Critique this tape, Dave. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The reality of what Romney said is true, you can state what ever statistics you want to sway the numbers, but its true. We all know this did not help him in an election where he was always the underdog. This pretty much destroyed the last chance Romney had at gaining a foot hold in the election. The professional politicians can explain this in what ever format they choose from either side but the cold hard facts are this is a true statement spoken to what Romney thought was a dedicated $50k per plate audience. Jimmy Carter's grandson evidently wins the door prize for being the person to record this event and has been offered jobs, back rubs and a few blow jobs from liberal organizers for presenting this. The sad fact is we know this to be true and 50% or more of the public will now vote for Obama because Romney spoke an unspoken truth that no one wants to hear. I hear on a constant basis how employers cannot fill job slots because the majority of those looking for jobs are only trying to get a continuance of their unemployment. So woopee, rejoice for those on the left and relish the moment as we march toward the edge of the cliff as more Americans receive than pay into this responsibility of keeping our country going...
Government Report: Number Of Able-Bodied Adults On Food Stamps Doubled After Obama Suspended Work Requirements… Now why would Obama want more people on food stamps? Via Phillip Klein: Obama administration officials have insisted that their decision to grant states waivers to redefine work requirements for welfare recipients would not “gut” the landmark 1996 welfare reform law. But a new report from the Congressional Research Service obtained by the Washington Examiner suggests that the administration’s suspension of a separate welfare work requirement has already helped explode the number of able-bodied Americans on food stamps. In addition to the broader work requirement that has become a contentious issue in the presidential race, the 1996 welfare reform law included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law, and the number of these adults on food stamps doubled, from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010, according to the CRS report, issued in the form of a memo to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. “This report once again confirms that President Obama has severely gutted the welfare work requirements that Americans have overwhelmingly supported since President Clinton signed them into law,” Cantor said in an emailed statement. “It’s time to reinstate these common-sense measures, and focus on creating job growth for those in need.”
Jon Stewart can be pretty damned funny but his take on the 47% comments was especially so: . •A family of five making $50,000 per year -- the amount of money required to attend Mitt Romney's dinner -- pays no additional income tax (just payroll taxes).•People making less than $20,000 per year... Obviously these are freeloaders! (For the record, the author of this article, who has a PhD from an Ivy-League university, has only made more than $20,000 per year in 2007, 2008 and 2011). •Grandma doesn't pay taxes. Unless she's rich, like all good grandmas. •Mitt Romney's father was on welfare for a year. Therefore, Mitt couldn't get Dad's vote." Note that when he brought up the family of five the screen showed a nice white couple, early thirties looking with their three kids. They probably work their asses off just to make ends meet and If you don't think that a significant portion of the GOP voting base comes from the conservatives in this group I have to disagree. And here's what Mitt thinks of this hard working father of three: "“I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives" Nice..... Note also that2/3 of that 47% he brings up work and have payroll taxes.
You mean that they actually have to contribute SOMETHING toward their future social security and Medicare???? Oh the anguish. How f'n unfair is that? They should be getting that for free too. Oh and remember that their employer, even in small businesses is also contributing payroll taxes.
