Hopefully Romney will bring this up in a debate....because....I suspect Obama may bring this up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars Seems as if George W started a trend that BO only has continued.....and not developed on his own as the bluster would have it. :wink:
Only you could somehow equate the two..... in terms of their numbers per tenure and much more importantly lack of congressional oversight and approval and significance to industry participants and economic impacts.....it ain't remotely close. The blinders of dogma rule your every utterance......
George W. Bush R 2001–2009 33 49 28 Barack Obama D 2009– 38 42 33 The numbers are undeniably close.....especially when you look at the paucity of "czars" in place before Bush. However.....I... unlike some I know.......have some objectivity here and realize that post 9-11 the world changed dramatically and changed even more with the near collapse of the U.S. financial markets in 2008. But....carry on...... :roll: And for those that read these numbers posted above or in the link I provided.....draw you own comparisons and try not to get too angry when you recall every time you have heard good ol Rush gush on and on with his red face about Obama the "Czar" creator..... :lol: :lol:
Close how? In three years Obama has 33 appointees without confirmation - 11 per year. In 8 years, Bush had 28 - 3.5 per year. My arithmetic tells me that Obama is appointing them without congressional oversight at a rate almost 4X as great as Bush. Then there is the small matter of their responsibilities......Obama has appointed czars accountable to no one to oversee auto manufacturing, consumer financial protection, compensation and health reform all by Executive Order with Congress and the electorate no more than an afterthought... Close only in your book pal.....for every Limbaugh you throw out, I'll raise you an Al Sharpton and Bill Maher.....I know, you have some "objectivity"
33-28 isn't close? Even though the position barely existed before Bush? In 5 more years you think some of those Obama czars might just still be in place? Or do you think Obama just has a quota to fill every year of new czar positions? Think about that. And Obama's new ones are in the the auto, financial and healthcare areas.....three of the biggest problems we had in Jan. of 2009? BT.....please.
I agree with Krebsie, the math speaks for itself. You are certainly entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. That he is appointing them at a rate 4x greater than Bush without confirmation is just a simple statement of fact. Nothing to dispute......
How many has Obama appointed in the last 18 months? It's very relevant to your "math".. I know you know what I am getting at here. You're a smart guy. When Obama took office he had some work to do and made a furious amount of czar appointees and afterward a few tweaks here and there but certainly not at the pace of the first 18 months and nothing like you suggest but rather more at the same sort of pace as Bush. Bush began this Czar program in earnest and now Obama is on the right's **** list for continuing it? This is such a great example of the bluster I was referring to. Let's see......I would say chances are pretty damned good you don't see Romney bring this up in a debate with Obama because he would get crushed in response.
Obama won't crush anyone in debate on any topic. He'll just read his teleprompter and smile his slick, huckster, smile and you'll fall for whatever he reads...
I'd love to see Chris Christie as Romney's running mate. After he reduces Biden to a " bed wetter" in their debate he could be turned loose on the teleprompter reader. My god, he would eviscerate Obama on camera.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BqszvQxJtvQ?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Here is a czar that isn't even on your list; "Forget about what I said...." <iframe src="http://blip.tv/play/hvltgvXuHgI.html?p=1" width="596" height="334" frameborder="0"></iframe><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://a.blip.tv/api.swf#hvltgvXuHgI"></embed>