That may work depending on the coaches personality, but what happens to those teams when they fall behind by 2 TDs? Me I like the chopping effect. I want my players to have more of an even keel more of a controlled aggression. Hyped but focused.
Ooh oh I can see it now. I going to hear Gators !! 1500 miles away in New Jersey if and when the Gators score their 1st points ? Mo is going to be psyched !! What are your plans for watching the game? Family , friends, bar?
Not sure on where or with whom AJ. My son who is most interested will be back in Kalamazoo. Could be at the neighborhood bar.
A game like that I would rather watch at home without a big group of friends. I am always getting up to get someone a beer and end up missing half of the game. With Big games I like to be alone or with my son.