At minimum, Treasury Secretary Snow's comments to the House Committee as well as member and subsequent Chairman Frank's comments on the same topic contained in the video should provide you some shouldn't have to look too hard. While you're at it, please don't forget that FNMA CEO Franklin Raines became one of Obama's "key" financial policy advisors shortly after massively bloating the GSE's balance sheet with affordable housing credits and pocketing a massive payout.... Something about "head in the sand"?
I am sure that Mitt will make a bullet point list out of the smartgirl politics blog as I listed and as George is quoting and he and his campaign team have plans to debate each point vs. Obama on the national stage. That should be fun to watch because obviously Mitt has BO by the short hairs when you review that article and BO will appear helpless and stupid when those facts come out..
....and that the governing philosophies of our Founding Fathers are now considered radical right wing by the lib/dems
George, I conceded that your post comes from a right wing blog.....and you know how I feel about those. As I said....whatever has merit will be hotly debated in the early fall as how could Romney resist such significant talking points that point all of the blame to the Dems and none to the GOP? Damn...I have to wonder how with a sitting GOP president that 6 years of GOP reign and sound fiscal policy got wiped out in 18 months. Whatever happened to the power of a veto?
You're so right. Compromise and getting along with the other side of the aisle will never be successful. So why do we keep hearing over and over again how partisan things are in DC? To quote a great Democratic hero "Can't we all get along?"
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That's never gonna happen. But our mantra should be "can't we all work toward the common good"? Lincoln said it best...."united we stand....divided we fall". Simple but powerful and that's where we are today. So divided that not a damn thing gets done. So divided that neither party can get a true moderate nominated and the last time one party did.....that true moderate was villified and continuously attacked by the other side because in reality.....the real danger to either party is that the other party will nominate a true moderate to be president. If a candidate like that gets a party's nomination it's a slam dunk win for the presidency.
Actually, I think that Romney is as close to a moderate as we've seen in recent years. His religion is an issue with the whacko religious right, and his past politics are an issue with the Tea Party. Notwithstanding those issues, his electability - IMO - lies with the wide swath on both sides of the middle, the moderate Republicans and the Democrats who regret having voted for Obama. I believe that although the conservative and liberal wings make the most noise, neither elects a president. IMO it's the middle that makes the diffference.
I absolutely agree with that Sid. The thing about Romney is even if he is a true moderate is he strong enough to let that side of himself govern effectively or will he cave in to the ultra conservatives who seem to run the GOP these days? I would consider him if not for that likelihood that he would cave. My default side is left of center but I'll consider moderate from either side if we could get one elected. In years in which you have no middle choices the votes are razor thin such as the 2000 election. The problem I have right now with both parties is that somehow when a candidate wins a close election they get the effed up idea that they have a sweeping mandate to shove their particular brand of crap down the 49.9% of the people who didn't vote for them. That's just wrong imho. In Romney's case that would equate to 25% of people's opinions ( ultra conservatives ) dictating to the rest of us... the 75% of people who don't subscribe to the views of the 25%. Why don't we just throw away our democracy if that's going to be the end result of electing Romney.
The problem is there is no "common good." We had a Democratic congress and White House that voted in a health care bill that the majority of the people in this country opposed and still oppose. With those kind of folks the common good is what they tell people it is. They run as moderates to hide their true liberal agenda. In the last election McCain was much closer to the center than Obama IS.
Your true colors show through loud and clear when you attribute those behaviours only to the right...... Had the general public been aware of the designs this administration had placed on non-elected czarist oversight, intrusive government and assaults on property rights and personal and religious freedoms, he'd never, ever, ever have gotten elected.
First of all, contrary to the collective opinion of the ultra conservatives, they do not run the GOP. If they did, Romney would not be the presumptive nominee. Second, Santorum has said, in essence, that he will support Romney only if he promises to include the conservative agenda in his platform. Although I'm a moderate, I don't have a problem with that and neither should Romney, especially in the areas of economic policy, entitlements, illegal immigrants, and foreign policy. In all of those areas, plus others, we are headed for disaster under the current administration. Although I'm a right-to-lifer, I believe that's a battle that cannot be won. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so. Have I missed something?
So much of this sort of vitriolic bluster has been said about Obama I really do look forward to the campaign in the fall when Romney will have the chance to make public statements hopefully in a debate setting to support that bluster. Maybe Obama has an answer for it.....maybe not. Until Romney puts it in Obama's face on that national live stage it's just bluster to me. In the meantime....bad news for the GOP: Today the DOW hit a 4 year high.....bolstered by good reports from the manufacturing sector including the auto industry.....recipients of some of that stimulus money that by the way counts toward those excessive "expenditures" that Obama put forth in 2009. This is an example of what I am talking about....good news for the country is aggravating bad news for the GOP and if they could something to reverse it and get away with it they probably would.
Great! Now GM can expedite those manufacturing jobs over to China even sooner and make some REAL money!
Please, they'll never sink as low as those Libs who reveled in telling us the total of US soldiers killed in Iraq every time another died. When was the last time you saw that? It stopped for some reason after Obama took office. As for the stock market it's a non event. If your house is underwater, you or your wife or kids can't find a job, and the price of gas is killing you why would you give a **** about the market? In fact if you're an Obama supporter and you're without a job, you might be part of the occupy folks who are cranking it up again against Wall Street.
The Dow is important because for the majority of Americans who have no company retirement plans it's our only hope to have any sort of retirement. Either that or maybe the GOP will abolish social security and give me back with intetest what I have contributed to date in my life. Any tea party MFer that wants to do that would get my vote!
.....the biggest problem of all is that it happens to be fact. The number of Obama's un-elected, but ruling, industry czar's is well known. Ask the Catholics about religious freedoms and the Indiana public pensioners about the rule of law and property wouldn't be an issue if it were not true. He can run, but the only way he can hide is to count on those blinded by his peculiar brand of political to not be able to see......the centrists that will decide the election have their eyes wide open.