Bowl Pick-em Money Contest topic

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by Tennessee Tom, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    8 of the contestants can no longer attain the points necessary for 3rd place so they are out of the money.

    Place - Won of Total - Points - Poss - Left - Lost - Team name
    01 ------ 16 of 30 ------ 324 ---- 366 ---- 42 ---- 229 ---- Fudd
    02 ------ 17 of 30 ------ 319 ---- 389 ---- 70 ---- 206 ---- helowife
    03 ------ 16 of 30 ------ 316 ---- 358 ---- 42 ---- 237 ---- Dtom
    04 ------ 19 of 30 ------ 315 ---- 412 ---- 97 ---- 183 ---- KarinM
    05 ------ 19 of 30 ------ 310 ---- 417 ---- 107 ---- 178 ---- RoGator
    06 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 307 ---- 343 ---- 36 ---- 252 ---- Sharyn Gator
    07 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 302 ---- 358 ---- 56 ---- 237 ---- Gary Gator
    08 ------ 15 of 30 ------ 296 ---- 372 ---- 76 ---- 223 ---- GatorBill
    09 ------ 15 of 30 ------ 293 ---- 354 ---- 61 ---- 241 ---- e40
    10 ------ 16 of 30 ------ 284 ---- 414 ---- 130 ---- 181 ---- Cooker
    11 ------ 17 of 30 ------ 282 ---- 359 ---- 77 ---- 236 ---- emicia
    12 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 276 ---- 361 ---- 85 ---- 234 ---- baldoldcoach
    13 ------ 15 of 30 ------ 271 ---- 372 ---- 101 ---- 223 ---- KEA
    14 ------ 14 of 30 ------ 261 ---- 332 ---- 71 ---- 263 ---- Masoli
    15 ------ 16 of 30 ------ 255 ---- 321 ---- 66 ---- 274 ---- maco
    16 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 255 ---- 311 ---- 56 ---- 284 ---- momadukes
    17 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 241 ---- 322 ---- 81 ---- 273 ---- Lady Vols
    18 ------ 15 of 30 ------ 240 ---- 310 ---- 70 ---- 285 ---- TreeFrog
    19 ------ 12 of 30 ------ 228 ---- 308 ---- 80 ---- 287 ---- Rockets
    20 ------ 13 of 30 ------ 227 ---- 271 ---- 44 ---- 324 ---- Lane's Winners
    21 ------ 14 of 30 ------ 223 ---- 288 ---- 65 ---- 307 ---- NDFan77 Fitz
    22 ------ 11 of 30 ------ 206 ---- 257 ---- 51 ---- 338 ---- Triscuit and Yoda-man
    23 ------ 15 of 30 ------ 204 ---- 304 ---- 100 ---- 291 ---- KenM
    24 ------ 10 of 30 ------ 190 ---- 294 ---- 104 ---- 301 ---- mrsoldcoach
  2. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Skybox members positions in the money contest:

