I screwed up badly!! I forgot to dump Justin Rose who did not make the cut and play Paul Casey from my bench. Had I done that I'd be ahead of both Ryckmans, of course Chris was playing with a 3 man team as well yesterday and will be today since neither of his C team guys made the cut. But still what a mistake!! edit: Mishie is gippers son Mike...ooops. Looks like Chris didn't really play!
Alright!! beat not 1 but 2 Ryckmans!! That's a big win. And 2 Malloys!! TOK -154pts Commish - 130pts Stu Ryckman - 128 pts gipper - 127pts CRyckman - 38pts ...um maybe he didn't play!
Which Android did he get, the Droid X just hit the market at Verizon. It's a bigger form factor than my HTC Incredible, gets excellent reviews. BTW with the browser on the android phones he could have easily posted his team!!
Yeah, he got the Droid X. I have the original Droid, and as a matter of fact I was arranging my active players by phone all week.