Trump's constant lying and denial of truths and factual reporting... and his incessant refusal to ever publicly acknowledge anything reported that shows him in a negative light has fomented a sickness in our society that goes beyond morality and sensibility: I'm pretty sick of it myself..... I never thought we would come to this kind of twisted political acceptance in our country but really.... I 've always said it began with the lies and entertainment seeking ******** of people like Rush Limbaugh and then carried forth by Fox News and culminating with a president who incredulously can have anything to say about the tragic shooting deaths of our high school kids other than we are very very sorry as Americans and we're going to do something about it. :cry:
So you are now blaming the "sickness in our society" on a guy who has been in office a year?? That is some powerful sh!t you are smoking Dave... :roll:
Remember when we were told that we'd get to see the debate on the healthcare bill on C-Span? How about Keeping your doctor and healthcare plan? Remember insurance premiums would go down $2,500? How about all those "shovel ready" jobs? Remember if the stimulus bill passed unemployment wouldn't go over 8%. Remember there wasn't a scintilla of evidence of scandal in the IRS? How about the attack in Benghazi because of a video? I could go on and on. How come that lying bastard got a pass with all these Trump haters? Come to think of it, they probably never head of all that, they don't watch Fox News.
I believe I said going back to the 90s days with the Rush Limbaugh radio circus and culminating with Trump.....
My old man was the Nostradamus of his time. He made three bold predictions. Lew Alcindor would never make it in the NBA because he was too skinny. ( 1967 ) No one would remember The Beatles after a year or two. (1963 ) Rush Limabugh would be a trivia question in five years . ( 1985 ) Miss you, Dad.
George, HAHAHA I actually contemplate the things I say to my son when talking about the future. I always stop and think 'Did I just say something so stupid he's going to remember it 40 years later?' I am glad to see that: 1. I probably am 2. I am not alone in this.
Anyone looking for a solution that doesn't involve gun control needs to see this video. The school is roughly 30 minute SE of downtown Indianapolis and roughly 40 minutes from my home. It was mentioned that the cost for the building is roughly $400,000. It's a relatively small school, so the cost for larger buildings can be assumed to be higher. A well-organized and planned effort to raise the money for each building in a school district should be successful everywhere in the country. In my opinion, public pressure should be redirected toward obtaining funding at the local and state level. Perhaps the federal government could consider partial funding through grants to states? It's all about recognizing the reality of the world we live in and rearranging our financial priorities accordingly. One more thing. If you pay attention to every measure that's been installed in this system, it comes as close as possible to guaranteed safety for our children. No amount of gun control legislation possibly could provide school safety to the extent that this system does. Could not both sides agree on this solution? Then again, I'm just a silly optimist.
Florida lawmakers made the whole state look bad ..... including the voting populace who put these callous, partisan idiots in office.
My concern about this is the constant incessant blabbering about how everything is a lie..... or that making up facts that aren't true is acceptable.... or that every news media outlet except one is full of nothing but lies and garbage. When no one knows what to believe anymore.... or accepts lies as truth.... like the sickos inferring that Parkland high's surviving students who speak out against gun violence are somehow child "actors"... then we as a country are inviting chaos and anarchy as a way of life. That type of sick conspiracy crap is dangerous because there is a legion of alt right morons out there that buy in to all of that sickness.
GOP Senator Rubio here in Florida is catching heat on his gun policies but at least he commented correctly about the "child actor" issue: ""Claiming some of the students on tv after #Parkland are actors is the work of a disgusting group of idiots with no sense of decency," he tweeted"
Rubio took one for the entire gun lobby and GOP yesterday. That could not have been easy. I'd kinda like to see him really tell the truth though and come out to say 'hey, you didn't elect me, the gun lobby did.' ****, I'd at least respect that position. Still, that had to be tough to sit there and take it on the chin over and over again.