    5th place = Rogator (highest possible score of all contestants)
    8th place = Gator Bill (Being in the money still a valid possibility)
    17th Place = Lady Vols (extremely remote chance of being in the money)
    18th place = Treefrog (Officially out of the money)
    20th place = Lane's Winners (Officially out of the money)
    21st place = NDFan77 (Officially out of the money)
  3. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Place - Won of Total - Points - Poss - Left - Lost - Team name
    01 ------ 16 of 31 ------ 324 ---- 334 ---- 10 ---- 261 ---- Fudd
    02 ------ 17 of 31 ------ 319 ---- 355 ---- 36 ---- 240 ---- helowife
    03 ------ 16 of 31 ------ 316 ---- 354 ---- 38 ---- 241 ---- Dtom
    04 ------ 19 of 31 ------ 315 ---- 383 ---- 68 ---- 212 ---- KarinM
    05 ------ 19 of 31 ------ 310 ---- 386 ---- 76 ---- 209 ---- RoGator
    06 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 307 ---- 322 ---- 15 ---- 273 ---- Sharyn Gator
    07 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 302 ---- 338 ---- 36 ---- 257 ---- Gary Gator
    08 ------ 15 of 31 ------ 296 ---- 356 ---- 60 ---- 239 ---- GatorBill
    09 ------ 15 of 31 ------ 293 ---- 344 ---- 51 ---- 251 ---- e40
    10 ------ 16 of 31 ------ 284 ---- 383 ---- 99 ---- 212 ---- Cooker
    11 ------ 17 of 31 ------ 282 ---- 349 ---- 67 ---- 246 ---- emicia
    12 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 276 ---- 343 ---- 67 ---- 252 ---- baldoldcoach
    13 ------ 15 of 31 ------ 271 ---- 341 ---- 70 ---- 254 ---- KEA
    14 ------ 14 of 31 ------ 261 ---- 306 ---- 45 ---- 289 ---- Masoli
    15 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 255 ---- 310 ---- 55 ---- 285 ---- momadukes
    16 ------ 16 of 31 ------ 255 ---- 301 ---- 46 ---- 294 ---- maco
    17 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 241 ---- 293 ---- 52 ---- 302 ---- Lady Vols
    18 ------ 15 of 31 ------ 240 ---- 278 ---- 38 ---- 317 ---- TreeFrog
    19 ------ 12 of 31 ------ 228 ---- 286 ---- 58 ---- 309 ---- Rockets
    20 ------ 13 of 31 ------ 227 ---- 262 ---- 35 ---- 333 ---- Lane's Winners
    21 ------ 14 of 31 ------ 223 ---- 272 ---- 49 ---- 323 ---- NDFan77 Fitz
    22 ------ 12 of 31 ------ 211 ---- 257 ---- 46 ---- 338 ---- Triscuit and Yoda-man
    23 ------ 15 of 31 ------ 204 ---- 290 ---- 86 ---- 305 ---- KenM
    24 ------ 10 of 31 ------ 190 ---- 265 ---- 75 ---- 330 ---- mrsoldcoach
  4. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    11 of 24 are now eliminated from a shot at the money. 5 of those 11 can't even make the top 10.

    Skybox members:

    5th = RoGator (still with the highest possible points of all 24 participants)
    8th = Gator Bill
    17th = LadyVols - no chance at the money
    18th = Treefrog - no chance at the top 10
    20th = Lane's Winners - no chance at top 10
    21st = NDFan 77 - no chance at top 10
  5. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The funny part of this contest is that a Skyboxer has the best chance at winning 1st place money. As stated before, that Skyboxer is RoGator. Even more funny is the fact that if the top three in the bragging rights only contest had opted for joining the money contest, they would have a better chance than RoGator of taking home top 3 money.
  6. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    Not checking SMU and accidentally did not check them and put it at 27 points.

    I thought they system would warn me if I left one out. That's what I get for thinking.

    dumb, dumb, dumb
  7. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Yeah....real funny..... :cry:
  8. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Place - Won of Total - Points - Poss - Left - Lost - Team name
    01 ------ 20 of 32 ------ 342 ---- 383 ---- 41 ---- 212 ---- KarinM
    02 ------ 18 of 32 ------ 327 ---- 355 ---- 28 ---- 240 ---- helowife
    03 ------ 16 of 32 ------ 324 ---- 329 ---- 5 ---- 266 ---- Fudd
    04 ------ 17 of 32 ------ 316 ---- 383 ---- 67 ---- 212 ---- Cooker
    05 ------ 16 of 32 ------ 316 ---- 336 ---- 20 ---- 259 ---- Dtom
    06 ------ 19 of 32 ------ 310 ---- 354 ---- 44 ---- 241 ---- RoGator
    07 ------ 14 of 32 ------ 310 ---- 322 ---- 12 ---- 273 ---- Sharyn Gator
    08 ------ 13 of 32 ------ 302 ---- 322 ---- 20 ---- 273 ---- Gary Gator
    09 ------ 16 of 32 ------ 298 ---- 344 ---- 46 ---- 251 ---- e40
    10 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 296 ---- 346 ---- 50 ---- 249 ---- GatorBill
    11 ------ 18 of 32 ------ 295 ---- 349 ---- 54 ---- 246 ---- emicia
    12 ------ 13 of 32 ------ 276 ---- 320 ---- 44 ---- 275 ---- baldoldcoach
    13 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 271 ---- 315 ---- 44 ---- 280 ---- KEA
    14 ------ 14 of 32 ------ 266 ---- 310 ---- 44 ---- 285 ---- momadukes
    15 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 265 ---- 306 ---- 41 ---- 289 ---- Masoli
    16 ------ 16 of 32 ------ 255 ---- 286 ---- 31 ---- 309 ---- maco
    17 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 247 ---- 272 ---- 25 ---- 323 ---- NDFan77 Fitz
    18 ------ 13 of 32 ------ 241 ---- 262 ---- 21 ---- 333 ---- Lady Vols
    19 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 240 ---- 245 ---- 5 ---- 350 ---- TreeFrog
    20 ------ 12 of 32 ------ 228 ---- 263 ---- 35 ---- 332 ---- Rockets
    21 ------ 13 of 32 ------ 227 ---- 252 ---- 25 ---- 343 ---- Lane's Winners
    22 ------ 12 of 32 ------ 211 ---- 246 ---- 35 ---- 349 ---- Triscuit and Yoda-man
    23 ------ 15 of 32 ------ 204 ---- 263 ---- 59 ---- 332 ---- KenM
    24 ------ 10 of 32 ------ 190 ---- 235 ---- 45 ---- 360 ---- mrsoldcoach
  9. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I have not verified the above. If anyone sees an issue, let me know. I will verify after work today.

