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Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by JO'Co, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    War On Women: 315,000 Women Dropped Out Of Labor Force In March…
    Where are the War on Women Brigade these days? I’m guessing the unemployment office.

    ( – Figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday show that 315,000 women dropped out of the labor force in March.

    According to BLS, the number of women not in the labor force grew to 49 million in March, up from 48.7 million in February, continuing a trend of women leaving the labor force in every month of 2013.

    White House chief economist Alan Krueger said that the March jobs report – which showed the lowest job creation in months – was another sign that the economy continues to recover.
  2. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    We're living in Bizarro World!
  3. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I've been thinking about this since dad posted it.. Unpopular thought it may be, and I may come off as a homer saying this... but I assure you it's got nothing to do with it.. Why are the Catholics on that list?

    I'm not saying this to piss off any Evangelicals here but they've had some terrorist activity done in their name... there still is an ongoing terrorist/Evangelical campaign. It's even televised.

    What I don't understand is the Catholics being on that list. Is there a Catholic terrorist movement? Is there some underground network of bad Catholics somewhere meeting with bad intentions? Is this the mob? Are we getting the band back together? I seriously don't know.
  4. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Sometimes the anti-abortion folks act like Chicago school teachers or occupy Wall Street thugs. But the few radical Right-to Lifers shouldn't brand Catholicism. Then again, Catholic universities and businesses did sue the administration over being forced to provide contraception to employees. Now there's some radical extremists for ya.
  5. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama is just the smiling face of the Chicago Machine. The Machine opposes everyone/anyone who believes in anything, because such people can't be bribed, bullied or bamboozled by their usual methods...
  6. RECcane

    RECcane Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 1999
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    The problem is what is an evangelical and what is a catholic. It sounds like a dumb question but there are so many versions of each these days that Christians in general cannot begin to understand how each splinter group interprets the word of God much less someone who wants to paint them as radicals.

    In a church setting of 100 people sitting in the pews there could be many different views on what the pastor or priest just vocalized. For those who do read the word of God this increase in the attack on anything associated with Christianity has been done in the past and according to scripture will only increase as we move into the future.
  7. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    "Public Speaking"
    How to pass yourself off as a expert member of
    the the Liberal Intelligentsia for fun and profit
    (and maybe even get a gig on TV)

  8. IrishCorey

    IrishCorey Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    I agree for the most part but to answer the question directly, and to sort of show where I'm coming from in at least seeing why Evangelicals are on the list.

    According to National Association of Evangelicals:

    They list 4 primary characteristics regardless of the denomination of Evangelical

    1. Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a “born-again” experience and a life long process of following Jesus.

    2. Activism: the expression and demonstration of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts

    3. Biblicism: a high regard for and obedience to the Bible as the ultimate authority

    4. Crucicentrism: a stress on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as making possible the redemption of humanity

    Now, I get where anyone wants to go with this about those being good things. I do.. just stick with me here.

    I live in a society which is almost entirely Evangelical and to be frank, it can be downright frightening. Point #1 is used to preach and lay their religion on you. They use their 'freedom of religion' to oppress YOUR freedom of religion. Sometimes, it's subtle and other times it's flagrant and grotesque. If you dare speak out toward the illegality and oppressive nature of these actions, you get a scarlet letter. Basically, I carry a scarlet alphabet on me because.. well, **** those guys, that's why. There's no freedom of religion here UNLESS you are an Evangelical. Then, it's part of every day life. My son's little league practices, youth football practices, karate class and all school functions (including sports) involve post practice, meeting and competition prayer. This is even between the schools. You may be reading thinking 'well good. I like Jesus and prayer isn't a bad thing.' And for you, or anyone who wants to, I'd agree. The problem is, what if you're a Jewish kid? What if you're a Catholic? You don't pray like that pray. What if you're a Muslim? I could throw out Atheist there but that's always a hot button to unify all the churchies to miss the larger point. It's suffocating oppression that is interwoven into every last fiber of the existence here..

    And if you're white and can fake it well (and brother, I can fake it) you can hear what they really think.. The outward class, and race war is still very much at the heart of all this.. No respect for any culture, opinion or religion other than their own.. It's scary. This is how people wind up wearing arm bands.

    The second issue of Activism is what gets them merit on this list. Much further than what you see listed above, it's the fanatical zealot on the conversion/activism trail that is what earns the merit of extreme groups. There's a TV show that airs nationally but it is filmed in, somewhat, nearby Hamilton Alabama. I've watched this show before.. in fact, I've watched it off/on for years.