:idea: :arrow:
This follows another script...perfected by candidate Trump.... when something shows you in a negative light you fight back with whatever ******** you can dream up and then get Fox News to report it. Linking up a school ROTC student with Tucker Carlson and Fox News is a great way to deflect bad pub about the the "child actor" issue, official CNN response: " There is absolutely no truth to this. CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night’s town hall, nor have we ever. After seeing an interview with Colton Haab, we invited him to participate in our town hall along with other students and administrators from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Colton’s father withdrew his name from participation before the forum began, which we regretted but respected. We welcome Colton to join us on CNN today to discuss his views on school safety. While a number of Douglas High students have advocated for tighter gun safety laws in the wake of the shooting — and been accused of being “crisis actors” since doing so — Haab is, to date, the only student to accuse CNN of trying to script their statements at the town hall event."
Dave the fact that you parrot back the CNN company line while talking about fake news being spewed really doesn't help your cause. :roll:
Scott, with complete respect for your and others' beliefs, the fake news argument is extremely weak on both sides. Full disclosure (not that it matters to anyone): I am a moderate independent with no attachment to either side, although with beliefs that identify with both sides, roughly 65% Republican and about 35% Democrat. However, the progressive influence in the Dem party is too far left for my taste, and the far right influence in the Repub party likewise. I was a Fox listener until about mid 2016, when the anger and venom toward the other side became so unceasing that it turned me off. I began listening to CNN and found their approach more open to both sides. People hear what they want to hear. Conservatives hear on Fox everything that's important to them and by default brand other outlets as liberal aka "fake" when in fact some like CNN are not drinking the Kool-Aid on either side. MSNBC clearly is the liberal counterpart to Fox. IMO both Fox and MSNBC are closer to propaganda machines than is the mainstream media. One thing I noted when I listened to Fox - and it apparently hasn't changed - is the prevalence of conspiracy theories. I don't expect to change minds. I'm just acknowledging the media world as I see it. I'm comfortable with the main stream media as an objective source of news. There may be some folks who allow the media to influence their thinking or who listen to certain outlets to hear what they want to hear. I'm not one of those. No opinion or slant in my newspaper or on my TV screen or radio is going to influence what I believe. Carry on.
Excellent post Sid..... I haven't seen it better said than how you so clearly defined it. I agree with everything you said except I'm more a 65-35 Democrat vs. Republican. ( I have twice voted for a GOP president over a too far left Dem ) The fact that 85% of the country does not believe a damn thing the other side has to say is our major problem going forward. And as long as there are media reporting outlets like Fox and MSNBC happily drawing viewers/believers with their slanted unfactual entertainment reporting the truth as we used to know it will be very elusive for that 85%. And we have a president smart enough to get his underdog ass elected by playing that system perfectly.
One of the frustrating aspects about the gun control debate that arises after a mass shooting is how little attention is directed to the fact that most of the killings were done by a person who had a long history of mental illness, and that our nation seems incapable of even attempting to address the problem of how to prevent such individuals from doing harm to others or to themselves. Here is an article written by a well educated and highly intelligent mother who feels helpless in dealing with her 13 years old mentally ill son. If Nikolas Cruz had been born 70 years ago, he likely would have been involuntarily committed to a facility where he would have stayed for the rest of his life seperated from the public at large. Those facilities were closed in the 1960s and 1970s due to public outrage about the abuses to patients that took place at these institutions; but, no viable solution of how to humanely treat the potentially violent mentally ill and protect the public has been done to replace the civil protections provided by the asylums of the past. As pointed out in the article, our present method to deal with the problem is medication and therapy and hope that the mentally ill person commits a non-violent crime that does result in incarceration --which solves the public protection issue. Unfortunately, as in the case of Mr. Cruz's, the treatments and medications didn't work and multiple warnings issued by those close to Cruz to authorities that he posed a horrific danger to the public evaporated in the bureaucratic void. Maybe we will eventually reach a national consensus that the mentally ill should not own guns. But, I suspect we will argue for years on end about what type of mental illness should prohibit one from gun ownership and probably also need to remember that the Connecticut massacres were done with stolen guns. So while gun ownership prohibitions may help in reducing mass shootings we still need to address the mental-health treatment/public protection problem.