    Skybox members:

    6th = RoGator - Iowa severely hurt his chances for 1st place but still in the money
    10th = Gator Bill- still has an outside chance
    17th = NDFan77 - no chance of top 10
    18th = LadyVol - no chance of top 10
    19th = Treefrog - no chance of top 10
    21st = Lane's Winners - no chance of top 10
  10. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The previous numbers have now been verified.
  11. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    These numbers have been verified.

    Place - Won of Total - Points - Poss - Left - Lost - Team name
    01 ------ 21 of 33 ------ 355 ---- 383 ---- 28 ---- 212 ---- KarinM
    02 ------ 18 of 33 ------ 349 ---- 383 ---- 34 ---- 212 ---- Cooker
    03 ------ 20 of 33 ------ 343 ---- 354 ---- 11 ---- 241 ---- RoGator
    04 ------ 17 of 33 ------ 335 ---- 336 ---- 1 ---- 259 ---- Dtom
    05 ------ 17 of 33 ------ 330 ---- 344 ---- 14 ---- 251 ---- e40
    06 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 328 ---- 346 ---- 18 ---- 249 ---- GatorBill
    07 ------ 17 of 33 ------ 328 ---- 329 ---- 1 ---- 266 ---- Fudd
    08 ------ 18 of 33 ------ 327 ---- 353 ---- 26 ---- 242 ---- helowife
    09 ------ 15 of 33 ------ 321 ---- 322 ---- 1 ---- 273 ---- Sharyn Gator
    10 ------ 14 of 33 ------ 308 ---- 322 ---- 14 ---- 273 ---- Gary Gator
    11 ------ 18 of 33 ------ 295 ---- 315 ---- 20 ---- 280 ---- emicia
    12 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 295 ---- 315 ---- 20 ---- 280 ---- KEA
    13 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 293 ---- 306 ---- 13 ---- 289 ---- Masoli
    14 ------ 14 of 33 ------ 286 ---- 320 ---- 34 ---- 275 ---- baldoldcoach
    15 ------ 17 of 33 ------ 284 ---- 286 ---- 2 ---- 309 ---- maco
    16 ------ 14 of 33 ------ 266 ---- 300 ---- 34 ---- 295 ---- momadukes
    17 ------ 13 of 33 ------ 262 ---- 263 ---- 1 ---- 332 ---- Rockets
    18 ------ 14 of 33 ------ 260 ---- 262 ---- 2 ---- 333 ---- Lady Vols
    19 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 259 ---- 272 ---- 13 ---- 323 ---- NDFan77 Fitz
    20 ------ 14 of 33 ------ 246 ---- 252 ---- 6 ---- 343 ---- Lane's Winners
    21 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 243 ---- 245 ---- 2 ---- 350 ---- TreeFrog
    22 ------ 13 of 33 ------ 236 ---- 246 ---- 10 ---- 349 ---- Triscuit and Yoda-man
    23 ------ 16 of 33 ------ 229 ---- 263 ---- 34 ---- 332 ---- KenM
    24 ------ 10 of 33 ------ 190 ---- 224 ---- 34 ---- 371 ---- mrsoldcoach
  12. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    After all the games play out, there is a possibility of a tie for first but not for any skyboxers.

