Keeps getting worse, now there are 3 guys who say Cecil Newton asked MSU for money to sign his son. Ugh, what a mess. More Bad News
"In another Dallas radio interview, with ESPN 103.3 FM, Rogers said he and Cecil Newton initially talked after Cam Newton left the University of Florida after the 2008 season. During that conversation, Rogers said Cecil Newton told him, "It's not gonna be free this time." Whew!!
Corey, exception duly noted, but I think there are fewer subscribers to that attitude in the SEC than you give us credit for, but then again we are not the "Beacon on the Hill". :wink:
This is not a topic I care about, but something caught my eye in the above numbers. While the Big12, SEC, and Pac10 are way out front, the relatively young - with fewer teams - Big East has had proportionately more major infractions than the ACC and proportionately many more than the Big10. Looks to me like the eastern schools are just as trouble prone as the so-called big guys.
I was listening to Pat Forde on ESPN Radio this afternoon talk about the Cam Newton situation. He said that he thinks that if Newtons dad actually said what he said back during Cam's recruiting, then Cam is ineligible for the whole season and Auburn will have to forfeit all of their games. He said it doesn't make any difference what Auburn did or did not know, he's ineligible. Said that at this point Auburn's best bet is just keep silent play out the season with Cam as the starter and if they win the NC and all that they'll make a ton of money, and it won't be taken away from them. Also given the glacial pace of the NCAA that by the time they take away the title it won't make much difference they will have won it on the field and have had all the celebrations, sold the merchandise etc. This is why A.J. Green did not play in UGA's first 4 games, because UGA didn't want to have to forfeit any games if he was found guilty.
And now ESPN is reporting the FBI is investigating Newton. discussed here a short two weeks ago or so Cam is the man.......and I am just a jealous Gator for questioning the young man's character....... :roll: :roll: :wink: :lol:
What, moderators can't make astute observations about people that whine incessantly about everything... except for democratic points of view of course?
The fact that you have not been booted into oblivion is solid fact of our ability to moderate rather than taking the easier road of just deleting your existence on this board. On many other boards, you would have been history back in the first month you were here.
Where in this topic am I "whining"? What if I think "astute observations" are merely opinions? On this topic I call a duck who walks and talks like a duck.... a duck.......catch a lot of flak for making the comments.......then it turns out the duck may be even more corrupt than even I could have imagined.
Funny that you have to clarify that. So tell me something: Am I to disregard a ten year history on just one topic? OK, I admit it publicly. You have never whined about a single issue on these boards. You are a perfect gentleman to Refs, you pat the GOP on the back at every opportunity, you never take an opportunity to belittle your opponents, etc. Yea, right! :roll:
When it comes to debating sports topics or politics......I do not condescend. I don't pull punches but instead I favor speaking what I either know or believe to be truth. Obviously with so many different opinions out there it doesn't always agree with the opinions of others and sometimes people are contrary just to be that way. Between you on the sports BB and BT in the back room I am a marked man......a Gator who speaks his mind and a left leaning moderate who isn't too happy with the far right.
Again response to you was targeted to the comments of my "whining" you made in this topic.....about this topic. Not applicable and I felt the need to point that out.
MCG, somebody told me one time that the world is not black and white, but one big gray area. While I am not in total agreement with that I think the concept is basically correct. While you may not see yourself this way, the way I see you is that you have almost no gray area. And that makes it very difficult to carry on any kind of meaningful discussion with you, about the Gators, sports in general and for sure politics.
That is surprising to me Bill in that I am usually pretty open minded and willing to take everything into consideration. But I also will steadfastly hold a position I think to be a true one and I do like to express my opinion on debatable topics. For instance I do think the jury is still out on Newton.....and I have said he should win the Heisman until proven otherwise. But that doesn't mean I didn't form an opinion about him a couple of weeks ago and since then many have probably formed that same opinion. But in America you are innocent until proven guilty. The same kind of situation existed on here a couple of years ago when Kiffin was hired at Tenn. I formed an opinion about him early on and his later actions reinforced that opinion and that opinion became a more popular one. But I caught hell for expressing it early on.