    It's a show that tries to fuse Evangelical material with modern culture/music/dance... or at least what white people in Hamilton, Alabama think is modern.. Still, it sells VERY well to kids and is looked at like the 'cool' place for these church groups to send kids. I've seen these grown ass men come on and give these speeches to the kids during the jam sessions. I've seen them call for abortion clinic bombings. (I'm not kidding) I've seen them call for the children to stand in open rebellion to the Federal government in the name of God and the Holy Scripture. I've seen them repeatedly tell children/teens that they are to follow God's law and to discard the law of man.

    It's sinister. It's also ********. I know lots of people who are rather close to Wheaton and her hypocrisy. (she runs The Ramp).. but the second you start talking about that, it's suppressing freedom of religion and/or speaking heresy...

    These ARE the people who raise, train and fund domestic terrorism in the name of God.

    it's not all Evangelicals, or even the vast majority of them. It's a very small percentage that are that fanatical. The problem is, a good many of the others ARE aware of the nut jobs and they don't police the issue themselves... therefore, it seems like they condone the action.. and from there, the Obamafiles can call them an extremist group and actually have a leg to stand on.
  9. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama’s Budget Prohibits Saving More Than $3 Million In Retirement Accounts, “All That Is Needed To Fund Reasonable Levels Of Retirement Savings”…

    From the man who once said, “at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

    ( – President Barack Obama’s proposed budget would simultaneously compel Americans to enroll in a tax-deferred retirement account and “prohibit” them from saving more than $3 million in such accounts.

    That sum, Obama’s budget argues, is all that is “needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.”

    Under current law, American who save money in tax-deferred retirement accounts are taxed on the money in such accounts when they withdraw it–and are charged an additional tax penalty if they withdraw it before retirement age.

    Obama’s plan to simultaneously compel enrollment in a retirement account and prohibit Americans from saving more than what he believes is a “reasonable” amount in such an account is published in part of his budget that deals with what the president calls “rebalancing the tax code.”
  10. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Moonbat Ex-Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey To Preside Over Panel Investigating Government Cover-Up Of Alien Life On Earth…
    No word yet if Bawney Fwank will testify about being anally probed by E.T.

    Via PressDemocrat:

    Retired Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma will help preside over a five-day media event aimed at revealing evidence of an “extraterrestrial presence” and a decades-long government effort to cover it up.

    Woolsey, who retired last year after representing Sonoma and Marin counties for 20 years on Capitol Hill, is among six former federal lawmakers tapped as panelists for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, starting April 29 at the National Press Club in Washington.

    The $600,000 event, put on by the Bethesda, Md.-based Paradigm Research Group, will offer — and film for a future documentary — 30 hours of congressional-style hearings devoted to the premise of an ET-like presence “engaging the human race.”

    “This event is a milestone; this has never been done before,” said Stephen Bassett, executive director of Paradigm, a lobbying organization formed in 1996.
  11. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    The Video You’ve All Been Waiting For: Obama Rides Bicycle-Powered Water Sanitation System…

    How do you flush the turd riding the bike?

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  12. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Report: Obama-Funded Fisker Automotive Lost $557K Per Electric Car It Sold…
    Another one of Obama’s brilliant taxpayer-funded investments.

    Via Daily Caller:

    Luxury hybrid car maker Fisker Automotive has spent $660,000 in taxpayer dollars and venture capital funds for each car it sold — totalling $1.3 billion, according to a report. The company’s Fisker Karma sold for about $103,000 per vehicle, meaning the company took a hit of $557,000 every time it sold its product.

    The company was also allowed to continue to draw down on a $529 million Department of Energy loan after violating the loan’s term multiple times, according to a report by the New York-based research firm PrivCo.

    According to the report, the Department of energy knew that Fisker was not meeting goal required to keep receiving taxpayer dollars. The DOE cut off funding to the company in June 2011, allowing taxpayers to lose $193 million.
  13. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama’s EPA Condemns Obama’s State Department For Giving Keystone Pipeline Green Light…
    Via RT:

    The future of a controversial oil project is now up in the air after the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a letter condemning the State Department’s recent environmental impact review of the Keystone XL pipeline.

    On Monday, EPA Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Cynthia Giles wrote the US Department of State to say that that agency’s March 2013 environmental impact report was “insufficient.”

