Jesus. Water into wine miracle the two of you survived that. Weren’t the Caprice wagons of that era rear-wheel drive frigates about 25-feet long and weighing close to 6,000 pounds?
Yeah. Forgot to mention the guy in the Caprice was running from the police. Two cars were chasing him. I was sitting at a stoplight and never saw him coming. My car did more than a 360. He had a crushed right fender and blew out his front tire but tried to keep going. I heard him take off and then heard a siren and thought we'd been hit by a fire truck. The first cop kept after him and as I heard his siren fade I thought wait a minute... We're here. He let the second cop stop to help us. It was a deserted street in the wee hours and all the bars emptied with guys trying to get us out of the car. I remember a guy yelling for nobody to smoke. We were taken to a hospital and both were fine except Susie had a nasty cut on her face from the glass. Fla Bucks (Jeremy) was the 7 month baby in utero.
Bobda, according to Wiki a 1971 Caprice Wagon only weighed in at 4,542-4,738 lbs. :shock: Pinto weighs in at about 2600.
:lol: Bobda where did you find a pix of my Pinto. after that we bought a Fiat and that was a mess but since we have only owned Fords I have a mercury sable LS and Jim drives a ford escape . we will never own a GM car Jim only will buy a Ford or Mercury I love his car it is wonderful and hardly anything spent on gas just perfect for hauling grandkids. and just us. and you can highjack my comments anytime :wink:
:wink: sorry Stu it ws late when I saw it all last night Jim wanted mme to see something he posted. but yes I loves my little car it was the first thing we ever bought together, I drove to LA every day so we needed a little car w. gas millage.
I know.... Romney has had a bad week and the polls coming out are starting to reflect it. He especially lost some ground in much needed blue collar states like Ohio.....where....guess what......there are hard working salt of the earth families who probably fit snugly into that 47% he derided.
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