    Skyboxers sit in:

    3rd RoGator - Remote possibility of 2nd place and will finish no lower than 6th
    6th Gator Bill - Remote possibility of 3rd place but will finish no lower than 8th
    18th Lady Vols - Could tie for 17th or fall to 20th
    19th NDFan77 - Could climb to 16th or fall to 20th
    20th Lane's Winners - Could stay right there or fall to a tie for 22nd
    21st Treefrog - Could stay right there or fall to 23rd
  13. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Forgot to mention:

    IF everyone picks the winning team tonight, the top three in the bragging rights contest will be:


    Those three chose not to participate in the money contest. If they had, they would be the top three there as well. Dave could pick the losing team and would have still been in 1st place in both contests.
  14. Motorcity Gator

    Motorcity Gator Well-Known Member

    May 26, 1999
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    Tom....keep twisting it in..... :D

    I seriously did transfer money to my Pay Pal in order to join the money contest but became distracted and forgot to do it.

    Oh....the pain!
  15. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Final results as long as the site agrees when it updates:

    Place - Won of Total - Points - Poss - Left - Lost - Team name
    01 ------ 21 of 34 ------ 355 ---- 355 ---- 0 ---- 240 ---- KarinM
    02 ------ 21 of 34 ------ 354 ---- 354 ---- 0 ---- 241 ---- RoGator
    03 ------ 19 of 34 ------ 353 ---- 353 ---- 0 ---- 242 ---- helowife
    04 ------ 18 of 34 ------ 349 ---- 349 ---- 0 ---- 246 ---- Cooker
    05 ------ 17 of 34 ------ 346 ---- 346 ---- 0 ---- 249 ---- GatorBill
    06 ------ 18 of 34 ------ 344 ---- 344 ---- 0 ---- 251 ---- e40
    07 ------ 17 of 34 ------ 335 ---- 335 ---- 0 ---- 260 ---- Dtom
    08 ------ 17 of 34 ------ 328 ---- 328 ---- 0 ---- 267 ---- Fudd
    09 ------ 15 of 34 ------ 322 ---- 322 ---- 0 ---- 273 ---- Gary Gator
    10 ------ 15 of 34 ------ 321 ---- 321 ---- 0 ---- 274 ---- Sharyn Gator
    11 ------ 19 of 34 ------ 315 ---- 315 ---- 0 ---- 280 ---- emicia
    12 ------ 17 of 34 ------ 306 ---- 306 ---- 0 ---- 289 ---- Masoli
    13 ------ 15 of 34 ------ 300 ---- 300 ---- 0 ---- 295 ---- momadukes
    14 ------ 16 of 34 ------ 295 ---- 295 ---- 0 ---- 300 ---- KEA
    15 ------ 14 of 34 ------ 286 ---- 286 ---- 0 ---- 309 ---- baldoldcoach
    16 ------ 18 of 34 ------ 286 ---- 286 ---- 0 ---- 309 ---- maco
    17 ------ 13 of 34 ------ 262 ---- 262 ---- 0 ---- 333 ---- Rockets
    18 ------ 14 of 34 ------ 260 ---- 260 ---- 0 ---- 335 ---- Lady Vols
    19 ------ 16 of 34 ------ 259 ---- 259 ---- 0 ---- 336 ---- NDFan77 Fitz
    20 ------ 14 of 34 ------ 246 ---- 246 ---- 0 ---- 349 ---- Lane's Winners
    21 ------ 14 of 34 ------ 246 ---- 246 ---- 0 ---- 349 ---- Triscuit and Yoda-man
    22 ------ 17 of 34 ------ 245 ---- 245 ---- 0 ---- 350 ---- TreeFrog
    23 ------ 16 of 34 ------ 229 ---- 229 ---- 0 ---- 366 ---- KenM
    24 ------ 10 of 34 ------ 190 ---- 190 ---- 0 ---- 405 ---- mrsoldcoach
  16. Tennessee Tom

    Tennessee Tom Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Skybox members:

    2nd - RoGator wins $72.00
    5th - Gator Bill
    18th - Lady Vol
    19th - NDFan77
    20th - Lane's Winners
    22nd - Treefrog

    Congrats to RoGator for bringing home some of the money to the Skybox. Since we are a conference of Six here, does the bowl money split six ways!?!?
  17. Gator Bill

    Gator Bill Well-Known Member Administrator

    Dec 27, 2000
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    And I lost 27 points when I left SMU blank.


    Congratulations to the winners. :)

    Wait until next year. :)