    If approved, supporters of the project say the creation of a 1,700-mile pipeline stretching from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf of Mexico could create thousands of jobs and help alleviate concerns that America might become too oil-dependent on other nations. Environmentalists, however — and now the EPA — fear that the benefits of the Keystone XL pipeline might not outweigh the potentially catastrophic consequences that come with not just the construction of the project but the constant movement of toxic tar sands under the surface of the earth.

    Oil giant TransCanada has been asking the White House to sign off on the project since 2008, and the debate has become a topic of contention among the Obama administration. Since the pipeline would cross international borders, the final go-ahead will likely come from the Department of State, which is tasked with deciding if a presidential permit should be issued to TransCanada. This week’s sharply worded critique of that agency’s latest assessment report suggests it won’t be a smooth process, though.

    The EPA says that the State Department needs to go back and do some more research before it approves the pipeline, arguing over the course of several pages with the draft environmental impact assessment that agency released back in February.

    When the State Department weighed in earlier this year, it largely found that approving the Keystone project would have little impact on climate change. The EPA says such isn’t the case, though, and insists the State Department do a more thorough analysis of what a major oil spill or other disaster spawned by the $7 billion project could do to the environment.
  14. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Admin To Mexico: Illegal Immigrants Can Have Food Stamps…

    What kind of public assistance do you think we’d get in Mexico?

    Via Washington Examiner:

    With food stamp spending in the United States skyrocketing since the beginning of the recession, the Department of Agriculture is paying to promote food stamp usage to illegal immigrants for the sake of their American children, according to documents obtained by a government watchdog.

    “The promotion of the food stamp program, now known as “SNAP” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA with a statement advising Mexicans in the U.S. that they do not need to declare their immigration status in order to receive financial assistance,” Judicial Watch announced today. “Emphasized in bold and underlined, the statement reads, ‘You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.’”

    The USDA said the program is designed to help American children. “[The USDA Food and Nutrition Service] understands that mixed status households may be particularly vulnerable,” FNS’ Yibo Wood wrote to Mexican embassy officials in a January 2012 email. “Many of these households contain a non-citizen parent and a citizen child.”
  15. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Obama Spends Twice As Much Time On Vacation/Golf As He Does On Economy

    He must be doing it for the children…

    Via Breitbart:

    According to a new report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI), President Barack Obama has spent over twice as many hours on vacation and golf (976 hours) as he has in economic meetings of any kind (474.4 hours).

    The report, “Presidential Calendar: A Time-Based Analysis,” used the official White House calendar,Politico’s comprehensive presidential calendar, and media reports through March 31, 2013 to calculate its results.

    GAI’s findings may actually understate Obama’s recreational hours.

    Last year, Obama told CBS News that playing golf is “the only time that for six hours, I’m outside.” But instead of six hours, GAI counted a round of golf as taking just four hours. Likewise, for presidential vacation hours, researchers attributed just six hours of any day of vacation to leisure activity.
  16. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Meet Our Resident “Compassion Bigot”

    Home - by BigFurHat - April 29, 2013 - 20:28 America/New_York - 24 Comments

    You all know this white guy. He’s the bigot that so overcompensates for his bad thoughts about blacks that he ends up treating them like retards.

    When he finally realizes he’s been embarrassing himself, he compensates again by simply becoming a black person, but he becomes the black person he wants black people to be. In fact, if any black person deviates from this stereotype, he angrily calls them racist names, as if he’s offended as a black person.

    So to sum up, he’s a self-loathing white person who is also an angry faux black person. In short, he’s a mess. He’s a dickwad. He’s Talcum X.


  17. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Mexicans slam Obama for being out of touch on economic issues

    Home - by Cardigan - May 4, 2013 - 23:00 America/New_York - 5 Comments

    The Daily Caller

    President Obama’s speech in Mexico City Friday was slammed by Mexican observers who wondered which country Obama was describing with his soaring, optimistic rhetoric.

    Obama’s speech at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City Friday afternoon, in which he said that Mexico is “creating new prosperity,” was sharply criticized by those in attendance.

    “[That was] a really good speech by President Obama, but what Mexico was he talking about?” said 24-year old graduate student Jose Carlos Cruz, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    Though White House officials said that Obama’s trip to Mexico and Costa Rica is intended to emphasize the “benefits of closer cooperation” between the United States and Obama’s host countries, at least one senior White House national security adviser acknowledged that the administration hopes to partner with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto on its second-term immigration reform push.

