Unfortunately Bill, the constant fist pumping, chest thumping and non-stop snake oil salesmanship of MCG brings out the worst of us peasants out here in the football wilderness. It must be good to be King and Dave feels the need to remind us ad nauseum.
I understand that George and try to factor that in. But I also have to say that many times I think I see the MCG factor as more of an excuse to let go on the Gators than a reason. But I didn't live up to my thought about disappearing for the afternoon did I?
Again .... see underlined comment ...... unfortunately you persist in misrepresenting what has been stated in the previous posts. WRT the UT-A schedule .... you raised the issue of the school's philosophy and I simply provided the objective data which may very well indicate why UT-A is scheduling as it is - to increase the difficulty of their schedule. WRT your question highlighted in red .... that has been answered in the previous post. To replace 2 games in Gainesville against teams like Charleston Southern/Western Kentucky ............. with a home/home versus IU .... will result in a reduction in revenues to the UAA and the surrounding community on those years the game is played away and will keep some 80K or more UF fans from visiting Gainesville and enjoying the experience of a home game. Again, to make the suggested change would be nonsensical as there is simply no rational basis for it.
Again you inject money as the reason for UF scheduling. Fine. Texas I guess is a much wealthier program and Austin and Texas fans get by just fine with a scheduling philosophy that allows the team to get out of the conference region every year. Also please note that Ohio State fans and Columbus and the program somehow get by with a home/home with an out of region team, USC somehow gets by with the same. I guess UF fans and the program are just needy.
Gaterz, when there was an 11 game season the Gators always scheduled 6 home games for the reasons you listed above. My question is this, with a 12th game being added why is it necessary for that one to always be a home game also? Terry, I would submit to you as I have to others that our home and home with FSU is every bit as hard of a game as any other schools schedule. Whether it is out of our region or not does not in my mind change that simple fact. I don't buy all of Gaterz reasons, and by the way we do play Miami in a few years, but neither do I buy the idea we have to travel out of our region to satisfy someone else's criteria as to how the Gators should schedule.
Nah .... just the AD making good financial decisions which benefit the University's athletic programs ..... and the surrounding supporting community. BTW .... do UT-A or tOSU have a BCS/FBS in-state rival that's not in the same conference?
Both have teams in the state that were BCS Bowl participants last year. TCU and Cincinnati. And fortunately Texas AD is freed from the need to make those financial decisions due to the robust health of the UT athletic programs and the robust health of Austin and the surrounding communities.
Maximize revenues to the UAA. Why play only 6 home games when you can play 7 and increase revenues therefrom by 16-17%? What's the rationale for Jeremy Foley "avoiding" this revenue every other season by play only 6 home games? Just curious .... what reasons do you not buy?
The UT Football program makes more money with 6 home games than the UF Football program does with 7 and we also play a neutral site game with OU like UF does with FSU. Why do you suppose that UF trails Texas in football revenues with more home games? BTW didn't Georgia find it's way to Arizona and Oklahoma recently even though they have a n out of conference rival instate as well as a neutral site game with UF. I guess their AD doesn't give a flip about their fans and the surrounding community.
Good for the UT-A and Austin. Sounds like the AD has an easy gig. Hope he appreciates my small contribution every time I pump some $2.80-$3.00 per gallon petrol into my truck, car, bike, and boat ....... or place another order with Dell!! WRT the the two BCS/FBS in-state rivals for UT-A and tOSU you listed above ...... do they play UT-A and tOSU every season? Note, when I "rivals" I was thinking "rivals played every season" and should have clearly indicated that. Sorry.
Just so we don't go on ad nauesum. 1. I think UF schedule is plenty tough and doesn't need to be toughened. 2. If UF AD/Fans/Players/etc are all happy playing the Charleston Southerns of the college football world then I'm fine with that as well. Lets face it upper level major conference teams mostly schedule OOC games that they feel certain that they will win and usally only take on 1 team that is their equal. Just don't justify it by saying UF needs to do this to support it's athletic programs and the surrounding community. Personally if ND were to schedule Charleston Southern I'd puke, I'm not esp happy with a MAC program like W.Michigan or Texas playing UL-Monroe (although Bama did lose to them under Saban) but even they are a cut above Charleston Southern.
Better check the time frame ... fiscal period ..... from which those numbers were pulled. There's a good chance they are from FY 2009, ending prior to start of the recently completed football season. This would mean those revenue values represent a period/season during which UT-A played 7 home games not 6. AFA UF trailing UT-A in football revenues on a "Same-number-of-games" basis .... I would guess that results from a number of factors which would include larger stadium, higher ticket prices, larger booster fees, etc. Afterall .... us po' folks here in Flawda cain't afford much. :wink: Apparently not but, this query..... you need to pose to the UGa AD. Frankly, I'm quite happy Foley doesn't embrace the philosophies and strategies of the UGa AD.
Wait .... are you flipping the discussion. Is your "problem" a matter of not replacing one of the three non-FSU OOC games always played in Gainesville with a home-and-home with anyone or ....... the fact UF plays the likes of Charleston Southern and needs to upgrade that game to a better opponent? I don't necessarily disagree WRT Charleston Southern but one must remember ... even with the likes of Charleston Southern .... UF alreadyplays one of the most difficult schedules in the nation.
My only problem is that you could play a game that you are just as likely to win as Charleston Southern, maybe not 56-3, but win by playing a home/home with an out of region team like UTEP or Syracuse or Indiana. That's my only problem other than as I said I hope ND never goes as low as scheduling Charleston Southern, Coastal Carolina, FAMU, The Citadel, etc. So that's it, man up and leave the region for a home/home. I actually wish the NCAA would outlaw the buy games and require home/home scheduling. Irish have some buy games as well, I don't like the concept.
Terry, I admire the way you have always been able to step back and look at a situation for what it really is. However I have to disagree with you here as far as the difference in Notre Dame and Florida. Both Notre Dame and Florida play 7 home games and a neutral site game each year. Trying to make a difference as to which ones are home and which ones are on the road isn't meaningful and I think you will admit that belonging to a conference puts some constraints on us that you don't have. But when both of us play the same number of home games and the same number of neutral site games and at the end of the year the Gators concede nothing in schedule strength.
By the way, the Gators have Miami on the schedule in, I think, 2013 as a road game. That would make it only 6 home games for us that year. I have read that the Gators will not schedule regular season games with Miami after that time. I don't know if that means we will play some other teams home and home in the future or not. We may continue with the 7 home games per year. I do want to make one thing clear, I would like to see the Gators travel for some home and home games in the future with some teams. However if we do not I will support what our University does, like most of you do your team. Also if I had my way we would do away with the 12 game.
Bill I don't care for the new Notre Dame scheduling philosophy and neither do many ND fans. I could take Gaeterz position that our AD is doing what is best for our Athletic teams, Fans and the surrounding community. But I won't because I liked our old philosophy of the vast majority of our scheduling be home/home. 6 home games in a 12 game season is plenty.
IMO although both sides have a point, the Florida folks have a much stronger point given FL's consistently high SOS ranking. To a lesser degree, the "other side" has a valid argument that Florida should be more adventurous in its scheduling re: travel. I guess that, for me, the bottom line is, to each his own. If ND could schedule Charleston Southern, etc., have a single digit or low-teens SOS, and consistently contend for a national title, I'd learn to get used to it.