You exemplify the GOP attitude with those comments. Mitt says this family and it's father are irresponsible and want to live off the govenment....all the while they are working 40 hours a week and paying their payroll taxes, SS taxes, medicare taxes and sales taxes on what they are able to purchase. You fail to see how derisive and wrong his comments truly are about this group of people he has so egregiously labeled? guys are more far gone than I thought. Have fun trying to win back your voting base. :lol: 8)
You exemplify the Democrats with your post. You make it seem as though paying premiums (ie. payroll taxes) for social security and medicare is some sort of hardship that equates to paying for some of the many services that Americans receive from their government. The fact is, they pay nothing for parks, defense, law enforcement, food and drug inspection, etc. The payroll taxes are supposed to qualify them for social security and medicare and as we all know, they will more than likely get back way more than they contribute. When I was a kid making $45 a week I was still paying some federal and state taxes. Because they were part time because I was a student I got a refund but I never remember being a full time employee and not having to pay taxes. That includes time when I was a teacher in a parochial school and a fleet service clerk for American Airlines. Over the years, the floor on paying federal taxes has climbed higher and higher so that now almost half the population pays nothing for government services. That's just wrong. Over the life of our country we've gone for a place where the ones who voted were the property owners (the only ones who were paying taxes) to a country which is on the threshold of having a majority of people who do not pay taxes who support candidates that promise to increase taxes on the minority of citizens who do pay taxes. No truer words were ever spoken
$45 a week....what were you 16 60 years ago for Christ' sake? Hell my first job out of college in 1977 using my degree paid only 9500.00 annually. In any event if you want to see this economy really sink in to a Depression you try getting the lost government revenues that really add to the deficit from the group of people that have the very least to give. There has never in the history of our country been a wider separation gap between those at the upper income levels and those in the middle or lower and yet......incredibly....the GOP seeks to further widen the gap and expects conservatives in the middle and lower to happily go along with that idocy. Incredible.....
Dave, I'm eager to hear your review of that video clip that was posted. I do believe that, for once, your opinion on the subject was specifically requested.
Three words, young man.......In Flay Shun. My first job in banking in 1966 - with a degree - paid $6,300/year. I got around in a 1963 Corvair convertible that cost me $1,200, which I paid off in 12 monthly installments. I'm sure everyone here has a similar story.
OMG you are now quoting Jon Stewart.... Please. How much do you think icosts to see Obama at a fund raiser. ...... Here in Beverly hills it was 25000 a seat but I heard they had to discount the tickets no one wanted to go. Your choice in people to quote is really something else Mark May Jon Stewart Antonio Villarigosa. your on a roll.....
The message may have been delivered comically.... and it was funny... but the message is still the message.
In 1971 when I was a Full Lou-Ten-Aunt (as opposed to fake Lt Jg) in the USN I made 12K a year ...I didn't know how to spend it all! Bought a Cutlass Supreme for 4500K and had 125$/month car payment...My Dad said only the rich could afford to pay 100$/month car payment and that I was headed down the wrong road!
:shock: In 1971 Jim and I were the parents of a very active 2 year old(Corey) and Jim was a full time student I worked for a plastic hanger company (my Aunt got me the job she had worked there for 20 years) I made 5500 I worked there for 15 years we lived in a rental a friend of my dads and pad 150 a month and Terry my dad told me the same thing but after 43 years we proved he was incorrect. and we bought our first new car a ford pinto. our pmts were 45 a month Wow those were the days. :wink:
Terry, that is 4.5 million! Teach me how to pay $125 per month on that amount! I also want to sell you cars if I can make that large of a commission! 8) Early 1976, I bought a new 1975 Camaro LT loaded for $5200. Took me quite a while to pull the trigger on that purchase. I was working after school (senior year I had all my credits so my only classes were co-op and power mechanics) making 14,400. I thought that I would never pay that much for a car again. I was right... every one since then has been much more!
Judge Joe Brown, a former public defender in the city of Memphis just made a statement to a black couple that has the ring of truth. This judge is black and has previously made a living by selling courts on the trials and tribulations of people that can't afford an attorney. He has experienced this first hand. He told them: I know there are people out there that fit the "Are you the way you are because of your situation?" question. But I bet they are a very small percentage compared to the "Or is your situation because of the way you are?" question.
Mrs. JoCo, Sorry for a quick thread highjack but.... First new car a Pinto? Did JoCo and you ever buy another American car after that? Mine was a 1982 Chevy Citation. What a deathmobile that POS was. I did not buy another American car again for 20 years.
Ha! You should have seen my 1972 Pinto hatchback after getting rear ended by a Caprice station wagon going 70 miles per hour. Frame bent. Could not open the doors. Susie was 7 months pregnant. Nobody in back seat but they would have been crushed. Gas tank ruptured. Gasoline everywhere. Thank God it didn't ignite. Probably because we'd just filled it so no fumes in tank. Still gives me nightmares to think about it. This was before the Pinto was known to have that problem.