    Obama arrived in Mexico Thursday to conduct a private meeting with Nieto, after which Obama and Nieto held an hour-long press conference in which they reportedly focused on economic issues rather than border security concerns.

    But the president’s lofty language, in the face of Mexico’s awful conditions, raises concern about the effectiveness of his three-day Latin American trip.

    “Obama is a great speaker — its really impossible not to feel excited. However, the reality is different in Mexico. We need more action and fewer speeches,” said 26-year old economics student Alberto Rios Lara.

    “Unfortunately in our country, the situation is terrible: There’s poverty, unemployment, and even worse, the future is anything but promising,” the unhappy graduate student Cruz said. “How nice that he came to give inspiring speeches, but what’s happening in Mexico is far from what he talked about today.”

  18. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Report: At Least a Dozen Domestic Left-Wing Terrorists Teaching At American Colleges…

    Sadly, liberal academia considers these people heroes.

    Via Other McCain:

    [A]t least a dozen former members of domestic terrorist organizations are now college professors. Members of the Weather Underground make up half of this list; some are well known, like Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers is now retired from the University of Illinois, while Dohrn is still teaching at Northwestern Law.

    Other lesser-known members of the group include Howard Machtinger, who was charged with conspiring to bomb the Detroit Police Officers Association Building and was on the run from the law for five years from 1973 to 1978. Machtinger now works for the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [...]

    Former Black Panther Chief of Staff David Hilliard was convicted on two counts of assault with a deadly weapon in 1968, after he took place in a shootout with Oakland Police. He is currently a visiting instructor at the University of New Mexico.

    Steve Best, philosopher professor from the University of Texas at El Paso, is not an accused terrorist; he is, however, the founder of the Animal Liberation Press Office. The ALPO acts as the media office for several animal rights groups, including the Animal Liberation Front, which is a domestic terrorist group. In 2004, the British Home Office told him that they intended to use counter-terrorist measures to prevent him from speaking at an animal rights rally in the UK.
  19. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Immigration Bill Creates Giant Database On All Americans

    Big Government

    The days of Big Brother may be here already, thanks to a provision in the immigration reform measure being considered in the Senate, Wired magazine reports.

    Within the 800 pages of the legislation under consideration is a passage outlining the creation of a federal database so large it would contain photographs, names, ages, and Social Security numbers of every American who has a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID. This database is referred to as the “photo-tool.”

    The ostensible purpose of the “photo-tool” would be to aid employers in checking any prospective employee against the photo, thus ensuring that employers don’t hire illegal immigrants.

    The problem is that although supporters of the tool claim it would only be used for employment purposes, there is a real risk the “photo-tool” could be extended to cover far more than was originally intended. One example is the Social Security card, which was originally intended to track retirement benefits. Now it has become a ubiquitous form of identification, being used for other purposes, such as buying health insurance.
  20. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Far-Left ACLU: DOJ’s AP Spying “Unacceptable Abuse Of Power”…
    Feels a bit weird being on the same side as the ACLU.

    Via Judicial Watch:

    The Obama administration’s atrocious violation against the nation’s free press is the sort of thing you see in communist regimes or dictatorships (like China and Cuba), a deplorable act few imagined would ever take place in the United States.

    For a period of two months, the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) secretly obtained the phone records of reporters and editors at one of the nation’s largest news organizations, the Associated Press (AP), in an apparent effort to pin down the source of a leak. This includes records for the work and personal phone numbers of individual reporters and editors as well as general office numbers for the news organization in several states. [...]

    No one ever imagined that Big Brother would watch this closely. Even the president’s staunchest supporters, like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has colluded with the DOJ on a variety of matters, chastised the administration. In a statement posted on its website the famously liberal civil rights group reminds that the media’s purpose is to keep the public informed and it should be free to do so without the threat of unwarranted surveillance.

    “The Attorney General must explain the Justice Department’s actions to the public so that we can make sure this kind of press intimidation does not happen again,” said Laura Murphy, the director of the ACLU’s Washington D.C. branch. The head of the group’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, Ben Wizner, called the DOJ’s violation “an unacceptable abuse of power,” pointing out that freedom of the press is a pillar of our democracy.

    Indeed the Obama administration’s actions “shock the American conscience and violate the critical freedom of the press protected by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights,” according to the Newspaper Association of America, the nonprofit that represents thousands of publications in the U.S. and Canada. “Americans demand a full accounting,” the group’s president says.