Terry, if i remember correctly, Dennis was an IU alum and fan, but was a coach or advisor to the Purdue Debate Team, and that was where we contributed.
Thanks again for the well wishes. I tried to sign up here last night from home so I could post a picture of my dad for you but it kept giving me a message that the username was not allowed no matter what I tried. Funny thing is it dawned on me now that I'm back at his office what his password is when I came back here. He had the auto login set up but I suddenly remembered the password he used to use for prodigy internet when I was a kid and sure enough that was it! I can sign in under his name tonight to post a picture. I'll try to find a really good one for you. I have been doing alot of soul searching and reminiscing these past 11 days. I talk out loud to my dad and ask questions, hoping somehow he will give me answers. My dad was the rock of my very small family. He did it so well that we all just took it for granted. I try to think about the things that need to be done now that he's gone and how he would want them handled. The hardest times are when I think of something I wanted to tell him, and then suddenly realize he is gone. My band is getting ready to release our new CD and there was a couple songs I wanted him to hear. Last night I was listening to the final songs and heard one of them and for a brief moment I thought how I couldn't wait for my dad to hear it. Those are the times that really get to me. I have probably read through every post he ever made here. I even printed out a ton of them. I can't tell you how much they put a smile on my face. Seeing him refer to my wife as "a well endowed Irish Lassie" in the thread where the comic was picking on her when she got up to get beer cracked me up!!! All the advice he gave to you on taxes and businesses, I read them and feel like he was talking to me. This place has capsulized alot of his thoughts and advice and it is so healing to me to read it. He ended one post of his, regarding me playing in a band, with the words "No matter what he does, I'll always be behind him, that's for sure". I swear he was right behind me, making sure I found that. It resonates through me and has given me so much peace.
Keep the faith, Mike! Your dad and myself spent a lot of hours e mailing about what each of us were Day Trading a few years back. I gave it up, but I believe your dad continued on, at least for a while. jif
Mike, you could sign up yourself and we would love to have you as an ongoing member. You are obviously the kind of person who would fit right in here. God Bless. Gator Bill
Yes your dad (and Jiffer) was very helpful to me when I needed some advice in getting a business started. I used his information and will soon be opening. Your dad was very intelligent and again I must say he was really proud of you. You could see it in his post. God Bless your family.
Mike, This "boxcar buster" is in a state of shock!! All I can say is your old man could have worked on my crew anytime.....and I would have gladly backed his bat tab. Dammit Stu and I should have made that trip! Gerry Lawrence
Mike, I do hope you continue to visit us from time to time. As you can tell, your Dad was thought very highly of here and will be sorely missed. Having you drop by to check in and banter with us or tell us how your life and musical career are going would be greatly appreciated by us all.
Mike, I apologize for my lateness in posting my respects as I was not paying attention to SK doing other things. Your Dad was witty, knowledgeable.....always had a creative look and angle on things.....very refreshing to always read his postings. I join you and your beloved family in your sorrow and if its any consolation....please be completely assurred AJ was a standout amongst us. I will miss him and I thank you for letting us know. Best of everything to you and the family Gonzalo
Mike, It has taken me this long to post because quite simply I didn't know what to say......I know that sounds trite but it is quite sincere. Reading your post saddened me in a way I could not possibly have imagined and frankly still does..... Your Dad and I had so many things in common, I often felt we were kindered spirits. We're the same age, shared a passion for our different Big Ten schools and were conference brethren - . very supportive of each other. My wife is a Penn Stater and I'm a huge Nit fan 51 weeks out of the year. In fact just recently, we took the kids up to Happy Valley for their first Nit game. Prior to the trip, I asked your Dad for advice on parking, the nearest sports bar to the stadium and a variety of other hugely important issues and as always he was quite helpful! I guess going back to the Prodigy days, I've been chatting with your Dad for almost 14 or 15 years I think. Professionally, we shared a career in the financial business and shared often our views of the market, economy and a wide range of related issues. Indeed, the week of his passing he was advising me on some tax issues about a mild disagreement I was having with the IRS.... always responsive, always helpful, always AJNJ. I can't believe he is gone. I'm deeply disappointed that I never had the pleasure of meeting him in person but eternally grateful that I had the good fortune to befriend him on this forum. He was a good one and I will miss him terribly....best wishes and prayers to you and your family.
Mike, If you are still checking in, please send e-mail to theskybox@earthlink.net. we have something for you and your family.
Hi everyone, Sorry it's been a little while since I have been able to check in. Things have been pretty daunting lately, handling my dad's business and deciding what we are going to do. On top of that I find that this is actually getting harding and harder on me as time goes by. I think the reality of my dad being gone is finally sinking in on me and getting to me. I've been so busy with everything I haven't really had a moment to myself. I'm going to our house in the Poconos (my dad's favorite place!) this weekend to spend some time to myself with my wife and my dog. Hopefully some quiet time will help. Reading these posts from all of you definitely help ease my pain quite a bit, and I thank you all! Mike
Mike, Those of us who have lost a parent - or both - know exactly what you are saying and feeling. After the numbing shock wears off, the finality sets in. In your case, your dad left unexpectedly early in his and your life and tragically quickly. I can't imagine the pain you are experiencing at this time. All I can say is, it will ease with time. Take care.