and say..."yeah....that's right I am in negotiation with ND."
Here's something I didn't see coming. Charlie Weis agreed to an exclusive interview with a writer from a site called FanHouse. He met the guy Sunday morning after the UConn game, at 4:30AM!!! I've never heard of the writer or the site. Very strange. Here's a couple of lines from the interview: It's about how this has affected his wife and Charlie Jr. Charlie On ND
There............ <t>Is a very good article in this weeks Sporting News magazine on Brian Kelly with a good insight on how he handles his players and him as a person. Reinforced my wanting him as the next ND head man.<br/> This issue has the ingrate receiver from the Bengals on the front cover.</t>
ND needs to end this quickly. This quote by Weis is very telling... "I'm more respected there," Weis says. "I'm more well-liked there." He's talking about the NFL.
Re Charlie's comments to the reporter about his wife and son: I wonder, if the situation was reversed, how many of us would feel any different? Our sports minded world and win at all costs is sickening at times. Just my two cents. Don