1. Don't forget to make your pick for the Championship game. 2. Tom still on top but Jeremy Ryckman is closing in...in fact as usual all the Ryckmans are in the top 10, with Chris the lowest ranked at #7. Jeremy has the most correct picks. I'd love to take those guys to a Vegas Sports Book!! 3. As a testament to it's how you assign points TreFrog has 2 more correct picks than Tom but is in 14th place 140 points behind Tom. :shock:
1. Mine are made 2. 41 points on my Vols with 2 of the 3 Rickmans picking NW slowed the pursuit for #1. 3. Tom just wanted to see how long he could stay out front. I fully expect to be passed by the majority of the members soon.
I see Tom is clinging to his lead with the Ryckman's barking up his tail! Should be an interesting finish.
Tom's used up all his higher point picks. No chance against Jeremy if he gets the championship game right...right now he's got it at maximum point level. Michael and Chris can pick up a lot of points on the final game as well. And Grammy's right in there with a lot of high point picks left...41, 40, and 38 all open...get those all correct and it's ovah! I think that is our odds on favorite at this point. Tom and I better hope they all hit a cold spell on the next few games (even if we have the same picks that they do.)
I knew that after the 1-Jan games that I would be passed up. Lost a few high point games that I thought there was no way to lose in the beginning. I've been holding on for a long time with no hope of winning.
Kp, I am curious on the TCU pick? Did you realize Boykin was not going to play? If not, let me know what type of cereal you eat for breakfast! :roll:
I changed it...kinda regret it now...but think it was probably the wise thing to do. I still wasn't real sure so I decreased the confidence points. On the other hand...I'd have felt really bad if I hadn't bothered to change to Oregon and Oregon had won. Oh, well...good luck, Kyle, it's you or me (and my money is on you).
Stu, I am cautiously optimistic that Alabama will win, but Clemson has had a great year and you don't accomplish that without a very talented team. Oh well this is why they play the games. 8)
I kept wondering why Stu was so certain that he would lose to kp, I figured he would have picked Alabama...but I see the problem. He has only 1 point left, kp has 41. So it only matters if Alabama wins, if they don't then Stu wins. Did you pick Clemson or Alabama Stu?
I would think that from a strategic perspective, Stu has to pick Clemson to have a chance of winning, even if he believes Alabama will win. At worst he'll finish second. Jeremy can't catch him. Side note: I chuckled at Stu's admission that he picked Oregon based on Boykin's knucklehead move. I did also, switching my pick from TCU. I've talked to friends in other pick'em games that I'm in who did the same thing. I wonder how many thousands watched that game for the same reason.